Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1163: Pain pain

Even though he knew that Yi Zhimo was an enemy and not a friend, Lin Tiancheng still felt a little strange when he heard Yi Zhimo say that her life was hers.

Lin Tiancheng could feel that Yi Zhimo's strength was still above him. At this time, Lin Tiancheng was absolutely unwilling to establish Yi Zhimo as a powerful enemy.

Wang Mengxin and others are still in the hands of people from the four great families. More importantly, Qian Laifu's life and death are unknown. He wants to rush to Kunlun as quickly as possible.

He doesn't want Master Yang Xiaopeng's tragedy to repeat itself-if he can appear next to Master Yang Xiaopeng as quickly as possible, he can use 360 ​​Antivirus to pull Master Yang Xiaopeng back from the ghost gate.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Yi Zhimo did not answer.

Lin Tiancheng said, "If you want the resources from me, then I can tell you clearly that I don't have any resources you want."

The corner of Yi Zhimo's mouth was a little cold, "No? It only took less than two years to grow from an ordinary person to a master of transformation. What do you rely on for dreaming?"

Yi Zhimo's intention to kill is even stronger, "Lin Tiancheng, if you obediently hand over your resources, I may be able to save your life, just dig your eyes and break your legs. If you don't cooperate, I have a way to make You speak, after you get the resources on your body, you will still be dead."

Lin Tiancheng was injured in the Xiao family compound and retired. After being rescued by Yi Zhimo, he settled in a cabin in the forest.

Of course Yi Zhimo knew that Lin Tiancheng was injured so badly that she couldn't get out of bed after ten and a half months. What she didn't expect was that Lin Tiancheng was alive and kicking in a short time, and she also saw her in a stream in the jungle. Bathe.

Except for the prince charming in Yi Zhimo's heart, how could her body be seen by any man?

What's more, Yizhimo's love roots have been broken.

Lin Tiancheng's glance was evil fate!

Her love roots were broken and she would not be with Lin Tiancheng, but because Lin Tiancheng saw her, she would not allow Lin Tiancheng to die in the hands of anyone except her.

Lin Tiancheng said, "I am afraid I will disappoint you!"

"It looks like you don't want to live anymore!"

Yi Zhimo slowly walked towards Lin Tiancheng.

At this moment, Yi Zhimo still has a delicate face and a petite figure, but there is a biting chill in her beautiful eyes.

In Lin Tiancheng's eyes, Yi Zhimo seemed to be transformed into a sharp sword. Every step forward brought him tremendous pressure.

This is the pressure Lin Tiancheng has never felt!

Lin Tiancheng is also a pinnacle master of transformation. Under the pressure brought by Yi Zhimo, his fighting spirit rose sharply!


With a heavy low roar in his mouth, Lin Tiancheng kicked his hind legs, the power of his dantian moved, stepped forward, and blasted towards Yi Zhimo with a single punch.

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Seeing Lin Tiancheng's punch, Yi Zhimo's eyes flashed with thick disdain, and he greeted Lin Tiancheng with a fist.

The moment his fist touched Yi Zhimo's fist, Lin Tiancheng's dantian power suddenly burst, as if a turbulent wave surged in a calm sea, and rushed towards Yi Zhimo.


The two punches were silent, but when the two punches collided, there was a low dull sound.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked. With this punch, he almost went all out. The other party just downplayed the resistance and didn't suffer. The two seemed to be on par, but in fact the winner was divided.

However, Lin Tiancheng wouldn't give up so easily, just when he was about to close his fists and change his moves, his expression suddenly changed.

It turned out that Yi Zhimo's understatement punch actually contained endless stamina!

Lin Tiancheng punched it like a raging wave in a Pinghu!

Yi Zhimo's punch was not as simple as a wave, but wave after wave, as if it were endless. Just after Lin Tiancheng's inner strength resolved Yi Zhimo's first wave of inner strength, Yi Zhimo's second wave of inner strength came again, giving Lin Tiancheng almost no chance to breathe.

Two fists exchanged, and the two people were almost touching.

Yi Zhimo stood still, motionless.

However, Lin Tiancheng took a long step back and stopped until his body hit the wall hard. I felt the blood in my chest surge, and my throat was sweet, and it was a breath of blood.

Yi Zhimo was not in a hurry to attack, she stood there pretty lively, her expression on her face was cold and proud like a queen coming, "Hand over your resources and spare you not to die."

Lin Tiancheng knew that he was not Yi Zhimo's opponent. Hearing Yi Zhimo said that even if he handed over resources, he would goug his eyes and break his legs. Lin Tiancheng could imagine how cruel Yi Zhimo was.

The corner of his mouth evokes a sharp arc, "I want me to hand over resources obediently and dream! If you accompany me once, all my resources will be given to you, then if you kill me again, I have nothing to say, beautiful skirt If you die, you're also romantic."

Yi Zhimo looked at Lin Tiancheng with your hopeless eyes, shook his head, and put a white and delicate palm on top of Lin Tiancheng's head.

Lin Tiancheng felt that he couldn't beat Yi Zhimo anyway and was too lazy to fight. He believed that as long as Yi Zhimo could not get the resources from him, he would not die.

There was a cold color in Yi Zhimo’s eyes, and he pressed the palms of the palms on the top of Lin Tiancheng's head and spread the five fingers, the ring finger, index finger, and middle finger, respectively, pressing Lin Tiancheng's Qianding, Baihui, and Hiding acupoints, "You are Chinese medicine also knows acupuncture points. You said, if I use my inner strength to seal your front and back ding points, and then slowly destroy your Baihui points, what will be the consequences?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "You'll know if you try."


Yi Zhimo snorted, and when he pressed his fingers on Lin Tiancheng's front top point, her internal strength turned into an invisible arrow and poured into Lin Tiancheng's front top.

In an instant, Lin Tiancheng felt like a red steel nail had been nailed into the top of his head by a blunt tool. The feeling was piercing!

Almost subconsciously, Lin Tiancheng's body tensed, the true energy in his dantian was released, and the bones and joints of his body also made a series of crackling noises.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng resisting with Yunjin, Yi Zhimo pressed the finger of Lin Tiancheng's acupoint and pressed hard.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help letting out a low growl, his face was pale, cold sweat rolled, the blue veins on his forehead protruding, and his legs trembling slightly.

The meridians on the top of his head are blocked, the blood is not smooth, and the expression on his face has been distorted so that he can't see the original face. In just a few seconds, his eyes are red, and even the eyes are covered like a spider web. Bloodshot covered.

Hundreds of insects bite the heart, ten thousand ants bite the bones, but so!

This kind of pain has exceeded the limit he can bear! He felt that if Yi Zhimo didn't let go, his body would be torn apart by great pain!

"I give, I give. It hurts, let go." Lin Tiancheng roared.

The contemptuous color in Yi Zhimo's eyes was even stronger.

This is the so-called strong temperament?

This is the so-called death rather than yield?

But so!


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