Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1174: Lin Shao has to work hard again

Mu Shitao never thought that Lin Tiancheng was a good person to deal with. He immediately heightened his vigilance when he saw Lin Tiancheng hurt himself.

It didn't work, Mu Shitao's head was beaten with blood.

After Lin Tiancheng's patient explanation, Mu Shitao almost understood what was going on, and a deep sense of powerlessness came to him spontaneously.

He is the only master of the magical power realm in Kunlun Mountain. He injured a lot of people when he broke the siege before. At this time, he is at his peak again. If he fights hard, he has great hopes of breaking a blood path.

Who could have imagined that the lives of several of them were connected.

Mu Shitao didn't even dare to put on airs in front of anyone, because no one would be afraid of him.

He gave up his plan to escape and started to help each other in the same boat. "Lin Shao, everyone can be said to be both prosperous and prosperous now, but Lin Shao don't worry, if the five of us work together, Kunlun Mountain can also run rampant."

Tang Jidi nodded, "Yes. Lin Tiancheng, in order to ensure the safety of everyone's lives, I hope that after we leave Kunlun, Lin Shao can use the resources for everyone to share, we hide in retreat and practice, and wait until the day we leave. It is certain that the world is invincible. At that time, no one would be in danger if they act separately."

Among all the people present, except for Master Xiu Nian, Lin Tiancheng had no affection for the others.

Thanks to iCloud this time, otherwise Tang and the others would certainly not be polite to him.

Now that he has turned over to take charge, Lin Tiancheng has no fear. He glanced at Tang Ji for the first time, "Is my name you can call casually?"

Tang and his first face rose to the color of pig liver.

He is one of the top group among the younger generation of the entire Xiuwu Alliance. Where would Lin Tiancheng take it in his heart?

However, Tang Jidi has nothing to do if he is not convinced, he will not really hurt each other!

Lin Tiancheng said again, "Mu Shitao didn't lie. When he came to Kunlun Mountain, he was at the peak of the transformation state. I just tried a few tricks to let him step into the supernatural power state. I now want to see who performs well and who performs. I'll help whoever improves."

Tang Jidi was still a little dissatisfied.

How about who can help? By the time everyone will not be killed?

Lin Tiancheng smiled faintly, "I also want to improve myself, and my speed of improvement is definitely faster than yours. Therefore, for my own safety, I will not always share my life with you."

Tang Jidi was surprised.

Lin Tiancheng's meaning is very obvious, this sharing of damage to everyone can be relieved!

If you are obedient, you may enter the realm of supernatural power. If you don't be obedient, the damage will be removed at the same time, or Lin Tiancheng will retaliate.

Before Tang Jidi could speak, Yan Beifan said, "Lin Shao, Young Master Tang is also young and vigorous, and now it is more important to focus on the overall situation."

"Master Yan..."

"Lin Shao just calls me Xiaoyan. We are a martial artist, so we don't need to be so particular."

Tang Jidi lowered his head, "Lin Shao, Xiao Tang just didn't think about it, and he was very emotional. I hope Master Lin has a lot of things and don't have the same knowledge as Xiao Tang.

Master Xiu Nian, "Amitabha Buddha, good is good."

Even though Mu Shitao is invincible at Kunlun Mountain, he is of no use at all, but he is a master of supernatural power, and he has enemies with Lin Tiancheng. It is not easy to put him in favor of Lin Tiancheng.

His gaze fell on Ling Yuanshan and the others, and quickly stepped forward to hold Ling Yuanshan’s hand, "Brothers and sisters, this time you are wronged, don’t worry, I, Mu Shitao, will **** you down to Kunlun. I will definitely protect you. Foolproof."

Yan Beifan frowned, "Lin Shao, will we be a little rash when we go to Kunlun like this? There are so many people in Kunlun today. Everyone knows about Lin Shao's resources, and it will easily spread to more people. Lin Shao, the resources are touching."

Lin Tiancheng nodded to express his understanding, but he had more important things now.

His gaze fell on Yi Zhimo's body, with a smile but a smile, "Yi Zhimo, it's this time, you won't show your true colors?"

The Lord of the Jade Girl Palace has a cold voice, "You have admitted the wrong person."

After that, Yi Zhimo turned and left.

Lin Tiancheng said to Mu Shitao and others, "Everyone, the Palace Master of the Jade Girl has been lurking by my side. When I came to Kunlun Mountain, he wanted to control me and swallow the ancient ruins. Please take her down."

Master Xiu Nian said, "Female donor, please stay."

Mu Shitao is so powerful that he no longer fears Yi Zhimo, he snorted coldly, "I'm coming."

Yan Beifan said, "Let's go together!"

Tang and the first performance, the folding fan in his hand directly clicked towards Yi Zhimo's back.

It's not that everyone doesn't believe in Mu Shitao's strength, but that Mu Shitao's life is closely related to everyone, and no one will make fun of his life.

Lin Tiancheng did not forget to exhort, "Keep her life!"

Before Lin Tiancheng helped Mu Shitao improve his strength, Yi Zhimo's strength was definitely the strongest in Kunlun.

Not anymore.

As everyone expected, Yi Zhimo was only half-step magical powers, but after just fighting experience, Mu Shitao has truly entered the realm of magical powers!

What's more, Master Xiunian, Tang Jidi, and Yan Beifan, which one did not get a glimpse of the mystery of the supernatural power realm?

Everyone is connected for life, no one is greedy for life or death, nor is he afraid of revealing his cards. Everyone has demonstrated their strongest combat power.

This is a battle without suspense!

In fact, this battle would only be easier to resolve if it weren't for Lin Tian's deal to leave Yizhimo alive.

In less than five minutes, Yi Zhimo was caught obediently.

The crowd on the Kunlun Mountains talked a lot, not knowing what happened, but Mu Shitao and Tang Jidi and others had already formed a group, and no one dared to raise objections.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Everyone, the palace lord of the Jade Girl, the wolf's ambition, the pseudonym Yi Zhimo has been lurking by my side for many days. She also knows about the resources I handed over to Mu Shitao yesterday. Because of the resources Mu Shitao got yesterday Intercepted halfway, the palace lord of the Jade Girl Palace is the most suspicious. Please be safe, everyone, I want to have a good talk with her to open up my heart.

Mu Shitao nodded, "Yes. Yesterday, the person who intercepted me was a petite woman who had already entered a half-step magical power state. Because I had just taken the God-Transforming Pill and hadn't broken through yet, I was caught by the opponent. Succeeded."

Everyone felt that something was wrong, but the most powerful people all advanced and retreated with Lin Tiancheng. Who would dare to raise objections?

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Many people prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that the masters of the family would come as soon as possible and take control of the situation.

Lin Tiancheng said to Mu Shitao and others, "I want to have a good talk with Yi Zhimo, and I don't want anyone to disturb."

Tang Jidi showed some admiration, "Then it will take less hard work."


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