Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 928 Continuous Cutting

Seeing Kristine's body falling, Su Yuan raised his hand and temporarily put it into the Qingming Realm.

"Is that the spiritual power of Su Sanxi?"

Somewhere in the field, between reality and reality, He Xianyin's pupils returned to focus, but there was a burst of unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

I had heard before that Su Yuan had a very powerful spiritual power. This time I experienced it for myself, and even I lost consciousness for a while. The effect was really terrifying!

"Su Sanxi will kill the 'Moon' now... In this case, let's find another opportunity."

He Xianyin continued to disappear into the void as his thoughts flashed, holding two daggers tightly with both hands. The entanglement of dragons and snakes on them emitted bursts of obscure and frightening fluctuations, but they were completely covered up by the invisibility of gods and ghosts.

And soon, a dry breath quickly spread out.

As the space trembled slightly, it turned into a desert with thousands of miles of black sand.

On top of a protruding Optimus rock pillar in the desert, another new Wood clone looked at Su Yuan with a gloomy expression.

"What was that trick just now?!"

Until now, Wood has not completely recovered.

Just in the blink of an eye, the other party killed the water avatar of the Sea Burial Hell and even Christine!

That terrifying mental control, that powerful sword attack.

That's all for me, I won't die directly, but Christine... is really dead!

As a legal swordsman, Christine's unparalleled frontal offensive is among the best among the Secret Society of Truth.

However, for others, Christine is indeed very strong.

But what Su Yuan is not afraid of the most is this kind of frontal strength, because... he is stronger!

As long as you don't encounter any tricky abilities, the moment of immeasurable power and the light of the divine sword, once you succeed in taking the initiative, there is almost no solution.

However, the Wood in front of him was an opponent that could not be killed directly even with an infinite amount of power.

As for He Xianyin who was completely stealth, Su Yuan still did not sense his presence.

It can be said that both of them can avoid Momo Momentum.

Wood looked at Su Yuan and said in a deep voice: "You actually killed Christine!"

"It's not easy to fight one against two. If you deal with one as soon as possible, I can concentrate on dealing with you..." Su Yuan said calmly.

Wood's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly raised his hand to form a seal: "Earth Shooting Thousand Tu!"

The thick star power surged around him at high speed, and the endless black sand on the desert in all directions suddenly surged up, turning into countless sharp rock spears and shooting towards Su Yuan from the ground.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the four azure swords shot out from outside his body, flashing vertically and horizontally. The sword energy was like light, easily smashing many rock spears into pieces.

"These long swords are too powerful!"

Wood's eyes flashed. After thinking for a while, his hands formed seals again. The black sand gathered, and in an instant, two hundred-foot-long hands rose up from the ground and struck Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's sword came from his heart, and the demon sword and Liuli Tianqing met him directly, circling around the two arms and slicing them open.

Then, Su Yuan raised his hand and pointed, and the four swords turned into sword nets, intertwined and cut, smashing through numerous rock gun guns and approaching Wood.

Wood had already prepared for this. He had not stopped sealing the seal in his hand. At this moment, the seal was completed. Black light flowed from his hands and he suddenly slapped the ground: "Panlong Pressure Spirit!"

A circle of dark black runes spread out from under Wood's feet. Just as the four demon swords were about to kill him, four black rock dragons with rugged rocks rose into the sky and bit the four azure swords.


The sword energy from the four swords shot out in all directions, smashing large pieces of sand and stone into pieces on the four black dragons.

But these four black dragons were huge in size, had amazing defense, and the black sand around them was constantly gathering and repairing. For a moment, they were able to withstand the fierce sword energy and bite the four pseudo-holy swords!

Su Yuan raised his hand to seal the secret and was about to use "Sword Return", but suddenly, his control over the four pseudo-sacred weapons was interfered with by something.

The four black dragons roared angrily, biting the four swords tightly, circling for a while and then plummeted from mid-air and hit the ground directly!

Suddenly there was a flash of black light and bursts of dragon roar.

When the light dissipated, the black dragon was gone, replaced by four black pillars of a hundred feet high and ferocious-looking Panlong black pillars!

Panlong holds a sword in his mouth, and endless dark runes gather here to seal it firmly.

"Sealing Technique..." Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the four-pillar Panlong below.

This is the first time that an opponent has used such a powerful sealing technique. Even the Four Azure Swords can be temporarily sealed, which is probably comparable to magical powers.

But more than that, Su Yuan's eyes fell on the boundless black sand in the desert.

This black sand seemed to have an interference effect, interrupting his control of the four swords at the critical moment.

Wood said: "The blocking sand can interfere with the control of the external satellite launcher."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful: "Is that so..."

"Having lost your sword, let me see how much more you can do...the black sand fills the sky!"

Before Su Yuan could think about it, Wood opened his hands and shouted loudly, and then thousands of miles of black sand roared up and filled the entire world.

Block your sight and confuse your perception!

However, with omniscient vision and a single mind, everything is within Su Yuan's perception.

Soon, several rock guns were fired at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his right hand, silver light flashed between his fingers, and he immediately fired a blank bullet, crushing the rock gun with incomparable accuracy.

And soon, in the black sand in the sky, a black shadow rushed towards me!

Su Yuan's expression was as usual, he was well prepared, and he immediately threw out a flash of silver light from the palm of his left hand.

"Bang!" With a sound, the Sky God Cannon directly hit the black shadow, sending it flying away.

And that dark figure was clearly Wood.

At this moment, Wood's body was covered with a thick layer of rock armor.

Being hit head-on by the Sky God Cannon, the rock armor was not completely shattered. It was just cracked in large areas and a little blood seeped out.

Wood also didn't expect that Su Yuan would not be disturbed at all!

At this time, Su Yuan felt some black sand on his body, but vaguely noticed something.

In this field of black sand that fills the sky, the star power on his body is absorbed silently like water submerged in the sand.

"You're not honest... So this black sand can still absorb star power?"

Wood sneered: "That's it! You're really sharp!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a figure suddenly coming in front of him. He raised his fist and smashed it down!


There was an explosion in the air, and Wood's rock armor shattered, and he was knocked back dozens of steps on the spot!

I saw a layer of hegemonic spiritual light flowing outside Su Yuan's body, exuding unstoppable terrifying power!

"God descends to earth?!" Wood stabilized his figure, and with a serious look on his face, he quickly formed a seal with his hands, "Sand Worm Binding!"

A large area of ​​black sand gathered outside Su Yuan's body, and in just a moment, it turned into several large black sand worms as thick as a washbasin, entangled in Su Yuan's hands, feet, and even all over his body.

But... Su Yuan shook his arms, and the big black sand insect wrapped around him was shattered!

The gods descended to earth and were unstoppable. Su Yuan kept his feet on his feet and rushed towards Wood like a chariot.

Wood didn't expect that this move would be able to restrain Su Yuan, who had the body of a god. He moved the seals in his hands, and the vast star power surged crazily in his body.

"Black Sand Iron Maiden!"

Black sand like waves rose into the sky, and instantly turned into a huge black sand coffin like steel, shutting the oncoming Su Yuan inside.

On the top of the black coffin is a beautiful but ferocious female head.


After locking Su Yuan in, the woman grinned from the corners of her mouth to her ears, and suddenly let out a sharp whistle.

In an instant, the sound of metal hinges, the sound of gears turning, and the sound of gold and iron colliding all sounded together, as if all the dozens of heinous and terrifying torture instruments inside were in operation.

Wood stared closely at the Black Sand Iron Maiden. This technique is extremely offensive. Even the legendary star beast can be severely damaged with one blow, but he doesn't know how much effect it can have on the body of the God of Heaven...

"Clang clang clang...!"

At this moment, a series of metal knocking sounds suddenly came from the Iron Maiden, and even the female face on it showed a strange expression of abdominal pain.

After a while, all kinds of sounds inside suddenly stopped!


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and a raised fist mark appeared on Iron Maiden's body.

"Jie...!" The woman's face looked ferocious, and she screamed on the spot.

"Huh?!" Wood's pupils shrank.

Before Wood could be frightened, a third muffled sound came, and the fist mark collapsed on the spot and opened a big hole!

Su Yuan stood in it, silver light floated in his hands, and the aura of the god's hegemonic body circulated outside him.

As for the gallows, axe, steel needle, etc. behind her, all the torture instruments inside the Iron Maiden were almost all twisted and broken!

"How could it be possible? He actually blasted the Iron Maiden to pieces. How can a god descend to earth be so powerful?"

The God's hegemony alone may not be so strong, but Su Yuan still has immeasurable power!

Su Yuan descended to earth as a god to block the various attacks of the Iron Maiden, and used all his strength to mobilize his immeasurable power. When it reached a certain limit, he destroyed all the torture instruments in an instant!

Then the immeasurable power was gathered in the palm, and combined with the huge power of the God's overlord body, the Iron Maiden was shattered with two punches!

"Think and use it. What the teacher said is indeed right."

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with light, and in just a moment, he had a deeper understanding of the immeasurable power.

Looking at Wood in front of him, Su Yuan's immeasurable power flowed around him and swept out.

Wherever it passed, the black sand retreated on its own and was unable to get any closer, let alone absorb star power.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yuan appeared in front of Wood. The silver light in his palms gathered and he raised his hand to punch him down.

Although Wood was shocked and calm, he wore rock armor, and a large piece of black sand gathered in his hand to punch Su Yuan.

The fists clashed, Wood's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was thrown away by Su Yuan on the spot.

"This power?!"

Before he could be more frightened, Su Yuan swung in again and punched him again.

Wood crossed his arms in front of him, gravel flew everywhere, and was knocked away again.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Su Yuan turned into a flash of light and flashed across the black sand in the sky, while Wood was beaten back and forth like a sandbag.


There was an explosion, and the air shook violently. The rock armor on Wood's body shattered, and he was driven straight into the ground, creating a huge pit.

"Damn it!" Wood's eyes turned red and he roared angrily, "The Fantasy of Black Sand Dragon!!"

Black sand surged all around, all converging towards Wood.


With a burst of dragon roar, Wood's entire body turned into a ferocious earth dragon with black spines all over his body!

But before he could make any move, all the flying black sand outside him was immediately pressed into the ground.

Su Yuan descended from the sky and stepped on the demon dragon's back. The strength of his domineering body and the overwhelming force made it difficult for the demon dragon to get up!

"Dragon transformation?"

Su Yuan looked calm, and pressed Earth Dragon's head with his left hand. Silver light flashed in the palm of his right hand, and the Sky God Jade suddenly condensed at an astonishing speed!

"Damn it, get down here!"

Wood sensed a strong crisis, and while struggling frantically, he raised his ferocious dragon tail like black rock thorns and stabbed Su Yuan in the back!

But Su Yuan had omniscient vision, and the immeasurable power was blocking him behind him as soon as he thought.

Although the dragon's tail is sharp and strong, it slowly penetrates the infinite power.

But these times are completely enough.

In just a moment, the hollow cannon in Su Yuan's right hand had already emitted a terrifying wave that was shocking!

"Oops!" Wood's pupils shrank.

But Su Yuan's eyes were indifferent, and he directly pressed the air cannon on Wood's head, which turned into an earth dragon!


The next moment, silver light exploded in the field!

Afterwards, Earth Dragon's head, including half of his body, was completely blown to pieces by the Sky God Cannon!

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