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Kamen Rider Woz was startled and took a few steps back, looking at the Kamen Rider who suddenly appeared in front of him in shock.

This speed and movement are so weird!

"Next, let me be your opponent. Are you ready to be beaten?"

Kamen Rider Ultimate Wozniacki extended his index finger and pointed at Kamen Rider Wozniacki calmly.

"Don't be so arrogant."

Kamen Rider Woz snorted coldly, holding the Time Soldier in his hand and rushed to Ultimate Woz, stabbing him in the chest.

Ultimate Woz drew a small circle with his feet on the ground, and moved strangely, sticking to the Time Soldier's gun to avoid the attack, and at the same time approached Woz

"What! Not good!!"

Woz was shocked!

This body movement was so strange. He could dodge his long weapon attack and get close to him. He had no way to organize defense.


Ultimate Woz punched Woz in the lower abdomen, making a muffled sound, and Woz flew backwards.


Woz crashed through a thick wall, sand and gravel flew everywhere, and the time long weapon fell to the ground with a clang.

"good....So strong!"

"This is too amazing, is this really Woz?"

"Such a powerful Wozniacki is willing to be Xiaotian's subordinate. What a pervert!...."Tokiwa Sougo shook his head repeatedly.

Tsukuyomi and Gates were also dumbfounded. They knew Woz in the future, but these two Wozs were completely beyond their imagination.

If there were no people around, they would have to kneel down and watch the fight between the two.


Xiao Tian was secretly shocked. The strength of Ultimate Woz was unfathomable.

With such a great general escorting him, coupled with the Ultimate Zi-O system, it would be difficult not to be awesome.

Now think about it, there is no need to worry too much when fighting with Oma Zi-O. When Kamen Rider Ultimate Woz takes action, with this strength plus his strength, he may be able to defeat Oma Zi-O.


Kamen Rider Woz stood up and punched the wall in front of him. He opened his right hand with five fingers and the Time Soldier that fell to the ground flew back into his hand.

"You are really strong, it's amazing. I thought I was strong enough, but I didn't expect that the other me has stronger power than me."

"So, are you surrendering?"

"Surrender? Haha, that's impossible. No matter who shows up, I won't let him hinder my plan, and neither can you!"

Wozniacki had a special electronic book in his hand, and he picked up a pen and wrote quickly on it.


Before Wozniacki finished writing, Ultimate Wozniacki appeared in front of him and punched him in the face. Wozniacki flew backwards again and knocked down the wall he had crashed through before.

The wall shattered, and the rubble buried Wozniacki underneath.

His special e-book was snatched away by Ultimate Wozniacki as he flew out, and Ultimate Wozniacki casually flipped through it.

This e-book has only two pages, but it is very thick. It is more like a high-tech instrument than a book, but it just looks like a book.

"Writing a book in front of me is too disrespectful to me. You have to defeat me and write it another time. You are taking me for granted by fighting like this."

Kamen Rider Woz pushed away the gravel and stood up. He grimaced in pain and lost his usual elegant posture.

Damn, this Ultimate Woz is too abnormal!

There is no way to capture his movements!

"If you have the guts, let me write it down, or I’ll beat you half to death!"

"Do you think I will give you this chance?"

Ultimate Woz closed the e-book, picked it up and shook it to indicate. Then he threw it casually, and it fell to the ground with a snap.

"Damn it!"

Woz opened his five fingers, and the Time Soldier appeared in his hand again.

"BEYOND.THE.TIME! (Beyond time!)"

Kamen Rider Woz waved the belt around his waist, and several translucent green dice flew out and attacked Ultimate Woz.

Ultimate Woz still walked leisurely and drew small circles, dodging the dice attack with a strange posture.

"Can't you even hit it?"

Wozzy frowned, there was no choice but to go for it!

Kamen Rider Woz strode towards Ultimate Woz


Woz leaped up, his feet burning with green flames, and dived down to kick Ultimate Woz

"Come on!"

Ultimate Woz raised his leg high like Bruce Lee and kicked directly at Woz.


Is he going to take it head-on?

How stupid!

Woz was overjoyed and kicked without hesitation.

Boom, the two feet collided with an explosion, and the marble floor where Ultimate Woz was standing exploded, with gravel flying everywhere, but Ultimate Woz's movements remained firm.

What! How is it possible!!!

Woz was shocked. This was his ultimate move. Could this guy compete with him with just a random kick?

"Stop kidding! Hoo! Ha!!!"

Wozniacki exerted more strength, and the green flames burning on his feet became even more intense.

"You are indeed very strong."

Ultimate Woz said lightly, and suddenly a violent red flame burst out from his footsteps, like a gas tank exploding, and the exploding flame instantly engulfed Kamen Rider Woz!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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