Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1069: I will be the master of emotions

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Xiao Jin showed some embarrassment on his face, opened his mouth, and didn't know how to refute.

At this time, Xiao He finally understood why Xiao Yun had such a big emotional change.

It seemed that Yun'er didn't suddenly change his temperament. At that time, he thought Xiao Yun had understood the organ removal, it was just his own wishful thinking.


When Xiao Yun went to find Shen Jizi, Shen Jizi still provided Xiao Yun with a cure. Otherwise, if Xiao Yun lost an organ and the curable disease became incurable, I was afraid that Xiao Yun’s mood would change. It will be even more terrifying.

Although Xiao Yun's performance today was indeed excessive, no matter what, it was Xiao He and others who had the fault first.

More importantly, Xiao Yun has already reached the peak of the transformation realm and has a magical weapon beside him. He can already become the pillar of the Xiao family. In the future, it is likely to lead the Xiao family in the capital to create greater glory. Xiao He can only express his understanding of Xiao Yun's behavior today. .

Fearing that his words would stimulate Xiao Yun, Xiao He did not say anything to Lin Tiancheng, but said to Li Rulong apologetically, "Brother Li, Yun'er is emotionally unstable now. After all, he was the one you grew up watching since childhood. I hope Brother Li can be tolerant."

Li Rulong is also the head of the Li family.

Although Xiao Yun is powerful, Xiao Yun is two generations behind Li Rulong. When so many people slap Li Rulong in the face, Li Rulong is also emotionally difficult to accept.

He looked gloomy and did not express his attitude, leading the Li family masters to leave.

Xiao He adjusted his emotions, "Yun'er, the removal of the organs is indeed our fault, but our original intention is also for the resources of the Li family, and for the future of you and the Xiao family, I hope you can calm down and think about it. "

Lin Tiancheng also realized a little of his own mistake, he lowered his head, "Grandpa, I was really too much just now, but you were respectful to the old dog of Anjia, but the old dog called you by name. I was really angry at that time. "

Having said this, Lin Tiancheng looked at Xiao He with a guilty look, "Grandpa, you won't blame me?"

Xiao He said, "Yun'er, for the dignity of your grandfather and the Xiao family, you repeatedly reprimanded the old dog Angui, I am too happy to have time, so how can I blame you. It's just..."

Having said this, Xiao He's face became solemn, "Yun'er, with what you have done today, the Xiao family and the An family will no longer be able to let go of their previous suspicions. Moreover, An Gui said when he was leaving, a week later, in the Jiulong Mountains, Life and death are life and death. An Gui has not many days to live, and he will definitely face the battle personally when that time comes, and he will do everything possible and behead your head."

Lin Tiancheng's heart moved.

It turned out that An Gui was about to fight a week later?

Xiao Jin also focused his head and analyzed, "Yes, the ancestor is in retreat. An Gui is a veteran late stage master of Huajin. If the opponent is not caring for his life, even if Yun'er is holding a peerless magic weapon, he is very likely to be a loser situation."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I have a week left, I will calm down and stabilize my cultivation."

An honorable man?

Lose for both?

No no no!

That is what Xiao Yun should do, not Lin Tiancheng.

Given the importance that Xiao He attaches to Angui, I am afraid that the strength of Hong Kong Island's settlement will not be lower than that of the Xiao family.

Is there only Anjia?

No no no!

There is also the Li family in Beijing and the South family in Shenshi!

The ‘Zhijie’ group is the leader of these three aristocratic families. Lin Tiancheng wants to make these three aristocratic families pay a painful price!

He pondered slightly, Lin Tiancheng said, "Grandpa, I just lost control of my emotions, and I acted against Li Rulong, the owner of the Li family, I’m afraid it will make Li Rulong resentful. The Xiao family has already established the strong enemy of Hong Kong Island Settlement. Less stress."

Xiao He glanced at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, "Yun'er, do you really think so?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled bitterly, "I have just vented all the negative emotions that have accumulated for a long time. I will be the master of emotions, and will no longer be the slave of emotions."

Xiao He thought for a while and nodded, "Alright, I will take you to Li's house tomorrow. You must be sincere and admit your mistakes to Li Rulong."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I understand. And, I have already thought about it. Now I have recovered. It doesn't make any sense for Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi to stay with me. We can take advantage of this opportunity to return Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi to the Li family."

Xiao He glanced at Lin Tiancheng rewardingly, "Yes, with your current strength, Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi are really not worthy of you. It is a trouble to let them stay with you."

The next day, Xiao He personally accompanied Lin Tiancheng to Li's house.

At first, Xiao He was a little worried that Xiao Yun's emotions would change, but the facts proved that Xiao He's worries were unnecessary.

Lin Tiancheng's attitude towards Li Rulong's courtesy to his descendants is quite sincere.

In fact, no matter what kind of sincerity Lin Tiancheng showed, it is difficult to heal the scars in Li Rulong's heart. However, the current gap between the Li family and the Xiao family is becoming more and more obvious. If Xiao He and Xiao Yun can do this, Li Rulong can only express forgiveness.

Li Rulong helped Lin Tiancheng, who was kneeling on the ground, up, "Yun'er, you were also the one I grew up watching when I was young. Yesterday you were emotional, and I can understand it."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Grandpa Li is broad-minded, and Yuner feels ashamed. Thank you Grandpa Li for letting go."

Speaking of this, Lin Tiancheng paused briefly, "Grandpa Li, Feifei and Li Xiaoyi have given me a lot of help this time. If they are willing to stay in Li's house, I hope Grandpa Li can take care of them. If they want to leave , Please don’t be embarrassed.”

Seeing Lin Tiancheng finished playing and kicked it away, Li Rulong felt bitter, but he nodded, "As it should be."

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Li Zi'an again, "Brother Zi'an, I still remember that more than ten years ago, you and I were almost in focus, we learned from each other, and we grew up together. Now, both of you and I have recovered. I don’t know Brother Zi'an. Would you like to exchange ideas with me?"

Lin Tiancheng is already at the peak of Huajin, and Li Zian is only in the middle stage of Huajin, saying it is a discussion, but in fact he wants to give Li Zi'an some guidance.

Li Zi'an was flattered and immediately said, "Brother Yun is willing to give pointers, I naturally can't ask for it."

After hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, even Li Rulong's grievances disappeared a lot.

In his heart, if Xiao Yun apologized sincerely and sincerely pointed Li Zi'an, it would really be no big deal for him to slap him.

Lin Tiancheng said modestly, "Brother Zi'an is also a genius of Tianzong, so he dare not be instructed, everyone learns from each other. So, why don't we find a place to cook wine and discuss the truth?"

Li Zi'an really couldn't ask for it. The respect that Xiao Yun showed, also made Li Zi'an find his confidence back then, and his spirits rose, "Happy, brother Yun, let's go."


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