Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 615: Twelve. Conference, dance (45)

The hot wind blew across his cheeks, enduring the dizziness and tinnitus, and spitting out the dust in his mouth, Roland rose from the ground.

The floating ship that launched the suicide attack failed to destroy all of Lundy Numta in the end. When it hit the defensive array, most of the kinetic energy was consumed. The angle of impact was greatly deviated, and it did not hit the gunpowder depot and the main tower. The shock wave was dispersed and the damage range was reduced to a minimum, but this alone has almost destroyed a quarter of the area of ​​Lundy Num Tower.

The Green Tower completely collapsed, and the White Tower partially collapsed. A blaze ignited on the ruins of the broken walls, and the pillar of smoke extended to the sky.

"Lundynumta... burning?"

Lance Luodai walked up and down, her trembling thin lips overflowing with shaking words.

Looking at the collapsed tower, Lance Luodai couldn't say anything else at all.

In a sense, the building that is a symbol of the stability of Antai in this country is considered a symbol that can never be destroyed. In this way, it fell in this form in front of everyone's eyes. Anyone will have a blank space for thinking.

But now is not a good time for a daze.

"Lance Luodai! Cheer up a bit!!!"

Lance Luodai, who seemed to have regained his soul, shook with a wave of the overwhelmed round table knight, and his eyes regained focus.

"You take Minerva and they leave quickly and go back to the small hotel immediately, will you?"

"Uh... good."

Suppressed by Roland's momentum, Lance Luodai, who had just recovered, was vaguely accepted, and in a blink of an eye the teenager ran with all his strength, and the direction of his progress was the central area of ​​the explosion, completely awake Lance Luodai's The shout was thrown away.

(What the **** is he thinking?)

Almost catching up, shouting at Roland, but Lance Luodai still gives priority to entrustment, but there is also a Charlemagne's queen and two important figures of the church, with a Charlieman's girl knight . Now it's messy enough, there's something going on with these guys, but it really doesn't make people alive.

(At least let them lead them to a safe place.)

With this in mind, Lance Luodai quickly ran towards the hiding place of the ladies. When she bypassed the carriage that was lying on the ground, her face jumped up in surprise.


The first to rush into the impact area was the fire brigade.

Of course, the armory is not too far from here. If flammable liquids such as lamp oil remain on the cruise ship and cause secondary disasters, the consequences will be disastrous. At this time, fire suppression should indeed be the first priority.

The guard team and the medical team were closely followed by their work to prevent the prisoners from escaping and rescue the injured.

The rigorously trained soldier quickly got rid of the horror. Enter state. Everything is unfolding in an orderly manner.

however. Nightmares always start in calm without warning.


The squad leader of the fourth squad of the fire brigade whispered, and the soldiers behind him stopped and looked up, following the squad leader's line of sight and looking forward. Amidst the milky white smoke, a rickety figure was walking towards them.

From the outline. It’s a woman. Even if it’s not real, it’s not difficult to tell the gender from the curves of the bust and hips. When the figure emerged from the smoke, it confirmed everyone's judgment.

"what happened?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and found no joy in the survivors.

It is not impossible to survive a violent shock and fire, and nakedness can also be explained by the effects of wind and fire, but—

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The soldiers asked with great confusion.

The female's eyes are empty, and the delicate body without any scars walks on the hot rubble. There is no burn marks on hair and body hair. It is hard to believe that this is a living person who came out of the disaster scene.

I don't know if I heard the call, or if I saw someone in front of me, the woman laughed-a wanton smile.

The next moment, the smile burst.


The soldiers screamed and jumped away. That is not a description, the woman burst as literally expressed. The face, chest, abdomen, and spine were all cracked. Numerous tentacles were shot through the cracks, and all the soldiers of the fourth squad were caught.

They didn't expect to encounter such an attack at all. They had no chance to take out the siren and hurriedly, so they were surrounded by tentacles, just wrapped in tentacles. They twitched like a seizure and lost focus. The pupil of the eye reflects the appearance of the monster.

Without any biological balance, it intuitively feels like a product obtained by grafting a human face with a bunch of tentacles and organs, and there is no way to imagine that the patchwork can still live.

The broken face was still laughing.

"Oh...oh oh... I wait for the bliss and take care of myself... The individual is the whole, and the whole is the individual."

An open mouth cracked in the tentacles, and different voices continued to sing in the same speed and in a trance.

"Oh oh... This is the supreme joy, this is the miracle of God... You wait... You wait together... Share this bliss..."


The soldiers wanted to call "help", but before speaking, their eyes turned white and their bodies twitched fiercely. In less than three seconds, it melted and collapsed like heated wax, and lost its human form. The next second, just like the woman, the whole body burst. Numerous mouths and tentacles gush out of the cracks, laughing with joy.


The same tribute sounded around the collapsed Green Tower, and all kinds of aliens poured out of the burning big hole. These alien appearances could not correspond to any creature in the world. The bottom is connected with 16 fingers, a crawling head like a spider, a connector and the intestine of the brain marrow, a worm that crawls with 12 hands and the head grows under the crotch... as if to dismember the human body and squeeze it together again, the volume is from Alien legions ranging in size from cows to horses chase and capture the target wholeheartedly, regardless of whether they are corpses or corpses, and indiscriminately integrate and assimilate.

In front of the monsters only seen in these nightmares~www.wuxiaspot.com~In less than 5 minutes, the fire extinguishing team was devoured by nearly 40%, and the jailers and prisoners in the tower were nearly 80% turned into wandering monsters-- Fences and iron gates have no effect on aliens. Depending on the situation, it is their triumphant trick to overwhelm the railing with brute force, or to change the shape and penetrate through the gap that the knife can't insert. In order to implement the instruction of "increasing the number of infected people", the alien army continues to act.

They are semi-automatic weapons of killing and exist only for one thing. Nothing can stop them from marching.

It wasn't until this time that humans began to take on the attack, sporadic muskets, bows and attacks were greeted one after another on the tentacle flesh, and the spattered shape of the blood flesh was unaware of this, while making a creepy laugh while continuing Catching prey. It seems to be mocking humans-even the impact of a large cruise ship falling can't kill them. What can these attacks that are not even a mosquito bite bite do?

Crawling awkwardly, the "Genesis" rushed towards the twisted face of life.

At the same time, the depth of the big hole created by the impact has been connected to the dark space of the sewer network. A dark-haired man walked slowly. There is no fear of darkness, nor is it affected by odors and toxic gases. No hurry, just like the darkness itself, it heads deep into the pipe network. In the depths of the pipeline where five fingers are missing, the panic footsteps echoed continuously.

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