Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1094: Treatment failure

Hearing that Lin Tiancheng wanted to combine a variety of techniques to directly act on the female disciple of the An family, and the position was not limited, the old Angui frowned.

Even if Lin Tiancheng could really heal his hidden wounds, this kind of treatment would be unacceptable to him. Even if Lin Tiancheng really needs this method to cure the disease, it will cause a lot of psychological shadow on the female disciple of the An family.

An Tian questioned, "Since it is a blow to make a sound, what is the use of pinching?"

Lin Tiancheng corrected, "It's a sound wave, not a sound. Besides, why doesn't it make a sound when rubbing and pinching? Does it mean that you can't hear it?"

An Tian did not refute, Lin Tiancheng made sense.

An Gui hesitated and said to Lin Tiancheng, "If it is this kind of sonic therapy, then forget it."

Lin Tiancheng's heart sank and looked at An Gui with suspicious eyes.

An Gui smiled bitterly, "The three families of the Xiao family, the Li family, and the Nan family in the mainland have joined forces to advance and retreat together. Moreover, the strength of the three family ancestors is not below me, even if Lin Shaoxia can cure me. , If their three big families and I come to the wheel fight, I also have no hope of winning."

An Gui knew that he was invincible, and the Jiulongshan battle was still necessary. It was like a country fought by eating meat, defeated by eating soup, and only eating shit.

Lin Tiancheng asked, "Did Anjia not help?"

An Gui said, "In such disputes, there are generally no helpers. In fact, I am also very curious about why the Li family, Li Xian and Nan Batian, from the Nan family, will help out."

Lin Tiancheng thought for a while and asked, "If I can heal your hidden wounds, in a one-to-one situation, you are not sure?"

An Gui snorted coldly, "In recent years, the families in the mainland have lived very comfortably. I can beat any of them one-on-one. But the wheel fight is different. After all, I will pay the price when I win the first game. , I’m afraid it’s not enough for the second game."

Lin Tiancheng said, "The price you said, but the injury?"

An Guiren did not deny it.

Lin Tiancheng said again, "If I can heal your injury immediately after you engage in a fierce battle, are you sure of the subsequent battle?"

An Gui glanced at Lin Tiancheng deeply, "Heal immediately?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded, "Don’t doubt An Patriarch, I don’t share the same spirit with the three big families. If you are sure, I will go to Jiulong Mountain with you tomorrow as a medical staff. Every battle is over, I will immediately Heal your injury."

An Tian said, "How is it possible?"

Lin Tiancheng has a confident expression on his face, "The hidden wounds on Anjia's ancestors have been for many years, and no one can cure them. I can heal this kind of injuries with sonic therapy, and I can still heal other injuries."

Seeing a bit of heat in An Gui's eyes, Lin Tiancheng said again, "If I'm not sure, how dare I go to Jiulong Mountain."

Hearing this, An Gui's expectations are even stronger.

If the female disciple of Anjia cooperates with Lin Tiancheng, it will only be able to heal An Gui, but cannot change the outcome of the Nine Dragon Mountain battle tomorrow, An Gui will indeed give up.

It's different now. If Lin Tiancheng can walk with him and heal his injuries immediately after every battle, he is hopeful that he will have the last laugh.

An Gui made up his mind, "Thank you Lin Shaoxia."

Before long, all the eligible female disciples of Anjia gathered in front of Lin Tiancheng, and there were more than thirty.

Regrettably, among so many women, the pretty ones are basically married women, and the remaining few younger ones are all plain and pretty.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Let them all go down. Girl An Tian will stay."

The An Family is different from the three big families. Almost everyone in the three big families regards Lin Tian as a mortal enemy, and the outlet is Lin Tiancheng's treacherous thieves. Because of this, Lin Tiancheng will not be merciful when fighting back against the three big families. .

An Jia and Lin Tiancheng have no grievances and no grudges, but An Tian and Lin Tiancheng have contradictions. Moreover, Lin Tiancheng has already managed An Tian and let Xiao Yun from the Xiao family take the blame. This is where An Jia and Xiao’s Nine Dragon Mountain One war.

In detail, the grievance between Lin Tiancheng and An Tian can already be wiped out.

Lin Tiancheng wants to use ultrasound therapy. The purpose is not to retaliate, but to recharge. Electricity is the key!

After the others left, An Tian asked, "Is there no one who meets your requirements?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Others do not meet the conditions, but An Tian does. Without further ado, I suggest starting treatment now."

Hearing that only oneself meets the conditions, An Tian's whole person is not good. She hadn't started the treatment yet, she could already imagine what kind of treatment process it would be. It was a combination of multiple techniques regardless of the location.

It's just that the matter originally started because of An Tian, ​​who is also An Gui's most beloved granddaughter, so how could she not go to the peace noble?

An Tian overcame the tremendous pressure, "Where is the treatment?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Just find a room."

In fact, Lin Tiancheng didn't want An Gui to be in the room. This would make him and An Tian feel uncomfortable. However, since it is ultrasound therapy, if An Gui is not in the room, it is impossible to justify.

Soon, the three people entered a room.

An Gui turned his back to Lin Tiancheng and An Tian, ​​his eyes closed.

At Lin Tiancheng's request, An Tian began to untie his clothes.

It is precisely because An Gui is present, An Tian is extremely ashamed, and can only wait to find a seam to get in. At this moment, where is she still a little domineering?

Seeing An Tian's desire to welcome or refuse, the appearance of resignation, Lin Tiancheng's heart was full of ripples.

Next, Lin Tiancheng began to combine various techniques, which acted on all parts of An Tian's body, and the parts that were suspected of having electricity were naturally the focus.

An Tian almost passed out in shame.

Fortunately, in less than ten minutes, Lin Tiancheng found that he couldn't charge, so he stopped ultrasound therapy.

This time, he charged 2 more batteries on An Tian, ​​and the battery level rose to 15.

When An Tian got dressed, Lin Tiancheng walked to the opposite of An Gui, and put his hand on An Gui's wrist again, 360 antivirus was turned on, and it consumed 2 electricity to completely heal An Gui's hidden wounds.

Lin Tiancheng let go, "Patriarch An, you feel it."

An Tian gave Lin Tiancheng a fierce look, and stood aside nervously. If Lin Tiancheng's ultrasound therapy did not work, she would immediately let Lin Tiancheng taste the consequences.

An imperceptible loss appeared on An Gui's face.

He originally thought that Lin Tiancheng's ultrasound therapy would be amazing, whether there would be warm currents in the body, etc. As a result, he didn't feel anything during the treatment process just now.

An Gui didn’t even look at Lin Tiancheng. He raised his leg and walked out of the room. “Let’s go, An Tian ran into you first, but this time your treatment was ineffective, and An Tian suffered humiliation. You and An The matter between Tian is considered clear, and no one owes each other in the future."


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