Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1292: Twenty-two. War without weapons (12)

"We will let Prince Wang commit suicide and guilt!"

Niederhogger sneered and said:

"As long as you don't say that, it's over? Even if you refuse, you will get the support of the heads of state, because no one will hope that they will have the same end in the future. More importantly, Charlemagne did show so-called sincerity. But... …"

Even if it is true, the peace talks will not proceed.

After all, the crown prince and the army of the Wang family have not yet died. They will not wash their necks and wait for others to slaughter. The king also has a group of forces that cannot be underestimated. Before the victory in the civil war, the nations also I don't know who can represent Charlemagne.

If things go like this, Yalfheim’s position will also be embarrassed. The big hat of “troublemaker who deliberately devotes to the destruction of peace talks” can’t hide. Congress put the responsibility for the failure of the peace talks on Yalfheim, and then exerted pressure to force Yalfheim to spit out many of the benefits it should have received. And in order to resolve these pressures, Alfheim has to spend a lot of time, resources, and energy, and in the end it may not be able to achieve the desired results...

That would be very troublesome.

In order not to cause that kind of situation, it is necessary to soften the figure properly, and it is not impossible to give up the clauses against the Crown Prince.

In exchange, Charman’s claim for compensation should be accepted. However, this seems to be not enough, and some compensation should be added.

As for what to add... The head of the Saint Girl is pretty good.

According to the planned plan, Niederhogger would then privately propose to the special envoy Wood, in exchange for deferring the treatment of the crown prince, Albion should propose to Charlemagne to extradite the Holy Girl, and then organize a purely humiliating religious court to let They carried out various humiliations on the Holy Girl from psychological to physical, and finally convicted the Holy Girl as heresy when there was insufficient evidence, falsified perjury, and randomly altered the trial records, sent her to the torture rack, and shouted in the blaze. The chairman of the committee used my body ashes...

The perfect script, I believe that many people will be moved by this wonderful performance. In the next one thousand years, this scene will be repeatedly interpreted and sung, becoming an eternal classic.


Niederhogg took a breath out of satisfaction, a little churn in his heart.

This is not a communique, not a communique, or a communique. The important thing has to be said three times. Niederhogger was really upset about Roland, and it wasn't a day or two to fix Roland's mind. But this time he acted with his will. Before the departure, the dictator had already explained to him that "no matter what means, let Roland take a good look at the so-called reality and human nature." Niederhogger just acted as directed.

As for whether Albion will follow suit? Is this a problem?

The Holy Girl is a threat to Alfheim, as well as Albian. Imagine a national emotion that unites all Charlemagne people, has both bravery and wisdom, and even becomes a girl whose folk beliefs are admired by many Charlemagne people-is this not a girl-style dictator? Since the dictator, Lord, can lead the elven camp to recover from the edge of destruction to one of the best powers in the world, and become one of the main players in international politics, then the Holy Girl is also likely to replicate the miracle of Alfheim. For Albian who intends to turn Charlemagne into a chess piece, such a character is also full of danger and uncertainty.

The Albion people’s vision has always been very realistic. They are very clear that if the talent of the Saint girl can’t be used by themselves, if they can’t become a handy tool, then before this miracle girl damages Albion’s interests. , She should be buried in darkness.

There have been precedents of Alfheim, and the Albion people will not hesitate in such matters.

So, execute the saint girl in exchange for Yalfheim’s concessions in the peace talks-will this be a problem that takes time to think about?

In fact, according to the information that Stasi started, Albion can not only stay on the level of imaginary conjecture on related issues. There are signs that Lord Walsingham has consulted the theologians and religious judges of the Church of the Albion, and the inquiry is about the prosecution process of female defendants, the standards for the determination of heresy, the rationalization of the presumption of guilt and the religious magistrate's Suitable candidates. The President of the Tribunal currently preferred by the State Secretary is Archbishop Pierre Elcion, and the Diocese Prosecutor is Jean Desches. The list of judges is still being worked out, but basically all will be Albian clerics .

It is foreseeable that if the deal is truly concluded, the Albian people will definitely give Roland a trial full of humiliation, prejudice, injustice, Luo Zhi's conviction, and guilt, and then send him to the torture rack for repeated burning, and finally put the ashes and Charcoal ash is poured into the river...

As a saint, such an outcome may be the most suitable for his identity-just as the savior was finally crucified, the baptized prophet was cut off his head, and the saint girl who was burnt to death... obviously nothing wrong.

As for the crown prince who continued to provide God assists to Alfheim, to be honest, this day is not very good, otherwise it will not make the stunner in the eyes of others.

The place issued the order No. 270, which is equivalent to holding the family members of the soldiers as hostages, forcing the front-line divisions and regiments to fight in the end, and must not take a crazy step back. The fact is that the frontline form has deteriorated sharply, and it is no longer possible to stop the collapse of the army without such extreme measures.

At the same time that Roland and his party arrived in Innsbruck, the crown prince and the army general staff finally received the belated report of the fall of Verdun. The crown prince, who had been protecting the landing army, ran away and set off the table. It was a cup and a pen again, and then gave every **** and curse he knew to the front line commander.

The highly educated royal family is much poorer in vocabulary than ordinary people, and they also like to cite scriptures and quote some historical allusions. However, this time Prince Louis has scolded a brilliant speech, which can be called the most vivid description of the performance of the King Charlemagne army in this war, and has been quoted by many historians in the future.

"A group army! More than 50,000 people! It broke down in one day! It was to put more than 50,000 pigs there, and to catch the heresy with pointed ears for three days!"

Prince Louis said so much about his army, but the actual situation did not differ much from what he said. You should know that there are more than 50,000 pigs in front of you. The defense army, who is getting no appetite every day due to luncheon meat, m.r.e and other dark dishes, is likely to be busy catching pigs to improve their lives. As a result, the warplanes will be delayed. Judging from the conclusion and the actual situation, 50,000 Charlieman Army soldiers are really not as useful as 50,000 pigs...

Now that the Wang Family Army is in an extremely dangerous state, the troops that retreated from the front line are not in a low morale, but have completely collapsed in spirit. These defeated soldiers were empty-handed, without the command of an officer, nor carrying the wounded and the heavy weight. They were all ragged, and many of them lost their tops and walked on the road with their hands naked.

Anyone who has glanced at the dull-eyed soldiers who walked like a dead body will understand that these people have become obsolete. They used to be so energetic, as if the entire world were under their military boots, and no enemies were in their eyes. Now they are trembling like leaves in the cold wind, and a little wind and grass will make the defeated soldiers hysterical. If a moving black spot appears on the horizon-whether it is a carriage, rickshaw, or something-as long as it looks larger than humans and horses, these people will even experience symptoms of syncope, madness, convulsions, etc. .

The loss of the defeated soldiers will only convey a message: the enemy is so powerful, the number, training level, courage, equipment-these things are meaningless, any attempt to block the B group army will only end in dismal. This view of defeatism is rapidly spreading in the army, and there are more and more deserters with small gaps. There are also many cases of self-harm and suicide to escape from the battlefield. If no further measures are taken, I am afraid that before the peace talks have yielded any results, Charlemagne has collapsed.

Now that the country has reached a desperate end that normal means cannot sustain, going mad has become the only option. Order No. 270 is an extraordinary measure issued in this context.

There is no doubt that the punishment method of "family sitting together" will inevitably drive many Charlemagne soldiers and officers to death. Will do his best to fight to the last moment. Until it was shot by a bullet, burned by flames, torn by shells, eroded in poisonous gas, and reduced to blood mud under the track. Countless Charlemagne warriors will use their own flesh and blood to delay the advancement of the defense force and fight for a breath of breath for the motherland.

Order No. 270 is a heavy medicine. On the one hand, it can indeed prevent the military from disintegrating because of defeatism. On the other hand, this brutal command will also have strong side effects. Nowadays, whether it is the soldiers in front or the people in the rear, for them, a frustrated government Whatever is done is credible. The current Charlemagne government is no longer "we" but "them" to them.

The Charlemagne Kingdom, where a ruling class separated from the lower classes and soldiers, has completely collapsed and has entered the countdown stage.

Prince Wang is not a fool, nor is the General Staff of the Army a fool. They must know the consequences of doing so. It is also clear that this mentality will have a great impact in the near future, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Order No. 270 is that they personally ignited a fire under their buttocks. But the problem at hand is obviously more urgent. Only when they can fully withstand the pressures at home and abroad and withstand the current difficulties will they have a future.

The question now is that Charlemagne is like a dying patient. How to give him the proper way to die, and how to deal with the sick man’s legacy is the next big issue. In order to perfectly solve this problem, there is a need to continue this peace talk...

Niederhogg lifted his glass and greeted the spinning young girl in the center of the dance floor.


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