Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1195: Friction electrification

Some tortures cannot be endured with firm willpower, and there are always some pains that exceed the limit that humans can bear.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng really planned to confess his heart and soul. As for whether Yi Zhimo would believe it, he had no time to think about it.

Obviously, Yi Zhimo is very confident in her methods, and she thinks Lin Tiancheng at this time should not lie.

Hearing Lin Tiancheng said it was to get the electricity, Yi Zhimo looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Lin Tianzhi wanted to completely confess his human-machine integration, but seeing that he seemed to have gained the trust of Yi Zhimo, and that he was not as painful now as before, he didn't want to reveal his biggest secret.

What Yi Zhimo wanted was a scientific basis, and Lin Tiancheng gave him a scientific basis.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Electricity is electricity. In fact, I help you improve your strength. Whether it is massage or acupuncture, the essence is to generate electricity and then perform electrotherapy on you. I don't believe you can check online. Medical electrotherapy can use different types. The electric current cures various diseases. And I use electric therapy to improve your physique."

Yi Zhimo said, "How can there be electricity for massage needles?"

"Friction, friction generates electricity!"

Yi Zhimo still felt unbelievable.

Lin Tiancheng continued, "This is the case. When rubbing, I can control the electricity generated at the hertz I want by grasping the strength and speed. Those electricity acting on your body can greatly improve your constitution."

Yi Zhimo thought about it for a while, and his face soon became gloomy. "Electrotherapy was invented only in modern times. How could there be such a method before?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "No, no, you are wrong. The adventure I got was the application of electrotherapy to cure diseases and improve the human body. It was just not the name at the time. It was like a mirage. There was no such concept in ancient times, but the mirage is It has always existed."

Yi Zhimo was a little hesitant. She felt that Lin Tiancheng didn't lie, but she also felt that electrotherapy was incredible.

After a while, Yi Zhimo asked, "If it's a frictional electrification, can't you keep massaging it?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "No, no, you are wrong again. The electricity I need is not a fixed hertz. Some frequency waves can only meet the requirements by relying on the friction generated during needle application."

Seeing Yi Zhimo still hesitating, Lin Tiancheng said again, "At this time, are you still unwilling to believe me? After I administer the injection, if your strength is not improved, you can torture me by all means. Not later."

After a pause, Lin Tiancheng said again, "Yi Zhimo, although you are very powerful now, can you really contend the entire Xiuwu Alliance with your own strength? Whether you will kill me or not, you will take it from me. The suspicion of using resources is unclear."

At this moment, Yi Zhimo suddenly turned her head, her clear eyes turned red again, and her white hair rose to the sky.

Above the sand dunes in the distance, another group of figures flew past, coming straight to the direction where Yi Zhimo and Lin Tiancheng were.

Although Yi Zhimo is powerful, everyone has a high firewood and flames. Among the masters who track Yi Zhimo and Lin Tiancheng, there are many masters who are good at tracking and sneaking. They have never lost their way.

What's even more frightening is that after such a long time, the team joining the tracking camp is getting stronger and stronger, and it's overwhelming, I'm afraid it will exceed a thousand people.

Lin Tiancheng was heartbroken, "Yi Zhimo, do you think you can still take me away now? Either I die together, or everyone works together."

Yi Zhimo snorted coldly, not intending to work together with Lin Tiancheng.

After she was enchanted, her strength could already crush most of the masters of the Divine Power Realm. Just now Lin Tiancheng helped her improve her strength, how could she be willing to bow her head.

Thousands of people were in the shape of a fan, and the cat's waist moved quickly through the desert, surrounding Yi Zhimo and Lin Tiancheng.

Someone said, "Lin Shaoxia, don't worry, we are here to save you."

Everyone was also a little afraid of Yi Zhimo's strength, and when they were still twenty or thirty meters away from Yi Zhimo, they stopped and gave way to a gap.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked forty or fifty years old, dressed in a suit of Tsing Yi, looked elegant and extraordinary walked out slowly, his eyes hurriedly passed on Yi Zhimo, and a smile on his back, staring behind Yi Zhimo. Lin Tiancheng.

Before the middle-aged man could speak, someone said, "The devil, Tianshan sends Nangong Chun to face, are you still obedient and catch it?"

Lin Tiancheng was slightly shocked, he remembered clearly that the thief at the helm was Nangong Ye from the Tianshan Sect, and he didn't know what the relationship was between the two.

The expression on Yi Zhimo’s face was neither sad nor happy. Supported by the white hair, his body slowly lifted into the air. The white hair was like a white dragon transformed by the energy of a different space, making waves of dragons chanting towards the front. A large force swept away.

The expressions of most people became more solemn than ever.

There are also many masters of the supernatural power realm, without any fear on their faces-even if they are not Yi Zhimo's opponents, as long as they are not looking for death by themselves, it is not easy for Yi Zhimo to kill them, let alone They are not fighting alone.

Nangong Chun's face still smiled, "This is the true unfeeling cut of the Jade Girl Palace. If you let you grow up, you may be able to fight me 30 years later. You are too weak now."

After speaking, Nangong Chun stomped hard, and the whole ground seemed to sink for a few minutes. Then, the sky full of yellow sand rose up like smoke and condensed in the air into a brave whose head is comparable to an adult elephant, making a sharp noise. Xiao, greeted the long white dragon transformed from Yi Zhimo's long hair.

In the sand in front of Nangongchun, a deep gully appeared.

The long white dragon made up of long hair greeted Pai Yao with a slight crackling sound in the air.

Immediately, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and even a group of great masters at the peak of the transformation stage took two steps back.

Even several giants who have stepped into the supernatural power realm have a tremor on their faces.

After a brief confrontation, the white dragon's body began to deform gradually, and finally returned to strands of white hair.

Several Pai Yao, who broke through the Canglong formation, rushed towards Yi Zhimo directly.

Yi Zhimo pushed out a palm to the front, and took three steps back before he could stand firm. The delicate face was as white as paper.

A verdict was reached between the two.

Nangong Chun carried her hands on her back, "Yi Zhimo, you have practiced unfeeling to cut, and you have been in a demon, and time is running out. As long as you are willing to bow your head, I will not kill you."


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