Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1137: Award

At a critical moment, a cell phone rang. This was the first time that Lin Tiancheng actually felt that his cell phone ringtone would be so harsh.

It was precisely because of the call at this critical time that Lin Tiancheng's mind recovered a bit of clarity. He took the phone and saw that Li Rufei was calling, and the negative emotions in his heart were suddenly wiped out.

He turned over Yan Shishi and put on the phone, "Sister Fei."

Li Rufei said mildly, "Tiancheng, have you drunk too much, do you want to pick you up?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "No, I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Tiancheng got out of bed and turned on the light.

Seeing Yan Shishi's eyes showing a bit of grief, Lin Tiancheng felt a chill.

so close!

If Li Rufei's call came three seconds later, there might be no turning back.

Regardless of whether Yan Shishi is malicious to Lin Tiancheng, but Lin Tiancheng has seen Yan Shishi's ways of behaving in the world, this woman is not simple.

If it is really the first time for Yan Shishi, Yan Shishi is likely to let Lin Tiancheng marry her.

From Lin Tiancheng’s expression, Yan Shishi also knows that there is no more play today, but she still wants to fight for it. Her eyes are a little provocative, but it won’t make you feel uncomfortable, "Are you leaving? Actually I It may really be out of control."

Lin Tiancheng won't be fooled anymore, turned around and left in a hurry.

The next day, all regular live ammunition training in the military area was terminated, and even the firearms of the members of the mobile squad responsible for emergency response were all put into storage.

In anticipation of all the people, the helm came to the military area for inspection.

In the morning, the helm inspected the daily training of various combat troops in the military area, and then went to the small courtyard where Lin Tiancheng was located.

Lin Tiancheng also received the notice early and led all the members of the ‘National Blade’ team to stand neatly in a row in the small courtyard, accepting the inspection of the helm.

The man at the helm is more easy-going and does not have a long story. After a few words of encouragement, he entered the most important part of his coming to the military area today.

Award ceremony!

Lin Tiancheng and others did not receive this news before, but when they heard the national anthem of the Republic sounded, everyone's face was full of solemnity.

"Welcome to the military flag!"

The flag guard marched neatly and entered the courtyard with the Bayi flag. Even Lin Tiancheng, a non-professional soldier, consciously saluted the flag.

Mu Feng personally read out the award order. All ‘National Blade’ players are all awarded the rank of major.

Originally, it was enough for the rank-appointing school officer to have the general rank, but the person at the helm personally wears new ranks for the members of the'National Blade', encouraging them to continue their efforts, renew their glory, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of a strong army.

Lin Tiancheng was awarded the rank of major general in an exceptional manner.

It was also the helm personally who gave Lin Tiancheng the title. Although the helm had a gentle look and a kind expression, Lin Tiancheng could see the high expectations in the eyes of the helm.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng became more determined and determined to assist the helm and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the Republic.

"I am a soldier of the People's Liberation Army of the Republic. I take an oath to obey the leadership of the Republic, serve the people wholeheartedly, obey orders, strictly observe discipline, brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifices, practice the ability to kill the enemy hard, and be always ready to fight..."

In front of the solemn Bayi Banner, the members of the'National Blade' collectively swore an oath, and the award ceremony was considered complete.

Since the founding of the Republic, the youngest generals and school officers are all from the ‘national sword’!

All the members of the "National Blade", including Li Xiaoyi, were flushed with excitement.

The helm looked at his watch and smiled at Lin Tiancheng, "Shall we have a meal together?"

Where would Lin Tiancheng refuse.

The helm did not open a small stove, and ate in the small canteen of the ‘National Blade’ team members.

Because the training intensity of the members of the "National Blade" is very high, except for Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, all of them are masters at the master level, so the food guarantee is quite good.

However, even so, the helm still cared about whether Lin Tiancheng and others had a habit of eating, and whether they had other requirements.

After the meal, Lin Tiancheng was called into the room by the helm.

In fact, although Lin Tiancheng had never thought of joining the military before, he was still a little excited when he thought that he was already a general.

Not to mention other things, it was said that if Lin Tiancheng met some young boys and girls, as long as the officer's certificate was revealed, he would be able to defeat the soldiers without fighting.

The helm seemed to have guessed Lin Tiancheng’s mind. He said, “Tiancheng, granting you the rank of major general is an affirmation of the State Military Commission. However, given the current situation, your major general status cannot be disclosed and will be listed. It’s the country’s top secret. Apart from those who have witnessed it today, no more than five people have the authority to verify your identity."

Lin Tiancheng felt a little disappointed, but still nodded.

The fact that he cannot be made public does not deny his status as a general.

In the police system, I don’t know how many policemen, because of work needs, go into hiding and go deep into the den, burdened by the stigma of the people and the disappointment of their relatives. Even, in order to prevent criminals from retaliation, they dare not disclose their true identity after they successfully retired.

Lin Tiancheng knows such a deed.

There was a policeman who went deep into the drug den when he was young. Starting from Ma Tsai, he won the trust of the final boss for more than ten years. It was only when the drug lord boss escaped when the net was closed. For the safety of the police, that The policeman was also sentenced to twenty years in prison. After more than ten years of jail, he was already gray-haired. He had to endure the cynicism of his relatives and friends, and his wife divorced.

It wasn't until his parents drove Hexi and his only son was killed in a car accident that he regained his true identity.

Lin Tiancheng believes that there are many other people like this.

Compared with those people, what can Lin Tiancheng endure at this moment?

Lin Tiancheng asked, "Chief, when can the task you mentioned a few days ago begin?"

The helm said, "It's almost there, because the identity of the people involved is sensitive, and the chain of evidence needs to be further improved."

The helm patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder, "Tiancheng, it may be a tough battle at that time, you have to be prepared."


Lin Tiancheng nodded.

According to that person's identity, Lin Tiancheng really needs to be prepared.

All he can do is to recharge and improve his strength!

He also thought about it. Before carrying out the task, he would go to Shen City to see if he could reach an agreement with Wan Wanmei, who still has electricity to charge.

Without further ado, Lin Tiancheng had to leave after the helm left.

The members of the'National Blade' team have long been accustomed to getting together with Lin Tiancheng. Although they were reluctant to give up, they still smiled.

Only Yi Zhimo has been looking at Lin Tiancheng with pitiful eyes, as if I was pitiful.

Since the last time the helm accompanied Lin Tiancheng for a urine test, after Yi Zhimo was blocked by Zhongnanhai's bodyguards, Mu Feng seemed to be more wary of Yi Zhimo.

Today, the helm came to inspect the military area, and Yi Zhimo was again under strict surveillance.

It's time to settle in Yi Zhimo.


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