Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 930 The Ultimate Prison

"Taken the Annihilation Slash with bare hands?!" Feng Wood's pupils trembled.

In fact, it was nothing to Su Yuan to have the Heavenly God's Overlord Body + the passively enhanced strength and defense of Fusion Spirit Goddess + the immeasurable power gathered in his fist to crush this wind blade head-on.

"Then it's my turn..."

Su Yuan shrunk to an inch, took one step and came to Feng Wood. There were no complicated moves, the silver light in his palm gathered and he just punched down with a simple punch!

Fengwood immediately raised his hands and summoned the return wind wall to block it.

But Su Yuantian's divine domineering body increased, and with one punch, the wind wall collapsed and hit Feng Wood in the chest after a brief stalemate, causing his chest to sink and vomit blood, causing him to fly backwards.

Su Yuan was about to give chase when thunderstorms roared high above his head and the jade pillars of the glacier below him rushed up, attacking together.

Su Yuan sneered, and the immeasurable power spread out, and at the same time, the air cannon in his palm quickly condensed.

Thunderstorms and icicles crazily oppressed Wuliang's defense, and the Sky Cannon in Su Yuan's palm was already ready.

With immeasurable power floating in his eyes, Su Yuan locked his eyes on Feng Wood, who was flying back in the distance, and struck out with a palm.

The space suddenly shrank, and the Sky God Cannon crossed the space and imprinted on his body!

"What!" Fengwood's pupils shrank suddenly.


The silver light exploded, and the terrifying power of space roared in mid-air, tearing Windwood to pieces on the spot.

"There are two more, let's deal with them quickly."

Su Yuan raised his head and glanced at Raywood, who was rushing towards him from high in the sky. With a thought in his mind, the four Azure Swords shot up into the sky. The sword light flashed, shattering the thunder in the sky and he went up to kill him.

Su Yuan himself shrunk to an inch and came to Bingwood below.

Among the many clones, Bingwood seemed to be quite strong physically. When he saw Su Yuan approaching, he immediately raised his fists and hit Su Yuan.

There was a muffled sound as his fists clashed, and Bingwood took several steps back.

On Su Yuan's right fist, a layer of ice tried to spread and condense.

But the deity's hegemonic body is immune to most controls, so how can these ices spread? The hegemonic body's aura will disperse them on the spot in a flash.

Silver light lit up between Su Yuan's hands, and he could use his infinite power more freely.

Any time Bingwood summoned ice walls and ice cones, they were all smashed by a pair of powerful fists from Su Yuantian God descending to earth and using immeasurable power.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Ice shards flew and the cold light dissipated. Su Yuan gave Bingwood a solid beating!


Another punch caused Bingwood's body to be chapped and he vomited blood before flying back.

Bingwood's eyes were full of shock and anger, his hands formed a seal and he suddenly clasped together, and countless cold air surged out of his body.

"The warrior god of ancient glaciers!"

Suddenly the glacier undulated, and large swaths of ice elements quickly gathered outside Icewood.

In just a few breaths, a twenty-meter-tall ice giant appeared.

The ice giant is as tall as a bucket, with six strong arms. He holds a big sword more than ten meters long. A pair of wings are like two huge ice shields, extremely thick!


Judging from such power, it is clear that he is a heretic who is above the fire and close to the magical level!


Bingwood, who was sitting on the outer chest, shouted loudly. The ice giant bent his legs slightly and suddenly rushed to Su Yuan at a speed that was completely out of proportion to his bulky body. He slashed down on Su Yuan's head with his ten-meter-long sword.

After all, this is a power-based heretic. Even if Su Yuan has a domineering body, it is not a wise move to hit him head-on with his fists.

Su Yuan immediately raised his hand and spread it over his head.


The originally invisible and immeasurable power was gradually frozen by the power of ice under the ice sword with flashing runes!

Su Yuan's pupils moved slightly: "What a powerful freezing power. This power is similar to Hua Tiandu's True Yang Magic Sword. It can actually directly touch the rules themselves. It's really not easy..."

It can be said that so far, whether it is the fire clone, the water clone, the earth clone, or even the wind clone that was just killed...

In fact, although these clones have limitations, they each have quite powerful skills.

For example, this heretic who is close to supernatural powers can break the rules by integrating offense and defense, and is extremely powerful.

This move alone can defeat more than 90% of the masters at the same level.

In the blink of an eye as Su Yuan thought, the ice giant's sword had frozen the infinite barrier above his head into ice.


With a slash of the sword, the immeasurable barrier turned into ice and shattered.

Su Yuan, on the other hand, had already pulled away.

The big sword was slashed to the ground. The ice giant steadied his body, bent his legs and was about to attack Su Yuan with the sword again.

Su Yuan glanced at the four azure swords restraining Leiwood in the distance, and thought: "Swords back!"

The runes on the four swords lit up, and the next moment they appeared outside Su Yuan through the void.

When Raywood noticed that the four swords had disappeared, his expression sank and he immediately turned into a flash of lightning and rushed down.

Su Yuan made a virtual drawing with his left hand, and drew the ground as a prison to circle Raywood.

While holding down Liuli Tianqing with his right hand, between the stretched Liuli Jade branches, two more figures with strong and ferocious auras appeared on the scene - none other than Jiuying and Xiangliu!


The sword chanted, and the two swords of Yin and Yang were immediately inserted in front of Jiu Ying and Xiang Liu.

The two villains immediately picked up their swords and activated them with the power of water and fire. The two swords immediately turned into two fistfuls of intertwined streams of light and shot towards the ice giant rushing forward.

It’s the Yin Yang streamer shear!

The ice giant didn't realize the power of this treasure, so he slashed at it with his sword without hesitation.

However, the yin and yang streams passed by each other, and the ice sword that was more than ten meters away suddenly broke into two pieces, and the cut was extremely smooth!


The clone of Icewood, who was still in the body of the ice giant, was shocked. He didn't expect that the sword of the Glacier Martial God would be cut off like this!

Weapons condensed by magical powers are naturally not as good as actual star weapons.

A real pseudo-sacred weapon might be able to block the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors, but this ice sword obviously can't!

Before Bingwood could think any more, Jiuying Xiangliu once again activated the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors to turn around and strike.

The ice giant was about to spread out the two shield-shaped wings behind him on the spot to block it, but Su Yuan had already taken the first step, shrunk to an inch and came behind him, firmly grasping the two huge wings with both hands, and let It was a meal.

Bingwood's pupils shrank: "What!"

The next moment, the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Shear passed by and directly cut the Ice Giant and the Ice Wood inside it into two pieces!

All this takes just a few breaths.

At this time, there was thunder and roar in the sky, and Raywood hurriedly broke through the prison and rushed over.

Su Yuan sneered, and after giving the order, Jiuying Xiangliu once again pinched the seal, and activated the Yin-Yang Streamer Scissors to fly towards Raywood in mid-air!

Raywood was frightened, and lightning flashed outside his body, and he had to retreat immediately.

Su Yuan locked his position behind Raywood, with immeasurable power surging in his palm, and raised his hand to block his retreat.

"not good!"

Raywood found it difficult to retreat, so he could only form seals with his hands to summon a magnetic thunder shield to block the front.

However, this kind of energy defense is like paper in front of the Yin Yang Liuguang Scissors, being cut through in one go.

"Prison Thunder Demon!"

Raywood was horrified, and a ferocious aura filled his eyes. Thunder pools surged outside his body, and in an instant he transformed into a ferocious demon wrapped in thunder locks.

But the yin-yang streamer scissors flew by suddenly, and Raywood, who had just completed his transformation, froze for a moment, and then was suddenly cut into two halves, with a bit of shock in his eyes...

This is the yin and yang streamer scissors!

After three consecutive slashes, the power of the Yin Yang streamer was exhausted, and it immediately turned into two streams of light and flew back to the hands of Jiu Ying and Xiang Liu.


At the same time, a frightened scream came from the distance.

But seeing the red sun like a torch, the flames soaring into the sky, Hua Tiandu held the True Yang Broken Sword, and with one fell sword, he cut off the head of the Three-Yuan Destruction Dragon!

At this point, the three clones and the summoned demon dragon were all killed!

Immediately, the surrounding space shook more violently.

"Then, it's time to reveal...the final space and the true identity." Su Yuan narrowed his eyes.

As early as the second sea burial prison, Su Yuan had guessed that there would be at least six elemental spaces: earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, and ice.

Although it ended up being a mixed space of Feng Lei Bing, it was basically consistent with this speculation.

In addition, although the element clones in each space are different, in Su Yuan's view, they are always opponents on the same level.

This shows that the ontology of the world has not yet appeared.

At this moment, as the space vibration becomes more intense and the power of space becomes more intense, Su Yuan, as a space system star card master, can vaguely feel that the root power of the six elements in each space is all converging somewhere in the center...

Soon, the scenery in front of him changed, and he came to a world of pure purity and nothingness.

In front, Wood was sitting cross-legged, with the six elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, and ice flowing around him.

Seeing Su Yuan enter here, Wood opened his eyes, and an unusually powerful aura came from him.

"Welcome to the ultimate prison." Wood looked up at Su Yuan and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Except for Karen, you are the first person who has fought against me so far to come here."

"So after hiding for so long, is it finally the real body now?" Su Yuan looked at Wood in front of him. Under the omniscient world, powerful fluctuations far exceeding those of the previous clones were coming from his body every minute and every second.

And that’s not all…

Su Yuan lowered his head and looked at the ground. With such powerful star power, there is no doubt that there are tiger veins in this space...

Moreover, I'm afraid there are more than one!

"You seem to have tiger veins here?"

Wood smiled and said: "Yes, since I successfully awakened from the divine blessing, Lord Constantine personally designated me as the 'World' and gave me a tiger vein as a star vein to suppress the ultimate prison.

And later, during the Earthly Tribulation, I collected two more tiger veins on my own... So, now there are three tiger veins in total! "

"So that's what it is..."

Su Yuan suddenly realized, no wonder the six previous clones were able to use large-scale skills unscrupulously.

With three tiger veins as support, this star power is simply inexhaustible!

However, the other party seems to be able to directly mobilize the star power of the star veins at high speed to replenish his own body, which seems to be something he cannot do currently...

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