Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1186: Drill holes for water

The martial arts masters and the military have never violated the rivers. Tang Duxiu's talents are bold enough to enter the military region. The military region can rectify Tang Duxiu on the spot.

Now that Tang Duxiu found that he could not beat Mu Shitao and Master Xiunian, he wanted to show his identity and put pressure on the military leadership.

However, Mu Feng didn't plan to talk to Tang Duxiu.

Tang Duxiu had no choice but to negotiate with Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, I admit that I was a hot-headed person and came for your resources, but I have calmed down now, and I have not caused any bad consequences, you See if it can give me a face, just forget about the matter between you and me."

Lin Tiancheng said, "If you hadn't beaten Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian, you wouldn't have calmed down."

Tang Duxiu did not deny, "Lin Tiancheng, I can't beat Master Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian, but the two of them can't help me as well. It doesn't make any sense to consume it like this."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Then consume it like this."

He turned his head and glanced at Master Xia Xiunian and Mu Shitao, "If he wants to hit you, he hits, if he wants to stop you, he will stop. We have time."

Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian agreed.

Because he felt that Mu Shitao and Master Xiunian couldn't help them, Tang Duxiu didn't worry much at the beginning. Who was afraid of whom when he was consumed?

Mu Shitao, Master Xiunian and Tang Duxiu confronted each other in the courtyard.

At dinner, Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian took turns eating, but Tang Duxiu had no food.

Lin Tiancheng and others would not accompany Tang Duxiu in the waste, except for Mu Shitao and Master Xiunian, everyone else went to rest.

In the middle of the night, Tang Duxiu tried another attack, but nothing was achieved.

This time, Lin Tiancheng's goal is to keep Tang Duxiu and complete the connection with Tang Duxiu!

Even if Tang Duxiu is a master of the supernatural power realm, it will make Tang Duxiu hungry and dizzy after a few days.

The supernatural power realm master is indeed well-deserved. After two days have passed, Tang Duxiu is still full of energy, not a bit tired.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng knew very well in his heart that persistence is victory!

However, the task assigned by the helm hasn't been executed yet, and Lin Tiancheng doesn't know how long Tang Duxiu will be able to survive. Moreover, Lin Tiancheng has resources that everyone knows, Lin Tiancheng is unwilling to spend it with Tang Duxiu.

Lin Tiancheng asked Master Xiunian, "Master, a master of supernatural power, how long can I not eat or drink?"

Master Xiu Nian thought for a while, "One month shouldn't be a big problem."

too long!

More importantly, even though Tang Duxiu was full of energy, he paid great attention to saving energy. He didn't even care about the face of a supernatural power realm master, and would begin to sit on the ground.

It is not a problem for normal people not to eat for a few days, but the consequences of not drinking water are very serious. Lin Tiancheng thinks that Tang Duxiu is the same.

After discussing with Mu Feng, Mu Feng asked people to get a lot of high-power searchlights and illuminate them in the small courtyard. Even if Lin Tiancheng and others stood in the shade under the eaves, they could feel the heat waves from the searchlights.

Tang Duxiu disdain, "My dignified supernatural power realm master, should I be afraid of this high temperature? Lin Tiancheng, are you just using this trick?"

Lin Tiancheng ignored it.

Tang Duxiu closed her eyes, "He is calm and naturally cool."

In less than half an hour, Tang Duxiu began to sweat, and it didn't take long before he was sweating profusely.

Tang Duxiu is really not afraid of this heat, and it is impossible for him to suffer from heatstroke or sun exposure, but dehydration is a very serious problem.

Five hours later, Tang Duxiu looked like a person fished out of a pool, but his lips had clearly cracked.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Tang Duxiu finally took off his coat.

When Lin Tiancheng got up the next morning, he saw Tang Duxiu leaving only a short shorts all over his body, lying on the ground with his shoulders leaning against the tree, and his back facing Lin Tiancheng and others.

Seeing Tang Duxiu's shoulders move, Lin Tiancheng looked at Master Xiunian and Mu Shitao with suspicious eyes. The two shook their heads slightly, indicating that no problems were found and everything was under control.

Lin Tiancheng was a little worried, and walked towards Tang Duxiu, Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian immediately guarded them.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

Tang Duxiu sneaked up and dug a hole the size of a bowl. Lin Tiancheng knew at a glance that Tang Duxiu wanted to get water.

Of course, Master Xiu Nian and Mu Shitao would not let Tang Duxiu do as they wanted, and immediately stepped forward to fight with Tang Duxiu.

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and took a look and found that the hole had been dug by Tang Duxiu nearly one meter deep, and the soil below was very moist. Give Tang Duxiu at most an hour before Tang Duxiu could drink water.

Lin Tiancheng relentlessly filled the hole dug by Tang Duxiu.

Next, in order to prevent Tang Duxiu from digging wells privately, Lin Tiancheng asked the ‘National Blade’ team members to closely monitor Tang Duxiu with binoculars. As soon as they found Tang Duxiu making small movements, he immediately notified Master Xiunian and Mu Shitao.

Master Xiu Nian and Mu Shitao had water and food, and they could also take turns to blow the air conditioner.

Tang Duxiu did not eat or drink, was hungry and thirsty, and had to deal with Mu Shitao and Xiunian's harassment from time to time. More importantly, because of not eating or drinking, Tang Duxiu lost a few catties. This is undoubtedly for Tang Duxiu. It is even worse.

During the period, Tang Duxiu, who could not bear it, launched several storms, but each time he could not get any effect.

In fact, Tang Duxiu also noticed that Lin Tiancheng didn't seem to want his life either. Otherwise, Mu Shitao and Xiunian joined forces, and now it is very hopeful to defeat him.

I don't know how long it took.

Tang Duxiu felt that it was not so hot anymore, but rather cool, and he didn't feel hungry either.

However, the smell of soda in the air made Tang Duxiu feel a little uncomfortable.

He opened his eyes and saw a little nurse in a white coat.

"The patient is awake, where are Tang Duxiu's family members?" The little nurse shouted to the door.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly entered the ward and nodded to thank the little nurse, "Thank you."

The little nurse said with a cold face, "I don’t think you are like a poorly qualified person. Why do you still abuse the elderly? Everyone is starving and fainting. If you send it two days later, the elderly will be starved to death. Did you know that it is illegal not to support the elderly?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Yes, yes, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Tang Duxiu's expression was filled with melancholy and sadness.

The supernatural power realm master who fainted alive and hungry, he should be the first in history, and will he be the last?

After the little nurse left, although Lin Tiancheng faced Tang Duxiu alone, Tang Duxiu did not choose to act on Lin Tiancheng. He knew very well in his heart that during the time he was in a coma, Lin Tiancheng could do too much.

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "You are right, from now on, we are the closest comrades in arms."

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