Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1145: Wei Jiahao will come in person

Huang Daruan has not yet reached the top of society. His influence in the entertainment industry is not bad, but he is not as good as his true energy.

Huang Daruan is also far behind Wei Jiahao. It is very difficult for Wei Jiahao to sit and eat with the Standing Committee of Shen City.

Because of this, Huang Daruan also boasted about his friendship with Wei Jiahao.

Hearing that Huang Daruan wanted to call Wei Jiahao, a few more kind-hearted actors were all looking at Lin Tiancheng with sympathetic eyes.

Wei Jiahao, that's the king of Shenshi! ! !

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The Standing Committee of Shen City must give Wei Jiahao some face.

Xu Ziman opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

It was mainly Huang Sheng that angered Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng also angered Huang Sheng and Huang Daruan. This matter has been difficult to calm down.

Wu Mengqi's face was full of worries, but seeing Lin Tiancheng didn't mean to give in, she could only watch things uncontrollably.

Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng looked at Huang Daruan with the same eyes of monsters.

Seeing what Huang Daruan meant was that Wei Jiahao was going to clean up Lin Tiancheng? Huang Daruan is going to be tragedy!

At this time, Huang Daruan had already dialed Wei Jiahao's number.

"Director Huang." Wei Jiahao's voice was calm.

Huang Daruan smiled, "Brother Hao, I'm filming in the film and television city. Someone comes to ask for trouble. I don't know which unit it belongs to. Huang Sheng and Xu Ziman are both here. They are both big names. If you want to meet the schedule, can you help me mediate it?"

"I'll ask someone to come and have a look." Wei Jiahao agreed.

Regardless, Zhang Weifeng personally called Huang Sheng. Huang Sheng believed that Zhang Weifeng would definitely understand his behavior, but it was necessary to report to Zhang Weifeng.

Huang Sheng dialed Zhang Weifeng's phone, his tone was a little low and serious, "Brother, I want to talk to you about something."

Zhang Weifeng said, "You said."

Huang Shengdao, "It's what you just said. I will continue to let her play the girl's play according to your intentions. I gave him a male role model for your friend, and the play is good, but his words are really unpleasant. ."

Zhang Weifeng asked, "What did he say?"

Huang Sheng said, "He said he wanted to change the script. The villain he played was going to beat me up, and he wanted to find a male base me. Brother, I have already given your face. Do you want my brother's face now?"

Zhang Weifeng asked, "How do you want to deal with this problem now?"

Huang Sheng said, "Brother, don't worry, I will just tell you."

Zhang Weifeng said, "Now you hear what I say clearly, no matter what he says, you will do it, otherwise no one can save you."

Huang Sheng couldn't believe his ears, "What did you say?"

Zhang Weifeng said, "I have said things very clearly. If you don't listen, I will let you spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in the detention center. Okay, call him."

Huang Sheng's face turned pale, and he glanced at Lin Tiancheng with a wince, and handed the phone to Lin Tiancheng, "Zhang Weifeng wants you to answer the phone."

Lin Tiancheng took the call.

Zhang Weifeng explained, "Brother, I'm sorry, it's because my brother didn't make it clear before. Now I have explained to him. It doesn't matter if you want to play the male lead. I will book tickets and pay you face-to-face."

Lin Tiancheng said, "It's not that serious, are you okay now?"

Zhang Weifeng stated, "There is no problem. If you have any problem, please call me and I will let him kneel in front of you immediately."

Lin Tiancheng returned the phone to Huang Sheng without speaking.

From Huang Sheng's expression, everyone also discovered that Lin Tiancheng's background seemed a bit scary.

Huang Sheng didn't say anything. After he was a powerful man, he felt that Lin Tiancheng could not insult him wantonly, no matter what his background.

Huang Daruan also found that something was wrong, and had already gone to call Wei Jiahao next to him, "Brother Hao, it seems that this person has a big background, and Huang Sheng's relationship can't hold him down."

Wei Jiahao knew that Huang Daruan and others had kicked the iron plate. He didn't dare to say too much, "I'll take a look, but it may not be useful."

To say so, but Wei Jiahao still has confidence. He is now called the king of Shenshi. It is not an exaggeration. If he is in other places, Wei Jiahao may need to bow his head. But in Shenshi, he believes that no matter how tyrannical the role is. He has a bit of face.

Hearing that Wei Jiahao would come in person, Huang Da let out a sigh of relief. He was very aware of Wei Jiahao's energy!

It is said that the real master behind Wei Jiahao is even more powerful!

He walked to Huang Sheng, "Wei Jiahao will come in person."

Huang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He didn't doubt Wei Jiahao's strength.

As for Zhang Weifeng? He believed that Zhang Weifeng would not blame him as long as he could properly settle today's affairs.

Huang Daruan said to Lin Tiancheng, "Wei Jiahao will come over soon, will you wait until he comes?"

Lin Tiancheng did not answer.

Since Huang Daruan and Huang Sheng are currently at a disadvantage in front of Lin Tiancheng, the two of them did not ask themselves to be boring, and had no face to stay with Lin Tiancheng and went to the lounge to smoke.

Wang Zimeng has already seen Xu Ziman today, and now he just wants to see Lin Tiancheng acting. After waiting for almost half an hour, he is a little impatient.

She took out her mobile phone, found Wei Jiahao's number and dialed it.

"Mengmeng?" Wei Jiahao's voice was extremely friendly.

Wang Zimeng said, "Wei Jiahao, are you coming to the studio, right? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Wei Jiahao was taken aback, "Are you also in the studio?"

Wang Zimeng said, "Yes, I'm still waiting to see the male **** acting, hurry up."

After talking, Wang Zimeng hung up.

The audience was so quiet that everyone seemed to be petrified, looking at Wang Zimeng with horrified eyes.

I go!

When Huang Daruan called Wei Jiahao, he smiled and took a mouthful of brother. The little girl next to Lin Tiancheng spoke to Wei Jiahao with a commanding tone.

Even if Wang Zimeng is a little bit proud, but who dares to use this tone to talk to King Shen, what is the relationship with King Shen?

The scary thing is that Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi are obviously Lin Tiancheng's little attendants.

So what will Lin Tiancheng come from?

Director Huang and Huang Sheng seem to be dying!

Because Lin Tiancheng did not leave, no one dared to talk to Huang Herald at all. It is better to pretend not to know this kind of thing.

After another half hour, Huang Daruan and Huang Sheng walked out of the lounge.

Wei Jiahao has arrived, and the two of them are going out to meet him.

Even when passing by Lin Tiancheng, Huang Daruan let out a soft snort.

Wei Jiahao is a long way from the film and television city, and he rushed over so quickly, which shows how much Wei Jiahao gave him face.

As long as there is Wei Jiahao's attitude, he believes that even if he can't win completely with Lin Tiancheng today, he will definitely not suffer.


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