Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1142: This is called into play

Wu Mengqi tidyed up her clothes and jumped off the bed. She didn't dare to cover her cheeks with her hands, standing in one corner with anxiety.

Huang Sheng's behavior just touched her psychological bottom line. If it were in other places, she would definitely fight for reasons, and it was impossible to call the police.

This is the set, and the alarm doesn't make any sense.

Even if the police came, everyone would stand on Huang Sheng's side in unison, maybe Huang Sheng would bite her back, saying that she was falsely accusing her.

Besides, even now, Wu Mengqi still has some illusions in her heart, hoping that Huang Sheng is too deep in the play, and then she will be able to successfully complete the stand-in.

Huang Daruan and others did not take a look at Wu Mengqi, and occasionally when a few female partners went to see Wu Mengqi, their eyes were a little gloating.

Wu Mengqi didn't dare to bite too hard just now, but left two rows of teeth marks on Huang Sheng's arm.

After comforting Huang Sheng, the chief director Huang Daruan's eyes finally fell on Wu Mengqi's body, and he became particularly harsh, "What's the matter? How to bite? Is there a bite scene in the script? Can you do it? play?"

Wu Mengqi explained apologetically, "No, Director Huang, listen to my explanation, Teacher Huang just now..."

"What's wrong with Huang Sheng? Huang Sheng's acting is very good, this is called into the play, the role playing is vivid. Are you questioning his acting skills?" Before Wu Mengqi finished speaking, Huang Daruan interrupted unceremoniously.

Everyone can also see Wu Mengqi's attitude, and it is difficult for Huang Sheng to make fake plays.

A deputy director glared at Wu Mengqi, "Not leaving? Stay here and wait for the lunch?"

Wu Mengqi panicked, and looked at Huang Daruan with pleading eyes, "Director Huang, please give me another chance. Just now, Teacher Huang just wanted to take off my clothes."

Huang Daruan's expression became more gloomy, "There are scenes of picking up clothes in the play. It is a **** scene, and the clothes are not taken off. What do you think of the audience? Do you think acting is so easy?

Wu Mengqi opened her mouth, after all she dared not explain any more.

Huang Daruan stopped going to see Wu Mengqi and asked Huang Sheng for his opinion, "Huang Sheng, why don't you take a break and wait for a suitable substitute to make up for today's scene?"

Huang Sheng shook his head, with a very speechless look, without expressing any objection.

Wu Mengqi plucked up courage, "Director Huang, do I still want to film my female supporting role?"

Many people looked at Wu Mengqi with idiotic eyes, and no one answered Wu Mengqi's words, and each became busy.

Wu Mengqi knew that she had no chance, and after standing still for a while, she left in despair.

A Rolls Royce drove slowly into the studio.

In the family of Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi, they are still a little weak in Shenshi, especially Xia Sisi's father, Xia Nan, who is more mixed in Shenshi, known as Yumian scholar.

Although Xia Nan offended Lin Tiancheng for standing in the team, relying on Xia Sisi's relationship, Wei Jiahao remained friendly towards Xia Nan.

Before coming to the film and television city, Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi both told their family that with Xia Nan's strength, it would be fine for Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi to run smoothly in the film and television city.

At the beginning, Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng were basically talking with Yi Zhimo. As soon as they entered the film and television city, Wang Zimeng became excited, "I heard that I am here too. I will Take a photo with her."

Xia Sisi glanced at Wang Zimeng helplessly, "Mengmeng, I really don't understand why you are so excited, but you want to talk to you, does Master Man know you?"

Wang Zimeng didn't mind, turning his head to look at Lin Tiancheng, "God, you have a lot of friendship, is there any way to introduce Master Man to me."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Why do I feel something wrong with what you said? Did you use me as a deal?"

"Ha, I didn't mean that, didn't you have great magical powers, there must be a way, right?"

Lin Tiancheng asked, "Xu Ziman?"

"Besides her, is there a second man in the showbiz?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "I happened to meet her in Beijing. If I did, she would give me some face, right?"

Lin Tiancheng did not leave Xu Ziman's phone number, but as long as he called Qing Jiwen or Zhang Weifeng, not to mention meeting Xu Ziman in the studio, even if he asked Xu Ziman to go to Syria to drink tea, Xu Ziman should not refuse.

However, Lin Tiancheng wouldn't do that with children chasing stars, otherwise the nature would change.

Seeing an acquaintance walking towards the car, Lin Tiancheng stopped the car and honked the horn.

Wu Mengqi looked desperate, and was startled by the sound of the horn. She glanced at the car with dull eyes, then stepped aside a few steps, but did not recognize Lin Tiancheng in the car.

Lin Tiancheng dropped the car window, "Wu Mengqi?"

Only then did Wu Mengqi see Lin Tiancheng clearly, she tried her best to conceal the decadence on her face, "Lin Tiancheng?"

Seeing a slap print on Wu Mengqi's face, Lin Tiancheng asked, "What's the matter?"

Wu Mengqi raised her hand, pretended to stroke her hair, covered her face, and smiled forcefully, "I just came to try the show, but unfortunately it didn't work. Why are you here?"

Lin Tiancheng opened the door and got out of the car, his eyes were strong, "What is going on?"

He and Wu Mengqi were originally old classmates, and when Lin Tiancheng first came to Shen City, Wu Mengqi tried his best to help Lin Tiancheng.

Because she saw an acquaintance, Wu Mengqi turned her face to the side, tears of humiliation and sadness came out, but still said, "It's really okay."

Lin Tiancheng was basically certain that Wu Mengqi had been insulted. He directly pulled Wu Mengqi into the car and drove towards the location where Xu Ziman and others were filming.

In the car, Wu Mengqi was still explaining, "Lin Tiancheng, I'm really fine, and my face is also needed for the play just now."

Lin Tiancheng ignored him, he would not play so hard in acting, let alone a trial show.

Not long after, Rolls Royce drove into the parking lot.

Lin Tiancheng scanned around and walked towards the crowded place.

"Xu Ziman." At this moment, Wang Zimeng couldn't help exclaiming.

Because Lin Tiancheng's friend was bullied, Wang Zimeng did not jump for joy, on the contrary, she was also fighting for Wu Mengqi in her heart.

Because Wu Mengqi's stand-in scene is no longer being filmed today, Xu Ziman has finished filming the scene here and is about to remove her makeup and leave.

Naturally, Xu Ziman didn't squint, and she didn't care about Wu Mengqi's affairs.

"Stop, which unit are you from?" The staff of the film crew stopped Lin Tiancheng and the others. Because Lin Tiancheng drove a Rolls Royce, the staff was kind to Lin Tiancheng and others.

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand to Xu Ziman, "Xu Ziman."

Hearing this sound a bit familiar, Xu Ziman turned his head and glanced, his face suddenly changed, showing awe and smile, and quickly walked towards Lin Tiancheng, "Shao Lin. Why are you here?"

At the same time, Xu Ziman was also a little excited.

Did Lin Shao come for himself?

Yes, I heard that Shao Lin was born as an ordinary person, so he should be the goddess in his heart?


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