Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1183: To shoulder the historical responsibility

The expressions of Mu Shitao, Master Xiu Nian, and Yan Beifan became quite solemn.

Master Xiu Nian and Yan Beifan were originally two giants, and Mu Shitao is now a master of supernatural power. From the expressions of the three, Lin Tiancheng felt that Nangong Ye was a hard bone.

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "Don’t worry, you guys. I didn’t mean to ask you to be enemies of the Tianshan faction. It’s just that everyone is connected with each other. I’m just responsible to myself and everyone, and I will let you know what happened. ."

Master Xiu Nian is still calm, not very emotional.

Mu Shitao felt a little headache, "Lin Shao, you...you know that everyone is connected, you...how can you do this."

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "What? Everyone thinks there is a problem with my actions? Everyone is a member of the Republic. Your family of sects is also the patron saint of the Republic. It is your duty to support justice and guard China. I don't care if you go or not. Do you want to stop me from going?"

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Mu Shitao blushed, "I didn't mean that, but the Tianshan faction is the real giant today."

Master Xiu Nian said, "Amitabha Buddha, Tianshan sent Nangong Ye to do such a deed, and people and gods are angry. How can I wait for the members of the Xiwu School to sit back and ignore?"

Yan Beifan nodded, "Master Xiu Nian is justified. If this kind of country thief is allowed to go unpunished, how can I claim to be chivalrous? Even if this trip to Tianshan has gone and never returned, I have the face to face Jiuquanzhi. The ancestors under."

Lin Tiancheng praised, "Two seniors Gaoyi."

Mu Shitao opened his mouth and still didn't say anything.

Mu Shitao still believed in Master Xiu Nian's character, Yan Beifan was just mediocre. He had seen Yan Beifan nodding and bowing in front of Nangongshuo like a grandson. It's just that Yan Beifan is very clear that the decision-making power in this matter is in the hands of Lin Tiancheng.

Yan Beifan changed his words, "Of course, our purpose is to help justice, not to make unnecessary sacrifices. I have an immature suggestion that I would like to put forward for your reference."

Everyone looked at Yan Beifan with questioning eyes.

Yanbei Fan said, "Tianshan Sect can rank among the top five in strength among all sects. There is far more than one master of Tianshan Sect's supernatural power realm. However, the resources of ancient relics obtained by Lin Shao are our greatest advantage! I believe that if Lin Shao can let Brother Mu step into the supernatural power state in a short time, we will not let Lin Shao down."

Speaking of this, Yan Beifan looked at Lin Tiancheng with a sincere look, "Lin Shao, give me a Divine Transformation Pill, and I can return you a supernatural power."

Mu Shitao said, "Brother Yan's words make people feel awkward. Lin Shao, the Republic is suffering from internal and external troubles, and the storm is precarious. It is time for us to shoulder the great historical mission!

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "I am afraid I will disappoint you!"

Yan Beifan said, "Lin Shao, is it possible that at this time, you will still have nothing to lose? The reason why we want resources and want to improve our strength is not for ourselves, but to shoulder the historical responsibility and for the great Chinese nation."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I don’t believe what you said. What you want most is the resources on my body. The reason why you are with me now is because everyone loses everything. This time we work together to kill the Nangong Night of the Tianshan Sect, and I can give you some resources."

Yan Beifan said, "Lin Shao think twice, you can't make fun of everyone's lives."

Mu Shitao said, "Lin Shao, things that are obviously very simple, you just have to make them complicated."

Lin Tiancheng said, "You don't have to say much, if you really want to help justice, just think about how to act."

Everyone knows that Lin Tiancheng's determination is firm. Seeing Lin Tiancheng's unwillingness to compromise, Mu Shitao and Yan Beifan could only shook their heads and left.

"Master Xiu Nian, please stay." Lin Tiancheng said.

Lin Tiancheng also knew that the stronger everyone was, the more sure they would be to go to Tianshan.

It's a pity that Lin Tiancheng only has 30 batteries left, so there is no way to help everyone improve. More importantly, he is really strong. Lin Tiancheng himself hasn't stepped into the supernatural power realm. How could he help Yan Beifan and others improve?

"Lin Shao." Master Xiunian sat down in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng took out a pen and paper, and wrote a line of words, "Master Xiunian is compassionate and cares about the common people. I would like to help Master Xiunian enter the realm of supernatural power."

In Kunlun Mountain, Master Xiunian did not show hostility towards Lin Tiancheng. Just now Lin Tiancheng said that he would kill Nangong Ye, Master Xiu Nian did not ask for half a point.

Lin Tiancheng still trusts Master Xiunian.

To break into Kunlun, you also need a powerful helper like Master Xiu Nian!

When helping Master Xiunian improve his strength, Lin Tiancheng obviously didn’t do anything. He asked Master Xiunian to eat a self-made God-Transforming Pill, and then turned on 360 Antivirus, which consumed 20 electricity to help Master Xiunian check and kill. After removing all the trash in the body, there are still 10 remaining batteries.

After helping Master Xiunian to improve, Lin Tiancheng retracted his hand, "Why didn't you see Tang Jidi?"

Master Xiu Nian said, "Donor Tang said he was going to find old friends to talk about the past."

Lin Tiancheng looked at the wound on his palm, "It's not that simple, is it?"

Master Xiu Nian also knew that Lin Tiancheng had guessed what was going on, but still said, "Tang Sect's hidden weapons are unparalleled in the world, and the methods of detoxification are also quite clever. I think the donor Tang should suspect that everyone’s life is linked to poisoning. Is trying to resolve it."

Lin Tiancheng nodded and said nothing.

iCloud can only reach an online status with four people. It is currently full. In order to maximize the power of iCloud, it is impossible for Lin Tiancheng to be online with a fixed number of four people forever.

What's more, online is also a kind of restraint to Lin Tiancheng himself!

He believes that no one but him can resolve the online status of iCloud, but what if the other party does not hesitate to lose everything?

After all, Tang Jidi is different from the others.

Master Xiu Nian is the first in the Dharma Academy and is worth trusting!

Mu Shitao and Yan Beifan are both giants in the family sect, and it is impossible for them to be willing to lose everything.

Tang Jidi are only juniors of the Tang family, even if they are extremely talented, it does not mean they must not be sacrificed!

It’s okay if the Tang family master can solve the online problem. If it can’t be solved, will he sacrifice Tang Jidi and beat Tang Jidi’s dying breath, and then come back and happily hang him and Master Mu Shitao. stand up?

The people of the Tang family wanted to sacrifice Tang Jidi, and Tang Jidi himself would be very difficult to violate.

Lin Tiancheng now has only 10 batteries left, and he won't be enough to heal his injuries.

After careful consideration, Lin Tiancheng was in iCloud and disconnected from Tang Jidi.


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