Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 980 Surrender

"This power is really amazing..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, this intensity was indeed a bit unexpected.

Although he has not embarked on true liberation, true liberation is a manifestation of the cultivation of soul power to the extreme.

Even if he is not liberated, his normal soul power is already very strong, and even masters at the level of Sanxi and Daxi may not be able to break through his infinite defense.

"Zi la!"

Purple lightning splashed out from a short distance above his head, and the twenty-fourth thunderbolt was barely blocked.

But soon, high-altitude thunder shook, and more powerful waves began to shake.

After just a moment of gathering momentum, another burst of purple thunder crashed down!

Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven...the thunder condensed and fell faster than before, one after another, without stopping at all!

"Infinite Black Phoenix!"

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light, and within a split second, the empty silver flower appeared.

In an instant, the power of space surged in intensity, and the twenty-fifth thunderbolt had just landed on top of the head when it was pushed up by the immeasurable barrier.

Together with the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh thunderbolts that fell one after another and were still in the middle, they collapsed together!

"This true form is not bad." The middle-aged man in purple robe was slightly surprised and nodded secretly.

"Boom boom boom...!"

After the true form was liberated, thunderbolts flashed randomly, purple thunder was like a flood, and after a burst of thunder and lightning, it reached the forty-eighth level of thunder!

As the forty-eight layers of thunder shattered outside the immeasurable barrier, the high-altitude thunder light shook slightly, and then thousands of purple lightning roared, entangled and gathered towards the center!

"Going to get stronger again."

Su Yuan's eyes became more solemn.

This thunder seems to be in a group of twelve heavy ones, and after each group, the power is obviously enhanced.

Just as Su Yuan was thinking, the infinite purple thunder in the sky had already gathered, and with a loud bang, a majestic, heaven-destroying, earth-destroying thunder beam fell from the sky and hit Su Yuan's head.

Thunder roars and trembles immeasurably!

Since the liberation of Su Yuan Zhenxing, the infinite barrier has been able to block almost all "ballistic" attacks.

But at this moment, after the liberation of Zhenxing, the boundless barrier shook under the thunder beam after just a brief stalemate!

"Are you almost reaching your limit?"

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled out the demon sword, and as the spiritual light circulated around his body, the celestial body had already unfolded.

The next moment, thunder broke through the immeasurable barrier and thundered down.


Taixu's sword intent rose up, and Su Yuan directly swung the demon sword and slashed at it!

The lightning exploded, and a large number of cut purple thunderbolts fell on Su Yuan. The God's body actually made a cracking sound!

Feeling the taste of thunder forging his body, Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

But there was no time to think too much, because from high in the sky, one after another more and more terrifying thunder and lightning suddenly fell!

While Su Yuan used the power of space to block it, he swung the demon sword to strike.

The aftermath of the bursting thunder was still very powerful. More and more purple thunder and lightning entangled Su Yuan's body, and the sound of "crackling" could not be heard.

After slashing through several thunderbolts in succession, the aura of the God's hegemonic body was already cracked in many places, and sooner or later it would shatter under the thunder and lightning if this continued.

If you can't bear it, then reduce the power of Thunder even more!

Seeing that the fifty-eighth thunderbolt was about to fall, the divine patterns glowed outside Su Yuan's body and on the demon knife in his hand!

"Gift of liberation, kill!"

Fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty!

The power on the sword increased dramatically. Su Yuan swung his sword and slashed through three sword lights in a row!

"God descends to earth and grants liberation!" The middle-aged man looked at Su Yuan's domineering body and divine glory with a little more interest in his eyes, "This little guy is really getting more and more surprising."


As the 60th level of thunder was broken by Su Yuan, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and the infinite thunder roared in all directions, until finally, the entire sky within sight turned into a vast and majestic purple-gold color .

In an instant, the deafening sound of thunder suddenly fell silent, and the entire Heavenly Temple fell into deathly silence!

The next moment, a ball of ultraviolet thunderball appeared from the entangled purple lightning in the sky. As soon as it appeared, a burst of black appeared in the surrounding space...

Nothing else, it is the space that is constantly being annihilated and reborn!

Directly below Zijin Thunder, Su Yuan looked at this scene with an extremely serious expression.

"The last twelve levels are here!"


The sixty-first purple-gold thunder thundered down, and Su Yuan swung the demon sword and struck it.


Purple gold flashed, and the sudden lightning pierced people's eyes.

When the light dissipated, Su Yuan's body was covered with crack-like scars, and a lot of blood slowly flowed down.

"Such power is really shocking..."

Su Yuan's eyes flashed. Although he was injured, his expression remained calm and collected.

On the contrary, there was still a hint of excitement in his eyes!

Until now, unless it was an opponent with strange abilities, few people could pose a threat to him.

But now, this sky thunder is increasing in power step by step, as if it is constantly "feeding moves". Su Yuan also wants to see how far it can go!


In the blink of an eye, the sixty-second level of purple-gold thunder has also fallen!

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he let go of the demon sword in his hand, and at the same time, three other swords flew up outside his body.

"Using the sword to return to heaven!"

As soon as his mind moved, the runes on the Four Azure Swords flowed, and the brilliance flourished, surrounding Su Yuan's side.

The next moment, a huge thunder light suddenly came down and drowned Su Yuan in an instant!

However, the lightning dissipated and Su Yuan was unscathed, except that the Yinliu Sword among the four swords outside him dimmed.

"Oh? The magical sword-controlling power of the Four Swordsmen?" The middle-aged man in purple robe in the distance looked at the four swords surrounding Su Yuan, his eyes vaguely solemn.


The thunder continued, and the sixty-third thunder fell, once again erasing the Shangqing sword mark on the Yangliu sword outside Su Yuan's body.

And when the sixty-fourth level of thunder struck, the exploding thunder light directly shattered all the remaining two Sword Seals of the Supreme Purity!

"The power span of this thunder is getting bigger and bigger!"

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shattered the two upper sword seals at once, which was almost as good as Karen's full blow with the help of the sealed holy weapon!

Although Karen's blow still has a sure-hit effect, in terms of lethality, this 64th level of thunder has almost exceeded the limit of Sanyang.

The middle-aged man in purple robe looked at the sixty-fifth level of thunder rising in the sky again, his eyes showing deep thoughts:

"Each of these last twelve levels is a hurdle. Many geniuses and monsters have died here in the past.

Now that Ziwei Palace has reopened after many years, how will you respond next..."

In the thunder pool, Su Yuan held the Liuli Tianqing and withdrew the other three swords.

Seeing the lightning surging in the sky, Su Yuan's sword intent surged, and he actually charged forward with his sword and slashed towards the unparalleled Zijin Thunder!

A sword passed by and the sword broke Taixu. The sixty-fifth-layer purple-gold thunder was actually cut in half from the middle!

"Huh?!" The middle-aged man in purple robe was shocked. He didn't expect Su Yuan to take the initiative.

There are many people who have entered this place, but everyone is ready to prepare. This is the first one to rise up into the sky to counterattack the thunder!

Although the thunder exploded, there was still blood seeping out of the strong body protected by Su Yuantian's tyrannical body, and he was seriously injured.

"Tian Qing!" Su Yuan shouted.

The Azure Sword was transformed into a soft clone. Sensing Su Yuan's thoughts, a large area of ​​blue light flowed out. In just two breaths, Su Yuan's injuries returned to their original state.

"Another magical power of swordsmanship!" At this moment, the purple-robed middle-aged man couldn't help but have a flash of amazement in his eyes, "And that cyan long sword, a pseudo-sacred weapon, actually has such vitality, it is really rare."

And in the blink of an eye, the sixty-sixth level of purple-gold thunder thundered down.

"Three Peanut God!"

As Su Yuan thought, all the spiritual power stored in the anemone in the three flowers between his eyebrows was poured into it.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yuan was full of energy again and swung his sword towards the top of his head!

The sixty-seventh level, the sixty-eighth level...the sixty-ninth level!

Taixu Shenjuan + Gift of Liberation + Space Strengthening of True Action Liberation and the Spiritual Strengthening of Three Peanut Gods!

The thunder exploded, and another three purple-gold thunders were cut off!

However, it is not easy to cut off this extremely terrifying purple and gold thunder.

Su Yuan had just cut off the third level, but his mental strength had reached the bottom again, and he used the three peanut gods again without hesitation.

The spiritual power in the golden lotus was poured down, and Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness was filled again. The light in his eyes soared and he slashed with his sword!


The seventieth level, the seventy-first level!

The thunder exploded, and blood burst from Su Yuan's body, but the rich vitality rushed into his body again, stopping the bleeding and repairing Su Yuan at a speed comparable to super-speed regeneration.

At this moment, Su Yuan slashed thunder and lightning all the way, and suddenly rushed under the canopy of thousands of thunders!

Although it is quite difficult to condense the light of the Divine Broken Sword, Su Yuan not only has a sword, but also has infinite swords!

The silver light flourished, and at this moment, there was already a ball of extremely bright silver light in Su Yuan's left hand!

Looking at the 72nd level of thunder that was rapidly condensing not far above his head...the last level of purple and gold thunder that destroyed the world, Su Yuan threw the ball of light in his hand.

Since the liberation of Zhenxing, this is the first time Su Yuan has used the Sky God Jade with all his strength.

When fighting against the Secret Society of Truth before, this trick was never used in the state of true form liberation!

"Blast the sky with thunder, infinite sky jade!"

Su Yuan shouted low, and the Sky God Jade that surrounded the divine brilliance struck with all its strength, directly hit the 72nd layer of heavenly thunder that had just been condensed!


The boundless space is annihilated, and thousands of thunders explode! !

In an instant, the sky was divided into upper and lower halves by the overwhelming purple and silver aura!

After a long while, the turbulent spiritual light gradually dissipated.

Su Yuan's face turned pale, but he felt quite happy in his heart!

In order to deal with these seventy-two heavenly thunders, he almost used most of his methods, including swordsmanship, true form, and special skills... which can be regarded as a test of his own skills.

This seventy-two-layered sky thunder is really not something that ordinary masters can handle!

However, he did not go all out.

In addition to powerful skills such as time reversal, now that the divine fire and divine wind have returned, the promise of returning to the ruins and the manifestation of the saint are of no use...

Su Yuan looked up and saw that the purple thunder and lightning in the sky had disappeared, but a palm-sized thunderball, purple on the outside and gold on the inside, had landed in front of him.

The Purple Sky Divine Thunder was created by Heavenly Dao, and the golden color inside it is clearly countless Heavenly Dao runes!

Su Yuan stretched out his hand to catch the thunder ball: "Then, follow me from now on."

"Zi la!"

The divine object has a spirit, and the Zixiao Divine Thunder flashes with lightning, seeming to agree.

Su Yuan smiled and pressed it into his chest!

In an instant, tens of thousands of purple-gold electric currents shot out from Su Yuan's body, and in just a few breaths, they turned into a huge ball of thunder and enveloped Su Yuan!

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