Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1113: pit

Knowing that Lin Tiancheng would come to find herself, Xia Xue felt a little nervous in her heart.

In the past, she did have big prejudices against Lin Tiancheng, thinking that Lin Tiancheng was not doing well, but with the in-depth understanding of Lin Tiancheng, her view of Lin Tiancheng has changed drastically.

From beginning to end, no matter what Lin Tiancheng did to her, she took the blame.

What's more, because of the agreement between the two people, Lin Tiancheng could have done whatever she wanted, but Lin Tiancheng broke the agreement.

And her good friend Xi Wenqian, who originally had a big prejudice against Lin Tiancheng, but now she is not only confiding Lin Tiancheng, but also respects Lin Tiancheng during the conversation.

In the Xiao Family Courtyard, Lin Tian became Li Rufei and became angry, which also touched her a lot.

Because of the natural beauty and natural beauty, Xia Xue rarely wears makeup unless it is necessary for etiquette on special occasions.

Today, Xia Xue made an exception, not only carefully selecting the clothes, but also wearing light makeup.

When Lin Tiancheng saw Xia Xue, he couldn't help feeling a bit surprised.

"Teacher Xia." Lin Tiancheng took the initiative to say hello.

Xia Xue wanted to show off the teacher's aura, but she still didn't dare to look at Lin Tiancheng's gaze, "Sit down and I will pour you tea."

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "No, I don't have the habit of drinking tea."

Standing next to Lin Tiancheng, Xia Xue felt like a small deer was bumping into her heart.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Teacher Xia, thank you for helping me that day in the Xiao Family Courtyard."

Xia Xue said, "In fact, I can't talk about helping you. Li Zi'an is indeed an AIDS patient, and only you can be cured."

Seeing Xia Xue's nervousness, Lin Tiancheng suddenly felt a little funny.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Tiancheng deliberately looked at Xia Xue with bold eyes, and smiled, "Teacher Xia, when you were in the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you were still the goddess of the iceberg in our eyes. I still remember that you had to punish me for copying the "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber". "Now I am considered a serf turned over and sang?"

After hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Xia Xue glared at Lin Tiancheng angrily, "I will be a teacher for one day, and a teacher for life."

Because Xia Xue has always had the temperament of a cold beauty, seeing Xia Xue showing a bit of anger at this moment, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but feel stunned.

Xia Xue also realized something, her pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head, "Why, don't you plan to invite me to lunch to repay her teacher."

"Can't ask for it."

Seeing that Xia Xue seemed to have let go of his grudges, Lin Tiancheng felt relieved.

Although he has been to the capital many times, he rarely goes out for fun.

After lunch, after consulting Lin Tiancheng, Xia Xue personally guided Lin Tiancheng to visit the Forbidden City.

Inside the Forbidden City, Lin Tiancheng's phone rang.

He took out the phone, saw an unfamiliar number, and vaguely guessed who was calling, "Hello. This is Lin Tiancheng."

"Where are you?" Sure enough, the voice from the woman Lin Tiancheng had seen while he was treating the disease came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Tiancheng said, "My friend took me to the Forbidden City. By the way, I didn't remember it before. Today is my birthday. A few friends are planning to get together with me. I may not have time tonight. You can make an appointment tomorrow. ?"

"Is that so? Then I am here to wish you a happy birthday, I will ask my second brother, and I will contact you back." The woman finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Through the afternoon's exchanges, Xia Xue became more natural with Lin Tiancheng. She glanced at Lin Tiancheng, "Can't we be together?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "I am not a friend, nor is it to celebrate my birthday."

Xia Xue didn't say anything.

Lin Tiancheng had already understood the identity of the woman. He thought that the person who wanted to meet him was the woman's second brother, and Lin Tiancheng's heartbeat faintly accelerated.

Although he thought it was unlikely that he was that person, he couldn't help but ask, and he pointed to the sky, "Right, Teacher Xia, do you understand the situation at home?"

Xia Xue glanced at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Just ask casually, how many siblings does he have?"

For the sake of security, after this kind of big brother ascended the throne, the information of relatives and relatives are all state secrets and will not be disclosed to the public.

Xia Xue is in the capital city and is Xia Jisheng's granddaughter. She still has some understanding of the basic situation. "Three brothers and sisters, there is an older brother and a younger sister."

Lin Tiancheng's heart trembled fiercely, and his heartbeat started to speed up a little.

Isn't that the second brother in the woman's mouth?

From Mu Feng's mouth, Lin Tiancheng knew that he had already entered that person's field of vision, but many people were able to enter that person's field of vision. He never expected that that person would actually talk to him in person.

The terrible thing is that he refused!

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's face seemed to be something wrong, Xia Xue glanced at Lin Tiancheng worriedly, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Lin Tiancheng scratched his head, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Teacher Xia, if I say that the person who called me just now is the younger sister, and then that person originally invited me to have dinner with him, but was I refused, do you believe it?"

Xia Xueqiao's face was full of shock.

I go!

Unless it is a work arrangement, apart from that person's family, who can have dinner with that person in private, there are probably only the heads of state of a few countries, right?

That person actually took the initiative to make an appointment with Lin Tiancheng, is Lin Tiancheng going to heaven?

Lin Tiancheng refused?

Lin Tiancheng said, "Teacher Xia, I didn't know it was him at first, am I going to die?"

Xia Xuebai gave Lin Tiancheng a look, and her voice was a little trembling, "You really are going to die, but if you refuse to invite this thing, you will definitely do it. Even if you die, you can blow two in front of Lord Yan. sound."

Of course Lin Tiancheng knew that with that person's heart, of course he would not care about him.

However, even if Lin Tiancheng is 100% sure that the person is not accounting, thinking about this kind of thing will make your scalp numb.

In front of that person, Lin Tiancheng's current status is really nothing.

Lin Tiancheng thought to himself, should he answer the phone to explain, and then go to the appointment as soon as possible?

Slightly pondering, Lin Tiancheng still gave up this plan.

how to explain?

I don't know who it is, so I don't go, but who I know is going to go? See people order food?

Lin Tiancheng simply understood that he was pretending to be confused. Anyway, from beginning to end, the younger sister never said who was going to talk to him.

Xia Xue said relievedly, "Don't worry, it's okay. Are you not afraid of heaven and earth."

Lin Tiancheng said immediately, "I didn't say all right."

In fact, Lin Tiancheng also knew that there would be nothing wrong, but for the next visit to the Forbidden City, he remained depressed and worried.

She is also true, why don't you tell me?



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