Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1404: Keep one hand

Master Menggu wanted to put Lin Tiancheng under house arrest, and then borrowed his hand to help him understand the secrets of ancient alchemy.

Several female disciples of the Liulizong immediately surrounded them with long swords in their hands.

Wan'er hesitated, and put the sword on Lin Tiancheng's neck: "Offended!"

Miss Wan'er is kind-hearted, she doesn't understand the hatred between Lord Sovereign and Lin Tiancheng.

It's just that Lin Tiancheng and her have never lived, and they are willing to help him improve his strength. For this alone, Miss Wan'er knows that Lin Tiancheng is not bad.

Lin Tiancheng held his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent, "Capital sins are inevitable, but living sins are inevitable? A joke! How could I not keep a hand against a female devil like you!"

Master Menggu repeatedly wanted to cause Lin Tiancheng to die. Of course, Lin Tiancheng would not treat him with poison without reservation!

Upon hearing this, the smile on Master Menggu's face froze, and immediately urged the Zhen Qi in his body to check for toxins.

After a while, her expression actually became frozen, "Why are there still two rebellious true auras in my body?"

Lin Tiancheng snorted coldly, "I just promised to help you remove the toxins in your body, but I didn't promise to help you regulate the two rebellious qi!"

Lin Tiancheng had left a hand long ago, and it was not easy to stay in Master Menggu's body with two rebellious true qi.

Relying on her own strength, it is absolutely impossible to transform it into her own true energy power!

If it were to be transformed forcibly, it would be extremely likely to be backlashed by these two true qi, causing dantian disorder, and the previous cultivation base would be destroyed.

If an expert is needed to help him, Lin Tiancheng guessed that at least it would be possible to reach the middle of the golden core.

However, if there is any carelessness in this, it is possible that Master Menggu's dantian has broken, completely becoming a mortal, unable to continue practicing.

"How dare you play with me!"

Master Menggu raised his eyebrows in anger, and the snake-shaped Zen stick in his hand flew towards Lin Tiancheng's eyebrows.

However, Lin Tiancheng didn't even blink his eyes!

Because he knew that he still had a great effect on Master Menggu, Master Menggu would not kill him.

Sure enough, when the snake-shaped Zen stick was about to pierce Lin Tiancheng's eyebrows, it turned into two small black and white snakes wrapped around Lin Tiancheng's neck.

The snake's head showed its sharp fangs, spitting out Snake Xinzi, staring at Lin Tiancheng intently.

"Is your kid really afraid of death?"

Master Menggu didn't expect that Lin Tiancheng was not afraid of him, as if he had the strength to crush him, and he didn't put himself in his eyes at all.

"Huh! You are the one who is not afraid of death!"

Wan'er deceived herself and mortgaged the cold long sword on Lin Tiancheng's neck, "Shut up, do you know who you are talking to?"

All the female disciples of Liulizong stared at Lin Tiancheng with cold eyes.

In their view, Lin Tiancheng was not strong enough in the early days of the Tuomai, so he dared to go to the Liuli Sect to clamor, and even disrespect their lord.

"You kid is very smart, knowing that I won't kill you! But if you don't help me regulate these two qi in my body, you will die miserably!" Master Menggu waved to Wan'er and the others, motioning them Back down.

"If you think that I only rely on this, then you are very wrong! I came to the Liuli Sect this time, not only to let you let the Qin family go, but also to give you what you did. Father Qin please sin!"

Go to ask Mr. Qin to sin?

In the eyes of Wan'er and others, this is the funniest joke they have ever heard!

As far as the entire sky city is concerned, the Qin family can be said to be a relatively weak bronze level strength.

The Liuli Sect and the Shushan Sword Sect and the Yiqi Sect share equal importance.

If Master Menggu's strength were not tied to these two rebellious spirits, I am afraid that he would have broken through to become a strong person in the Golden Core Stage.

Let me ask, how can Qin Yue He De deserve Master Menggu to plead for him.

The realm of comprehension is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong and the strength is respected, and everything speaks with the fist.

Lin Tiancheng was kind to Wan'er, but at this time Lin Tiancheng made her feel very disappointed. She did not expect that he was such an arrogant person, "Lin Tiancheng, please see your identity clearly, the lord will keep you A life does not mean that you can run wild in our Liuli Sect!"

Master Menggu just smiled without talking, sat down casually and sipped his tea.

"I want to see how you let me ask Qin Yue?"

"Since you have figured out my details, you must know the relationship between me and the Zhongdu Yun's family! If you don't want to go to the Qin's house with me, I have to send the Zhongdu Yun's family to completely eradicate it. You Liuli Sect!"

Lin Tiancheng was talking about pie, not please.

Master Menggu felt a little funny.

Lin Tiancheng didn't know that Yun Zhonghe was her father in the Yun family of Zhongdu, and Master Menggu's real name was Yun Menggu.

The Liuli Sect and the disciples standing aside also showed sarcasm towards Lin Tiancheng.

Master Menggu waved his hand to Lin Tiancheng, and the two black and white snakes immediately got into his cuff.

"Hehe! I would like to hear how you dispatched the Zhongduyun family to pacify my Liulizong!"

Lin Tiancheng took out a crystal clear bead from the recycling bin unhurriedly.

An auspicious cloud is embedded in this bead, which is the symbol of the Yun family in Zhongdu.

All the famous forces in the cultivation world have more or less seen the auspicious cloud symbol, or have heard of the prestige of the Zhongdu Yun family.

After all, the Zhongdu Yun family is a silver-level force in the cultivation world, and it should not be shuddered.

After seeing the Ice Spirit Orb in Lin Tiancheng's hands, Master Menggu knelt before Lin Tiancheng without hesitation.

"Don't hurry down on your knees!" Master Menggu urged the Liulizong disciple in the room to kneel in front of Lin Tiancheng with him.

Wan'er and the other fairies were puzzled and looked at Master Menggu with a puzzled expression.

The most puzzled one was Lin Tiancheng, he just wanted to use this ice spirit orb to scare Master Menggu, but he didn't expect Master Menggu to kneel in front of him.

"This is the sacred object of my Yun family, how could it be in your hands?" Master Menggu looked up at the ice spirit orb in Lin Tiancheng's hand, with a horrified face.

"Are you the Yun family? That would be easier!"

As a member of the Yun family in the capital, Yun Menggu should know the meaning of this ice spirit orb better than Lin Tiancheng.

This is a sacred object passed down by the ancestors of the Yun family in the capital, seeing it is like meeting the ancestor of the Yun family.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the person holding the Ice Spirit Orb can let the Yun family do three things for him.

"Since you are a member of the Yun family, I will now ask you to personally plead Old Man Qin!"

Master Menggu didn't understand why Father Father gave such precious things from the Yun Family to an outsider.

If this outsider is very important to others, then Father Father shouldn't let himself kill Lin Tiancheng before leaving the sky city.

But no matter what, the current fact is that the Ice Spirit Orb is in Lin Tiancheng's hands.

As a member of the Yun family, Yun Menggu must not only show respect to the person holding the Ice Spirit Orb, but also complete the three things that Lin Tiancheng explained.

Master Menggu gritted her silver teeth, and replied reluctantly: "I promise you! I can go and apologize to Old Man Qin!"

Bing Lingzhu is here, and Yunmenggu can only follow Lin Tiancheng's will!

The female disciples of the Liuli Sect around heard that the lord of the sect had even agreed to Lin Tiancheng to plead with Old Man Qin. They only felt that this was an incredible thing.

The current situation is that, because of Lin Tiancheng's appearance, not only did they fail to take possession of the Qin family, but even the lord of the suzerain had to personally go to ask Mr. Qin.

What she wanted to figure out most right now was why the Ice Spirit Orb of the Yun family in Zhongdu had appeared in Lin Tiancheng's hands. If this kid stole it, then Yun Meng aunt would let Lin Tiancheng pay for it with her life.


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