Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1144: Zhang Weifeng is my brother

Seeing Lin Tiancheng on the phone, Huang Daruan didn't take it seriously, standing aside and watching with cold eyes.

It's just that Lin Tiancheng drove a good car, and Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng looked like rich girls, so Huang Daruan didn't drive people.

Not long after, Zhang Weifeng's call came back and Lin Tiancheng answered the call.

Zhang Weifeng said, "Coincidentally, Huang Sheng, Huang Ju's nephew, happened to also pick up the scene. He is on the set now. I have already said hello to him. Go straight to it."

Of course, Zhang Weifeng would not call the Yellow Bureau for such trivial matters as arranging a small role.

Lin Tiancheng said, "I'm right at the door."

Zhang Weifeng said, "Okay. I'll let him go out to pick you up. By the way, brother, why did you think of filming, do you want me to accompany you as a guest?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "No, I just experience it."

Not long after Lin Tiancheng hung up the phone, Huang Sheng walked out of it, glanced around, revealing a somewhat imperceptible surprise, and then fell on Lin Tiancheng, "Are you Lin Tiancheng?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded, "I am."

Huang Sheng saw that Huang Daruan's face was ugly, and it was probably a conflict. He smiled, "Director Huang, what's the matter?"

Huang Daruan pointed to Wu Mengqi, and said, "She can't be qualified for the role that she had arranged for her before. Lin Tiancheng meant that I should give him face, and the play should still be played by this woman, and he will have a cameo role. ."

Huang Sheng said, "My friend called over, so he worked hard for Director Huang and came several times."

Of course, Huang Daruan wants to give Huang Sheng's face, he snorted coldly and turned to enter the door.

Huang Sheng nodded to Lin Tiancheng again, and followed Huang Daruan to leave.

Because Huang Daruan was in a bad mood, he didn't immediately start filming, but went to the lounge on the side and lit a cigar.

Seeing Huang Sheng coming in, Huang Daruan's face was unsightly and said, "The young man just spoke in an unpleasant tone."

Huang Sheng said, "Wei Feng personally called me, I will definitely give Wei Feng's face. Wu Mengqi will use it. As for Lin Tiancheng, just send two lines."

Huang Daruan often stayed with Huang Sheng, and he had also heard of Zhang Weifeng. He didn't say anything more when he heard that Zhang Weifeng made the call himself.

At the same time, Huang Daruan looked down on Lin Tiancheng even more.

He felt that Lin Tiancheng should have met Zhang Weifeng by chance. Who is Zhang Weifeng? Such a big relationship, to be used in a small guest role, is simply without vision and short-sighted.

Not long after, Huang Daruan and Huang Sheng came to the shooting scene together. Huang Daruan said, "Let’s continue filming the previous **** scene. The actors hurry up and change their costumes."

On the set, Huang Daruan's words are the imperial edict, and no one will raise any objections.

Lin Tiancheng took the first two steps and said to Huang Daruan, "That's it. I just said that I will not only play a small role in a guest role, but also modify the script."

Huang Daruan frowned, but still patiently explained, "We have a mature editing team, and the script has been carefully polished by the editor. Don't worry, there will be two lines for the role I arranged for you. Please take the time to get familiar with it. Your lines."

Lin Tiancheng looked at Huang Sheng with questioning eyes.

Huang Sheng also felt that Lin Tiancheng's request was overdone.

It was Zhang Weifeng who made the call in person, but this Lin Tiancheng is too uninterested. With so many requests, do you really think he has a strong relationship with Zhang Weifeng?

In fact, because Huang Ju and Minister Zhang are very close, the relationship between Huang Sheng and Zhang Weifeng is okay. He has never heard Zhang Weifeng know Lin Tiancheng.

Of course, Huang Sheng's identity is far inferior to Zhang Weifeng's. He needs to give Zhang Weifeng's face.

Huang Sheng said, "Director Huang, I think the number one horse under the villain is very suitable. Try it?"

Huang Daruan said, "Let's try it after today's filming is over."

I don't know how many people are looking at Lin Tiancheng with envious eyes, jealous of Lin Tiancheng's relationship.

The villain's role is no less than that of Huang Sheng, the male one. The villain's number one Ma Tsai is also a very supporting role. He has already set a star between the first and second tiers. Ordinary people want to get such an important role, don't know how many years of hard work.

Lin Tiancheng frowned and said to Huang Shengdao, "I mainly want to give full play to my on-site editing ability. Didn't Zhang Weifeng tell you clearly?"

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Huang Sheng also became a little unhappy.

He not only let Wu Mengqi continue to play, but also gave Lin Tiancheng an important role, which can be said to give Zhang Weifeng enough face.

Lin Tiancheng actually pushed his nose to face?

Huang Sheng still suppressed his dissatisfaction, "How do you want to change?"

If Lin Tiancheng only changes a little bit, or wants two more shots and two lines, he is not insatiable.

Lin Tiancheng said, "You just said that I played the number one thug of the villain, so you must be decent? I want to add a scene like this. I caught you and beat you, but you are mighty and unyielding, so I Just arrange a little brother to sleep with you."

This is Lin Tiancheng's purpose, to give a tooth for a tooth.


Huang Daruan had long seen Lin Tiancheng displeased, but because of Huang Sheng's face, it has not happened. Now, seeing that Lin Tiancheng was actually directed at Huang Sheng, Huang Daruan immediately had a seizure, and threw the script in his hand on the side table.

Huang Sheng's face immediately became gloomy.

Up to now, he finally understands that it is fake for Lin Tiancheng to play a guest role, and it is true that he wants to give Wu Mengqi a sigh.

Many actors and staff are there. How dare Lin Tiancheng openly humiliate him?

He has given Zhang Weifeng's face enough, and since Lin Tiancheng is so short-sighted, no one can blame him.

He also believed that with his friendship with Zhang Weifeng, if he really turned against Lin Tiancheng, Zhang Weifeng would undoubtedly stand on his side.

He looked at Lin Tiancheng with disgust, "Do you know what the relationship between Zhang Weifeng and I is?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "I don't know."

Huang Sheng said, "You don't know, do you? If you don't know, I will tell you that Zhang Weifeng is my brother. I give my brother face, so I take care of you in every possible way."

Huang Sheng became agitated and spoke faster and faster, "Shame on you, you know Zhang Weifeng, right? Believe it or not, I will call Zhang Weifeng and ask him to get you?"

Huang Daruan said, "Don't disturb Zhang Weifeng with this kind of thing, I'll call Wei Jiahao."

In the past, Wan Shihou said nothing in Shenshi, and later it was Wei Jiahao.

Huang Daruan came to the film and television studio this time and took the initiative to worship Wei Jiahao's door.

After all, Huang Daruan is one of the most famous directors in the Republic, and Huang Sheng also has an official identity, Wei Jiahao had a meal with them.

Huang Daruan felt that in front of Wei Jiahao, he still had a little face.


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