Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1157: Spirit Buries the Soul

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Lin Sihai and his wife had not noticed anything wrong, and Lin Tiancheng and Yang Ye did not show any abnormality in front of Lin Sihai and his wife. Therefore, after Lin Tiancheng and Yang Ye explained a few words, the couple was relieved. Come.

After having lunch at home, Lin Tiancheng and Yang Ye rushed to Linjia Village together.

Since Master Yang Xiaopeng has never mentioned his family, and it is a very time now, Lin Tiancheng can't take care of the customs at home, so he can only let Master Yang Xiaopeng enter the land early.

Lin Tiancheng's energy on the river bank is beyond doubt.

Even though some changes have taken place on the river bank, Lin Tiancheng's foundation on the river bank has not been shaken at all.

Master Yang Xiaopeng is not from Linjia Village. According to custom, he cannot be buried in the cemetery of Linjia Village, but because it is Lin Tiancheng's intention, Linjia Villagers dare not stop him.

Luo Shaoqing is also very smart and will not do such things that violate ethics, so the Feng Shui master chose a treasure feng shui place by the river adjacent to the tomb of Linjia Village.

When Lin Tiancheng rushed to the scene, Master Yang Xiaopeng's coffin had been placed in the Taiping Pit, waiting for Lin Tiancheng to build the first shovel.

Hundreds of people with faces on the river bank all rushed to the scene to mourn.

Inside the tomb hill of Linjia Village, looking at it, there is a huge sea of ​​flowers composed of wreaths, like a mountain full of flowers blooming at the same time.

Because of the larger battlefield, in addition to the gangsters who mourned in the past, the people from ten miles and eight villages also came to watch the excitement.

They didn't dare to get too close, they just watched from across the river, and the crowd was crowded with darkness on the bank of the river that was several miles long.

The elders of Linjia Village dared to go up the mountain, and also put forward some of their own opinions on the Feng Shui master who chose the treasured geomancy place, but the Feng Shui master did not adopt it.

"Shao Lin."

"Shao Lin..."

Seeing Lin Tiancheng coming, everyone consciously separated to the two sides, gave up a passage, and greeted softly.

Lin Tiancheng didn't say a word, walked quickly towards Luo Shaoqing, and said to Luo Shaoqing, "Brother, are you sure there are no vital signs?"

Luo Shaoqing said, "When I saw Master Yang Xiaopeng, Master Yang Xiaopeng had already left. There were nineteen sharp injuries and three fatal injuries, and the three fatal injuries were not caused at the same time. The enchanter had already sutured the wounds. After putting on makeup, he also helped Master Yang Xiaopeng wipe a bath."

Lin Tiancheng said nothing, and walked to the side of Taiping Hang.

Master Yang Xiaopeng’s Taiping Pit is a large project with a depth of nine meters, a width of five meters and a length of seven meters.

A high-quality coffin was placed flat in the middle of Taiping Pit. Around the Taiping Pit, 999 jars of spirits were neatly packed.

Standing next to Taipingkeng for a while, Lin Tiancheng's eyes fell on a person wearing a Taoist robe, "Is this a treasured place of Fengshui?"

The man also knew Lin Tiancheng's identity and did not dare to put on the airs of a master. He bowed slightly to Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Shao, do not go straight to the flowing water, not to the mountains. The dry position of the mountains is tall and perfect, and the mountains in the southwest are small. Junxiu, the mountain is also tall in the direction of Kan, and the mountain is like a flag like a drum. With a radius of ten miles, there is no better place than here."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Master Lao is here."

The master took out a pocket watch and glanced at it, "Shao Lin went to the Taiping Pit to prepare. In another ten minutes, it will be the time when it falls."

Someone immediately handed a shovel wrapped in white silk to Lin Tiancheng.

When the hour came, Lin Tiancheng shoveled a shovel of dirt and sent it into the Taiping Pit under the reminder of the master.

Lin Tiancheng's shoveling of soil is just a form, such a big pit, it takes no more than a day or two for manpower to fill such a big pit.

In fact, large machinery was used when digging the pit.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng had already shoveled the first shovel of soil, the excavator nearby made a vigorous sound and slowly drove towards Taiping Pit.

Two hours later, the hills rose and tombstones stood.

Lin Tiancheng used a knife as a pen, and carved a line of words on the tombstone—The Tomb of Master Yang Xiaopeng, his best friend.

Putting down the knife, Lin Tiancheng turned to Luo Shaoqing and said, "Brother, bring wine."

Luo Shaoqing brought a jar of wine, and after Lin Tiancheng took it, he raised his head and poured it.

He is not good at drinking, let alone the spirits that Master Yang Xiaopeng likes.

However, if Master Yang Xiaopeng left any last wishes, then he wanted to drink with Lin Tiancheng again.

The purpose of making such a big movement by the four major families is Lin Tiancheng, and it will not be long before the people of the four major families will let Lin Tiancheng attend the meeting alone.

Lin Tiancheng didn't know whether he would return after this time.

After drinking a few swigs of spirits, Lin Tiancheng gathered the wine jar over his head, "Master Yang Xiaopeng has a lot of things, and I, Lin Tiancheng, only won you by some sideways. Today, I drank with Master Yang Xiaopeng, but the amount of alcohol was not good. I hope Master Yang Xiaopeng will not laugh."

After speaking, Lin Tiancheng opened his mouth, drank the whole jar of spirits like a dragon absorbing water.

Everyone in the room stood with their hands behind their hands with solemn expressions.

Throwing the wine jar to the ground, Lin Tiancheng reached out to Luo Shaoqing, "Bring the wine."

Luo Shaoqing hesitated and did not leave, "Tiancheng..."

"Drink. Drink."

At this moment, a muddy voice sounded.

"Old General."

"Why did General Luo come..."

Qiao Tie is also old, but because Luo Dafa’s status is too prominent, others just greeted him and didn’t dare to go forward, so Qiao Tie tremblingly stepped forward and grabbed Luo Dafa’s hand, "Brother, you are not in good health, why? Come here."

Luo Dafa knew in his heart that Lin Tiancheng would leave after returning to see Yang Xiaopeng this time, and waiting for Lin Tiancheng would be a life and death purgatory.

He was afraid that Lin Tiancheng would waste time to see him, so he came here to see Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng held the wine jar and turned to look at Luo Dafa, "Master."

After Luo Dafa fell, his body got worse and worse. He grabbed Lin Tiancheng's hand with both hands and his body was shaking constantly, "Tiancheng, I can't wait for you to come back next time. Offspring, you also have to understand filial piety."

Luo Dafa grabbed Lin Tiancheng's hand and turned his head to look at Luo Shaoqing, "Nizi, I won't go to the funeral until Lin Tian becomes me and wears hemp and filial piety."

Luo Shaoqing answered repeatedly and helped Luo Dafa aside.

Luo Dafa crouched and started to say silly words to the air in front of him, "Go to the theater? I'm not going, my son is drinking too much, I have to take care of him..."

For this situation, Luo Shaoqing is not surprised, the father is also good and bad at home, often talking to himself.

Luo Shaoqing also knows where there is something strange, but the old man's deadline is approaching.


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