Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1106: Divination

Hong Kong Island settled down because of Lin Tiancheng's involvement in this turmoil. Although Lin Tiancheng took the initiative, the settlement did not suffer any substantial harm, but Lin Tiancheng still did not escape and prepared to completely resolve his grievances with Anjia.

The An family also knew that the person who bullied An Tian was Lin Tiancheng, but along the way, everyone remained silent, and no one spoke harshly to Lin Tiancheng.

It wasn't the Bodhisattva's heart from the An family, but because the fuse of this incident was originally An Tian, ​​and An Tian was bullied by Lin Tiancheng on his own. At the last minute, Lin Tian became a comprehensive security guard, and he was willing to stand up and explain the situation.

An Gui's mood is also very complicated.

Lin Tiancheng's Gaoyi is Gaoyi, but anyway, Lin Tiancheng bullied An Tian and also took advantage of Anjia.

Investigate, the Ans family's reasons are not sufficient, and Lin Tiancheng is too powerful, even if An Jia puts his best to it, Lin Tiancheng can't deal with it. If you don't pursue it, Anjia loses face.

Even An Gui finds it tricky, and others don't know how to deal with it.

However, the matter between Lin Tiancheng and An Tian must be resolved, so after returning to An's house, the rest of them all found excuses to leave and threw this problem to An Gui.

An Gui was sitting on the chair, Lin Tiancheng and An Tian stood in front of An Gui.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Patriarch An, you know what happened between me and An Tian. She made the mistake first, but she also paid the price. If Patriarch An has no objection, the matter between An Tian and I will be wiped out. Since then, each will owe each other."

An Tian retorted, "I didn't really kill you."

Lin Tiancheng said, "It is precisely because you did not kill me that I have the opportunity to ask for justice."

Lin Tiancheng was unwilling to talk to An Tian. He turned his head and looked at An Gui, "Patriarch An, the matter between An Tian and I can be wiped out, but An Tian killed my savior, and I promised the savior’s daughter. Give her an explanation."

An Gui knew he was wrong, and because of his strength, An Gui couldn't handle Lin Tiancheng.

He pondered slightly, and said, "This matter is indeed the first thing An Tian was wrong. An Tian first murdered people brazenly, and it was already wrong. Later, Shaoxia Lin let the tree of the dead come back to life, so that An Tian got the fruit of death, and An Tian would still avenge her gratitude. To kill Lin Shaoxia is even more wrong. Lin Shaoxia is magnanimous and willing to make peace with An Tian. I can't ask for it."

Speaking of this, An Gui paused and said, "As for An Tian killed Lin Shaoxia’s lifesaver, I will also order An Tian to apologize to the other’s daughter, and An Jia will do my best to give the other party. His daughter made compensation."

Lin Tiancheng handed it over, "Patriarch An understands the righteousness, since that's the case, I will leave first."

An Gui said, "No hurry, Lin Shaoxia came to Hong Kong Island, and he cured my dark illness. As the host, if I don’t give Lin Shaoxia a treat, I feel uneasy. I hope Lin Shaoxia can spend two days on Hong Kong Island before returning to the mainland. ."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I understand the kindness of Patriarch An, but even though the battle in Jiulongshan has come to an end, people from the three major families may not be sincerely regretful."

An Gui had also seen through the faces of the three big families, he would never believe that people from the three big families would regret it.

An Gui looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, "Lin Shaoxia, with the temperament of the three big families, the possibility of sincere regrets is very small. Moreover, Lin Shaoxia has also taken away the cultivation resources of the three big families unless they are willing to pass it on. , Otherwise it will definitely make a comeback. Even if Lin Shaoxia is soft-hearted and unwilling to hurt others, Lin Shaoxia, the ancestor of the three major families, should not let it go."

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to let it go, but Xiaoqing couldn't bear it.

This is regarded as one of Lin Tiancheng's weaknesses in the battle, and he certainly cannot be said.

There is no way, Lin Tiancheng had to say, "Don't do small things for good, don't do small things for evil, although I also think the possibility of them sincerely regretting it is very small, but what if?"

An Gui was in awe.

It's just that Xiao Feng and others will reform and renew themselves, Lin Tiancheng will not hesitate to risk being settled by the people of the three great families and give Xiao Feng and others a chance.

What a noble character is this?

An Gui people feel more and more that their ideas are correct.

Yes, he is experienced after all, and he has already made judgments about whether he is close to Lin Tiancheng or not.

He believes that Lin Tiancheng and An Tian are there, and the only way to have face and lee is to let Lin Tiancheng and An Tian be together.

With Lin Tiancheng's talents and means, there is great hope to reach the pinnacle on the way to martial arts. If An Tian really married Lin Tiancheng, An Jia would definitely be able to set new heights.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's character again, An Gui insisted on his decision more and more.

The only question is, is Lin Tiancheng already married?

An Gui said, "I understand what Lin Shaoxia means. Don't worry. Although Lin Shaoxia is playing on Hong Kong Island, he should just relax. In the next time, An Jia will closely monitor the movements of the three major families. If there is something wrong, it will Communicate with you in time. If Lin Shaoxia is still worried, I can arrange for someone to personally protect Lin Shaoxia's wife and children."

"no need."

"Lin Shaoxia can't believe me?"

"Patriarch An misunderstood, I don't have a wife or children yet."

An Guiren heard this, a stone fell in his heart, and his face was a little surprised, "Lin Shaoxia is still single? Think about it, too, such as Lin Shaoxia, such a talented person, such as Lan Ruyu, can be worthy of it. Lin Shaoxia's girl is really hard to find."

Having said this, An Gui suddenly remembered something, and then said, "By the way, Lin Shaoxia, do you believe in divination?"

Lin Tiancheng didn't understand why An Gui asked this, but he nodded, "Believe, divination is fortune-telling, including asking others for hexagrams and fortune-telling for yourself. The scope is greater than asking hexagrams. It is to ask about some events. An ancient method for the future direction of China, its source is generally believed to be from the "Book of Changes" or "Book of Changes." However, there are very few powerful Gua masters."

An Guiren’s face showed a bit of self-satisfaction, "I have been immersed in divination for so many years, and I wonder if I still have some experience with divination. If Lin Shaoxia doesn’t mind, let me give Lin Shaoxia a divination, which can be regarded as Lin Shaoxia’s divination. A little reward for healing my dark wounds."

Lin Tiancheng thought of An Gui's fighting style, which was unusual from other people, and there were gossip patterns on his clothes. He felt that An Gui might really be a master.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said, "Then trouble Patriarch An."

An Gui waved his hand, "With a little effort, it's not troublesome. I don't know if Lin Shaoxia wants to ask about his future or marriage?"


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