Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 689: 18. End of Expedition (13)


Unbelievable, Brenhill looked down again to confirm if the word was misspelled.

The secretary of the Communications Department made no mistakes, and according to the content comparison, they said "Charlieman Army deserter".

"Correctly speaking, it is an expeditionary deserter from the territory."

Li Lin shrugged. Whether it was local or territorial, the soldiers were indeed serving in the army under the golden iris flag, so the telegraph was not misnamed.

Brenhill didn't care about word games. What she couldn't imagine was that there were so many deserters, and they escaped from the so-called elite expeditionary forces of various countries. Even if the soldiers of the territories are not well disciplined, they are called "there is no life without concerts", "there is no battle without the potatoes and beef"... there are actually 1500 people-a whole reinforcement camp The cavalry, infantry, and engineering detached from the army, changed their professions and became train thieves, and finally stared at a group of people they could not afford...

"Is it possible that the false information was intentionally released?"

"It shouldn't be. Stasi is responsible for torture. In front of the Nine-Tailed Cat, the soldering iron and the polygraph, I doubt how much courage and energy the those soldiers have to fabricate lies."


Brunn Hill cursed fiercely, and this kind of thing is really unimaginable to the members of the defense army who have always emphasized military discipline and strict ranks.

"There are also military judges and military policemen? Well, this is really a group of unparalleled living treasures."

Your lieutenant general is almost outraged, even though she has always demanded herself with strict standards. At the same time, she kept telling herself "this is a human army", but she still had a strong urge to shoot these guys.

"If they were my soldiers, I would definitely shoot them all by myself."

"Don't be so excited, Brun Hill."

Handing a glass of iced orange juice to the depressed lieutenant general, Li Lin said with pity:

"When morale completely collapses, can you expect military discipline to continue to function? If soldiers are generally war-fighting, extremely dissatisfied with treatment, and at the same time resent or even hate their commanders. No army can maintain normal operations and wait for them There are only two endings: violent revolution and disintegration. At present, the soldiers of Austria chose the former. The soldiers of the crown of St. Eastman maintained the morale on the surface. But they are getting more and more Move closer to the violent revolutionary line."

"Just as you said."

Suppressing the unexplained fire, Brenhill replied in a transactional tone.

The front-line territorial soldiers were extremely dissatisfied. On the one hand, Albion and their Charlemagne drove them to the public position like an animal, and any retreating action would attract the bullets of the supervising team. on the other hand. The public and excessive disparity in treatment made Qiu Ba strongly resentful of Albian and Charlemagne. Take rations as an example. The local soldiers’ recipes are almost the same every week and every day: 400 grams of black bread, turnips, dried mackerel and potato skin soup. Charlieman’s military tents smelled roasted meat, roasted potatoes with sour cream, onion soup, white bread rolls and apple cream pie. In other ways. The difference is roughly the same.

In normal times, this difference will not cause any problems. Everyone did not expect the same treatment as soldiers and officers. Nothing to complain about, but while feeding soldiers the same stuff as animal feed, while driving the soldiers to death, it would be difficult to think about the soldiers' patience.

At first, individual soldiers made a small difference, and slowly turned into a whole group and a row of soldiers and fled with weapons, and finally developed into an entire company to flee. At this time, the frontline headquarters realized that something was wrong, and quickly dispatched cavalry to hunt down, hanged the captured deserters in front of everyone, and finally stopped the desertion tide. But by this time, nearly 4,000 people had disappeared from the barracks.

"Some of them chose to return to their hometowns, but more people knew that even if they fled back, they might be caught and hanged. The homeless soldiers formed a band of thieves, robbed their homes, or ransacked the train that delivered supplies to the front line. It seems to be the biggest train thief."

Li Lin blinked.

"This is really a good thing."


Brun Hill also agreed.

It wasn't the opportunity to test new weapons, it wasn't Roland's successful record and qualifications, nor was it because Charlemagne had lost his face.

The dissatisfaction of the territorial soldiers is approaching the boiling point-this is really good news for the elf camp.

If even the music and peace-loving Austrian army fled in large numbers to become thieves, the mentality of the soldiers of the crown of St. Esteban who remained on the front line of Riga may have been very similar to the sailors of the German high seas fleet in October 1918. It's similar, but they haven't been infected with the "revolutionary plague", and Soviets haven't been formed among the soldiers, so the mutiny hasn't happened yet. But when they heard what happened in their hometown, what action would they take?

"Let's first disclose some of the news to our friends in the Principality, let them fight the front stop first, although it will not be effective immediately, but at least the seeds of doubt will be planted first. Wait for some time, here is the "emergency" After that, they should make a choice."


Brunn Hill quietly put away the documents, sipped a little black tea, and changed the subject.

"Speaking, how is Roland and the girls?"

Like all mothers who are anxious to get married for their children, Brunn Hill is also very sad about Roland’s love career, but unlike those mothers, in addition to the inherent sensitivity of women in this regard, she is also the same Pay attention to the political elements.

I don’t have to say more about the identity of Minerva’s queen. From the report, Favna’s attitude is ambiguous and vague. Sister Diana, the sister of the Saint, seems to have a good opinion of Roland. In addition, according to her knowledge, Albian’s Lance Luodai seemed quite fond of Roland.

Any one of the above relations with Roland will have a certain impact on the political landscape of various countries. Now there is another sacred and beautiful church saint on the train. If she is interested in Roland... if you think about it, Brenhill’s brain will hurt, if these people push Roland together...

"So far, he has maintained a pure and intimate relationship with every lady, and he has not dealt with anyone."

Li Lin's tone is very plain, making it impossible to distinguish his attitude.

Next, he asked in the same tone:

"After all, who do you think will be pure love between Roland and you?"

Brenhill could not answer.

Roland, who raises his hand and will affect the consortium and even the country, has a different position from shouldering. Because of the chance and deliberate arrangement of the women who gathered around him-the chance of a love relationship that does not involve any calculation. Nearly zero.

Even the relationship between Brunn Hill and Li Lin can't be said without any calculation, and the younger Roland has no chance to be an exception.

Make yourself the most influential person in the future leader of the consortium—no one can resist this temptation, so the daughter of the king, the nun of the church, the princess of the dragon, the knight of the half-elf, and the girl of the noble family. All gathered around Roland. Try to capture Roland's heart with femininity and charm. Then grasp the consortium. Since everyone has the same idea. Sooner or later, the girls will compete for Roland’s order of love, so that it is even less likely to produce a so-called “pure love”.

It's really troublesome.

Brenhill sighed softly. Li Lin's fingers tapped on the desk.

Perhaps Brunn Hill thought it was trouble, but in Li Lin's view, this was exactly the result he expected.

From a biological point of view, sexual behavior is nothing more than the exchange of genetic information, the process and ritual of stirring genetic genes, and its ultimate goal is reproduction. Li Lin arranged the girls next to Roland. The original purpose had nothing to do with politics, but just expected to get an “excellent backup”, so it was good for competing, and Roland had relationships with all the girls. As long as this purpose could be achieved, then Are allowed.

However, due to the pleasure of sexual life in intelligent life, the process of sexual behavior itself is also an end. Both sides often expect the target person to be happy in the process. Whether this result can be achieved seems to be important for the conception of the conception and the next generation. influences.

The popular point is that the love index between Roland and the woman directly determines whether they can successfully reproduce a good next generation.

In order to achieve this goal, by the way, to maintain a political balance, taking the opportunity of travel, let Roland and all girls have a goodwill, and the relationship with them is the best choice.

Thankfully, there is also a magician among the thieves. Through his duel with Roland, things will go in a good direction...

It's time to move on to the next issue.

As he was about to speak, the red telephone for emergency contact made a rapid ringtone, which was a dedicated line that would only be activated when something very urgent happened. After suppressing the prepared issue, Li Lin grabbed the phone in the eyes of Brenhill mixed with tension and doubt.

The conversation lasted less than a minute, Li Lin said "I know" and then hung up the phone, then fell silent.

After 2 minutes or more, a bitter smile appeared on the face of the Chief Officer of Alfheim.

"I used to think that it was Prince Wang's personal hobby to like tossing."

He spread his hands as if he was in trouble.

"But now it seems that Charlemagne's royal family is a group of people who like to toss."

"what's going on?"

Brenhill is completely baffled. What needs to be done with the emergency hotline, and can this seemingly omnipotent consul make such an expression?

"It's nothing."

Li Lin was relaxed, as if talking about a trivial matter.

"His Highness the Fourth Prince is missing. Then, when checking the luggage of the consolation group, I found that there was one more box in the luggage of Her Royal Highness."


When the explosion happened, the bandits were almost dumbfounded.

The 88mm tank gun is not a professional howitzer and is limited in caliber. Even if a high-explosive howitzer is fired, the resulting explosion effect is not as good as a 105mm howitzer.

Nonetheless, it was also a terrifying sight for the group of people who had only seen the front-mounted smoothbore artillery. Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity, the Marines on the train got off the car and launched an impact.

If the general thieves encounter this situation, it is estimated that they will collapse in two or three times, but this group of deserters is also a trained soldier. After experiencing the initial chaos, he quickly calmed down and formed a shock formation to launch a counter-attack~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The Musketeers who did not form a queue are not afraid, before they are lined up, it is good to use mechanical power to divide and surround them-

Even the so-predicted leader even led Ma Fei to the sky, and the cavalry looked at the scenery out of common sense.

"Don't do that kind of daydreaming."

The girl holding the strange long weapon was in front of her, and said majesticly:

"This'Badworm' will send you all to the stratosphere?"

As he spoke, he grabbed the kicked horseshoe with his left hand, and raised the horse and the rider with one hand under the eyes.

"Hah ah ah ah!!!"

Like a child swinging a wooden stick, he threw out an object with a volume and weight that was far greater than himself. The scream of the poor insect had not yet fallen. The goblet had waved the "buckle" and rushed into the helpless enemy lineup. People are constantly being beaten into the air. (To be continued...)

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