Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1115: Geisha

With Qing Jiwen, the group of people who visited Fumanlou today are already Fumanlou's top customers.

It's not that Qing Jiwen is the number one in the Republic, but because there are only a handful of people who have a stronger identity than Qing Jiwen. Those people pay much attention to the image and basically won't come to this place.

In fact, with Qing Jiwen's status, coming here is a bit wrong.

Without him, Fu Manlou can't hold his identity!

However, Qing Jiwen is a relatively special person. Although he has a strong background, he has no big ambitions in his chest. Compared with those who say that his identity is similar, he is not a big talent, so he simply does not fight or grab, and he has no desires. Seek appearance.

It is precisely because they have no interest in anyone, and other people would never want to catch his sore feet. They have no fear, and eat very well in Forty-Nine City.

Surrounded by everyone, Qing Jiwen entered the private room of Tianzi on the third floor and sat down on the sofa next to it.

Qing Jiwen is here to give people peace.


He raised his wrist and looked at the table below, "What time is the appointment?"

"At half past six," said the young man who brought Xu Ziman.

Qing Jiwen asked, "What's the matter?"

The son said, "Zhang Weifeng had a meal with a local leader yesterday. The leader wanted Xu Ziman to accompany the meal. According to the rule, I should give this face, but when many friends were there, I refused."

Qing Jiwen frowned, "Why didn't you go with her at that time?"

The younger brother paid a smile, "Young Master Wen, who doesn't know that I am following you, if I pass by, I am afraid that your face will not look good."

Qing Jiwen said, "Come on, it's okay to not see your figure. If you have anything, I think of me Qing Jiwen. Okay, make a call and urge Zhang Weifeng to say that I am here."


The son-in-law agreed and was about to call when there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

Fumanlou is not another place, no one here will go wrong casually, the son's face showed a little nervousness, "Come in."

The visitor was Zhang Weifeng, who looked gentle, wearing nearsighted glasses, his eyes scanned around, and he said hello quickly, "Shao Liu, Feng Chu, Xiao Guang..."

When his gaze fell on Qing Jiwen, Zhang Weifeng showed a little caution on his face, walked over to Qing Jiwen quickly, and smiled, "Why is Shao Wen also here?"

In fact, he knew Qing Jiwen had come, otherwise he would not come in advance.

Qing Jiwen said, "Leave me alone. Let's talk."

Zhang Weifeng nodded, then turned to look at the brother-in-law, "Brother, it's just an actor, it's not a golden twig or a jade leaf. I will accompany a meal in the past. I will naturally pay the favor I owe you, so I won't give face to you?"

Xu Ziman is in front of the scenery. At this moment, he is known as an actor, but Wei Nuonuo is standing aside, his face is slightly pale.

She knew very well that as long as Zhang Weifeng said a word, she would immediately fall into a trough from the clouds, not only the starlight was dim, but also there would be jail time. In recent years, there are countless things in the dark box operation in the circle, and tax evasion will be investigated. Getting up is no small matter.

The son-in-law is still a little afraid of Zhang Weifeng, otherwise he would not ask Qing Jiwen to come forward. He smiled and said, "It's not that I didn't give you face, but you didn't say hello in advance. At that time, many people were together. It's not pretty either."

Zhang Weifeng snorted coldly, "I think you will be destroyed in a woman's hands sooner or later."

Zhang Weifeng did not agree with this explanation of the son.

If Xu Ziman is the boyfriend's girlfriend, then there is no problem, but everyone knows Xu Ziman's identity, just an object, and borrowing it will not hurt his face.

Seeing the swords of the two parties at war, Qing Jiwen frowned, "What a mess."

Everyone's eyes fell on Qing Jiwen.

Qing Jiwen said, "I understand this matter. You say you are reasonable, and he said he is reasonable. Everyone is mixed up with the four or nine cities. If you look up and see you lowered, you want me to see it, and let Zhao Ziman be respectful later. Wei Feng has a few glasses of wine, forget it."

Qing Jiwen even said Xu Ziman's name wrong, but everyone, including Xu Ziman, felt it was natural.

Zhang Weifeng's family background is stronger than that of Bai Fengchu's family, but worse than Qing Jiwen's family. Of course, he will give Qing Jiwen face.

In fact, if there is not enough strategy, Zhang Weifeng will take the initiative to bring up this matter from the beginning. It's just that, it doesn't show that the matter is serious.

Zhang Weifeng looked at Qing Jiwen with a slightly injured gaze, "Wen Shao, you...I, Zhang Weifeng, is also your brother?"

Qing Jiwen stood up and said, "Because you are my brother, you must give your brother this face. That's it."

Zhang Weifeng heaved a sigh of relief with a very unconvinced but helpless look.

When Qing Jiwen came forward, the affairs of Zhang Weifeng and the brother-in-law were quickly settled, and everyone sat down on a table again, enjoying the wine.

Xu Ziman sat next to the son, cautiously, too dare to say a word.

Almost an hour later, the phone on Bai Fengchu's body rang.

He took it out and connected, "What's the matter?"

"Feng Xiao, I heard you are in Fumanlou?"

"I'm here."

"Didn't you offend the young man from Jiang'an? That one happened to be in the Wanghai Pavilion at Fumanlou. He had his birthday today, and you used to toast a glass of wine. Maybe he was in a good mood, and forget about the previous things."

Bai Feng young said, "Thank you brother, I understand."

After speaking, Bai Fengchu hung up the phone and glanced at everyone apologetically. Then his eyes fell on Qing Jiwen, his face a little embarrassed, "Well, Wen Shao, I have a friend who happened to be in Fumanlou. I will say hello right away. Come."

Everyone looked at Bai Fengcu with surprised eyes.

Just now, when Bai Fengchu answered the phone, she didn't shy away from everyone, and the voice of the person on the phone was not low, and everyone heard what was going on.

A young man from the river bank actually asked Bai Fengchu to go over to toast?

No one can understand!

Even if it is the son of the Jiang'an Fengjiang official's family, Bai Fengcu can completely share the same relationship with the other party. Is there a need to toast? Want to take advantage of the other's birthday?

If it's in the boundary of Jiang'an, maybe I can barely say the past, but this is the 49th city!

More importantly, who is the big and young person in the Tianzi box today who is not a person with a face and a face?

Qing Jiwen is even more known as the Demon King! ! !

With this attitude of Bai Fengchu, everyone's face was lost!

Xu Ziman also looked at Bai Fengchu with shocked eyes, his face was full of shock.

Who on earth was it to make a young and old like Bai Fengchu bow his head obediently?

The brother-in-law who brought Xu Ziman over was a bit disadvantaged in the confrontation with Zhang Weifeng. At this time, his desire to express was very strong.

He looked at Bai Fengchu and asked, "Gao Yisong's family?"


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