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Maki Narendou crossed his hands, and a golden light shone. Then he raised his hands high, and his palms shone with a golden light.

In the space station, an energy launch satellite shot out a blue light, shining on Maki Narendou.

Maki Narendou's whole body was flashing with faint blue lightning, and the scene was very spectacular.

"Whoa whoa!"

"Very cool!"

"It's really worthy of being called Rendou!"

The children were amazed. Every time they saw Maki charging the Rendou, they would exclaim like this

"It's really amazing, it can be charged like this?!"

Tokiwa Sougo widened his eyes and looked at the sky, then looked at Maki Narendou whose body was flashing with lightning, and was secretly surprised.

This way of charging is really cool!

Xiao Tian was not too surprised, he had seen this scene when he was watching a drama. It was much more shocking in reality than watching TV.

Maki Narendou retracted his hands, and the light blue beam shot from the sky disappeared.

Maki Narendou came to Xiao Tian and said,"I am charging with the laser light from the solar satellite. Now is 2121. You should have seen the future in your dreams."

"You know all this? You are amazing, Rendou."

Xiao Tian exclaimed. He was quite surprised that Rendou knew all this.

Logically, he should not have known this.

"Hey... I actually came to the world a hundred years later? This dream is really interesting!"

Tokiwa Sougo was very excited, looking here and there.

"However, this place feels so familiar to me."

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Tokiwa Sougo always feels familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere before.

"By the way, what just attacked us?"

"Humanoid machines are mechanical life forms that look like humans. This world is already ruled by machines. This is a human protection area, a resettlement area built to allow endangered humans to reproduce and thrive."

Makina Rendou looked at the surrounding scenery and continued:"But humanoid machines can't tolerate this place and have been attacking this area."

"Now there are quite a few humanoid machines mixed in this peaceful place."

Xiao Tian suddenly asked:"Lian Dou, I want to ask you something"

"What's up?"

"Before robots ruled the world, was this era ruled by Oma Zi-O?"

"Oma Zi-O? No, that's not it. Oma Zi-O happened a long time ago. It was the savior, the Resurrectionist Gates, who defeated him. After the savior passed away, robots rose up and ruled the world."

Resurrectionist Gates?"

Xiao Tian frowned slightly. This future belongs to White Woz.

It seems that neither of their futures can escape the fate of the world being destroyed.

Thinking about the human beings in this world, it is still quite miserable.

They are facing the fate of being destroyed anyway.

"The Resurrection Gates? Isn't that the world that White Woz wants to create? No, I can't let this happen!"

Tokiwa Sougo frowned. This world was destroyed by robots, and this last place where humans survived was about to be conquered by robots.

In order to prevent this from happening, he must not be defeated by the Resurrection Gates!

"Xiaotian! You must stop White Woz, otherwise our world will be in an irreparable situation in the future!"

Tokiwa Sougo grabbed Xiaotian's shoulders with both hands and said firmly.

He used to think that if he was defeated, he would be defeated, but now it seems that he must not be defeated, and must not let Gates become the savior!

"Don't worry, I'm here, I won't let this happen."

Feeling Tokiwa Sougo's determination, Xiao Tian nodded.

Things are getting more and more interesting. What kind of changes will happen in the future?……

"You are people from the past, that's great, if you can change history, maybe the future can be changed, people nowadays are on the verge of extinction."

Makina Rendou brought Xiao Tian to his camp, a radio was playing an emergency communication

"This is FM30.9 Hope Channel. Humanoid machines are invading our homeland. The situation is critical now, but we cannot give up. Fellow surviving human beings, let us work together. The gathering point is VX095!"

"Repeat, the meeting point is at VX095……"

The radio kept repeating this emergency communication.

"Those are the people who gathered together to fight back. I will take the children there."

Maki Narendou looked in one direction and continued:"Just go straight along this road, it shouldn't be far."

Xiao Tian knew that this communication was a trap set by the robots. The place had already been occupied by robots. This news was just to trick the survivors there and then kill them.

"I don't recommend you go."

Xiao Tian's voice suddenly sounded.


Maki looked at Xiao Tian strangely.

"That was a trap. The person who posted this message was a robot."

"But that is our only hope, even if it is a trap, we have to go, because……"

"We have no other choice."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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