Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1147: Ma Yinglong understand

Because it was Lin Tiancheng who temporarily modified the script, everyone, including the film crew and actors, was not prepared.

Huang Daruan didn't want to embarrass Huang Sheng, but there was no way. Lin Tiancheng and others waited in the lounge to see the effect.

He looked at Huang Sheng with helpless eyes, "Huang Sheng, should you two get acquainted first and find your feelings?"

Huang Sheng shook his head vigorously, "No, I don't want to, I won't play this scene!"

Said that Huang Sheng was about to run away, but Wei Jiahao's men immediately controlled Huang Sheng.

Huang Daruan also knows that it is impossible for Huang Sheng to cooperate well in this play. He can only play it directly with the eight-character Hu. He said to the eight-character Hu, "You just have to play as much as you want, and seize the characteristics of the villain’s humanity distortion. Say it again."

After speaking, he slapped his chin twice, "Everyone is in position, ready to start."

Huang Sheng said, "No, I'm looking for a substitute."

Where does Huang Daruan dare to meet Huang Sheng's requirements?

The next step is acting.

Of course, Huang Sheng would resist with all his might. The physique of the eight-character Hu was similar to Huang Sheng, and he couldn't control Huang Sheng at all. Later, Wei Jiahao's men beat Huang Sheng and Huang Sheng restrained a lot.


A few minutes later, a scream came from the shooting scene.

At the beginning, Huang Daruan was still a little worried that this scene may take many shots to be successful, but the shooting went smoothly.

After all, this is not a filming at all. It is more appropriate to say that Huang Daruan shot a real base film.

Huang Sheng was originally reluctant. Whether it was the process of struggling or the expression on his face, he was completely instinctive in the real environment, so real that he couldn't find any flaws.

There are also some problems with the eight-character Hu's psychology, otherwise, he would not make up his mind to take the initiative to ask.

After half an hour.

The shooting scene returned to calm.

Huang Daruan entered the lounge, "Lin Shao, it's all right, would you like to take a look?"

Where would Lin Tiancheng look at these hot-eyed things, just looked at Wei Jiahao's subordinates with questioning eyes.

Seeing Wei Jiahao's men nodding, Lin Tiancheng said, "I can trust you."

Huang Da softly breathed a sigh of relief, "Lin Shao, I have a question. Whether it is the film crew or other actors today, it may be a little uncomfortable, which is not conducive to the next shooting. Wu Mengqi's play, is it tomorrow? Shoot again?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Yes, you are a professional. How do you feel good about it."

Huang Daruan took a few more flattering shots before sending Lin Tiancheng and the others away respectfully.

Huang Sheng was still lying on the bed with a dull expression and hollow eyes.

How much he hopes that what happened today is just a nightmare, but the tearing pain in a certain part reminds him that this is reality.

No one dared to appease Huang Sheng. In fact, apart from Xu Ziman and Huang Daruan, as well as several famous actors, everyone else left with interest.

Huang Sheng's end was a bit tragic, but it was not worthy of sympathy. Huang Sheng had done this many times before, and it was considered retribution.

Huang Daruan took a box of Ma Yinglong and walked to Huang Sheng, "Sheng, don't blame me, I can't help it. Ma Yinglong can find out."

After a pause, Huang Daruan said again, "Sir, it’s still too late to make up. Find the yellow bureau and see if you can block the film during the trial. But I think the safest way is to find Let’s take a look at Lin Shao, once the film goes to the theater, it hurts you very much."

Hearing Huang Daruan's reminder, Huang Sheng finally returned to reality.


It has happened, but fortunately, there are not many people on the shooting scene today. As long as Lin Tiancheng does not intervene, he can shut everyone up and delete all the scenes filmed today.

Once on the theater, he was ruined in his life!

Out of anger and self-esteem in his heart, Huang Sheng did not choose to beg Lin Tiancheng for mercy. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the yellow bureau.

The yellow bureau answered the phone without speaking.

This is his habit. Huang Ju is very dignified in front of his family, and the purpose is to avoid the family members from stigmatizing him.

Huang Sheng said in a low voice, "I don't want to live anymore."

"What did you say?" Huang Ju asked.

Huang Sheng said, "I said I don't want to live anymore."

"what happened?"

Huang Sheng took a deep breath, "I was rectified today. Someone was on the shooting scene and found a silly person to base me. This is the scene I'm filming this time. There was no such story. He modified the script."

Huang Ju's heart sank.

Although he is very strict in front of his family, Huang Sheng is not allowed to play his banner, but no one in the film industry knows his relationship with Huang Sheng?

In this case, people still dare to do such a thing, which shows that the other party's background is not small.

Huang Ju asked, "Who is it?"

Huang Sheng said, "A person named Lin Tiancheng, he knows Zhang Weifeng."

The yellow game eyelids twitched.

If it is a person who does not have long eyes, the Huang Ju will definitely be fair to Huang Sheng. But Lin Tiancheng, his son's offense against Lin Tiancheng has just subsided.

Besides, Huang Ju also knows that Lin Tiancheng is a human being, and who can enter the Holy Eye, how can he attack Huang for no reason?

His voice became stern, "Huang Sheng, I know what you did! I tell you, if you can't get Lin Tiancheng's forgiveness for this matter, you will go home and plant your own land."

After speaking, Huang Ju hung up without mercy.

Huang Sheng lost his temper completely. When a bigger disaster strikes, the previous one will become trivial.

He was a little panicked, forced to resist the pain, put on his clothes, and looked at Huang Daruan with an imploring look, "Director Huang, you are familiar with Brother Hao, Brother Hao and Lin Tiancheng are very familiar, can you help me talk to Brother Hao? ."

Huang Daruan shook his head again and again, "Huang Sheng, I am just like you, but had a meal with Brother Hao."

Huang Sheng turned his head to look at Xu Ziman again, "Zimman, you must help me."

Xu Ziman showed a bitter smile on his face, "Huang Sheng, although I met Lin Shao in the capital, I didn't have any friendship. I didn't even have a phone call."

After thinking about it, Xu Ziman said again, "Don't you know Zhang Weifeng?"

Huang Sheng quickly dialed Zhang Weifeng's phone, "Brother, you must save me."

Zhang Weifeng's voice was a bit cold, "Huang Sheng, you are so brave, didn't you say that you should listen to him honestly? Now it's too late to ask me for help!"

Huang Sheng said, "No, brother, listen to my explanation. I have cooperated with Lin Tiancheng in acting. If you don't believe me, you can ask. What I mean now is that I hope my brother can ask him out, so I will apologize in person and express it. Sincerity."

Zhang Weifeng felt that things should not be so simple, but Huang Sheng said that he cooperated with Lin Tiancheng, so there should be room for recovery.

Besides, if it's useless for Huang Sheng to make a phone call here, he might go to Lao Tzu. He should be able to say a few words for Huang Sheng.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Weifeng said, "I just arrived in Shen City, you can arrange a place and have a meal together."


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