Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1407: Good for Qin Jin

Qin Zheng was full of admiration for Lin Tiancheng, at least he believed that he did not have the ability to safely bring back his daughter.

But Lin Tiancheng did what he said, and he actually asked Master Menggu to come to Qin Mansion to apologize to Old Man Qin.

Lin Tiancheng is not as good as Mr. Qin in terms of skill, and Lin Tiancheng is not as good as President Xu in terms of status, but such a young man can do it.

I ask, isn't such a man the man Qin Xue is worthy of entrusting his entire life?

Lin Tiancheng clapped his hands and signaled everyone to calm down, "Since Master Menggu is so sincere, I don't think it is as good as Qin Mansion and Liulizong form the Qin and Jin Dynasties, and they will have a good relationship with each other in Tianshi!"

Of course Master Menggu knew Lin Tiancheng's ghostly idea.

For one thing, Lin Tiancheng was afraid that he would find trouble with the Qin Mansion again, and for both, Lin Tiancheng was looking for a backer for the Qin Mansion!

After the disease in Master Menggu's body is cured, her strength must be able to reach the peak of the expansion phase, and may even break through to the golden core phase.

Such a strong person is also one of the best in the entire Tianshi cultivation world!

If the Qin family had the Liuli Sect as its backing, there would be no need to worry that other forces would invade this piece of sweet potato in the future.

Seeing Master Menggu seemed a little unwilling, Lin Tiancheng continued, "Master Menggu’s original idea was not to get the support of the Qin Mansion? If the Liuli Sect can give the Qin Mansion the greatest shelter, I can represent the Qin Mansion as Liuli. Zong provides the greatest support! Help the Liulizong advance to the Silver rank as soon as possible!"

Old man Qin was very pleased after hearing this, he knew that Lin Tiancheng was doing this for the good of Qin Mansion.

Father Qin nodded again and again, "Yes, my Qin Mansion will provide Liulizong with the greatest support, both in terms of financial resources and in terms of pill. I only hope that Master Menggu will ignore the predecessors!"

Master Menggu was really unwilling at first, but after listening to Lin Tiancheng's powerful analysis, he gave him a more profound look.

She stepped slightly to Lin Tiancheng's side, and leaned in his ears and whispered, "There is nothing wrong with what you said, but if you let me discover that this ice spirit orb is you snatched from my father. Coming here, I will not take you lightly!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and put on a fearless attitude.

"Okay, my Liulizong is willing to join Qin Mansion as the best of Qin and Jin!" Master Menggu said in a deep voice.

Just as Old Man Qin was preparing to set up a dinner party to entertain Master Menggu, a servant rushed in.

He handed a red invitation card to Lin Tiancheng and whispered, "Young Master, from the White Lion Club, send an invitation card!"

Lin Tiancheng guessed that it was Wang Si's kid!

Looking at it again, the affiliation between the Qin Mansion and the Liuli Sect was completely eliminated, and Lin Tiancheng was going to meet this newly recognized little brother for a while.

When you open the invitation, you see a silver lion pattern, which is the symbol of the White Lion Club.

The president of the White Lion Club is Wang Si's father, Wang Lin, the richest man in Tianshi.

The White Lion Club is a Bronze-ranked force no less than the Shushan Sword Sect in the Tianshi Cultivation Realm.

As the president of the White Lion Club, Wang Lin is more adept at making friends than Wang Sina, especially some strong people in the Tianshi cultivation world.

Sometimes, he even spared his wealth to bring these strong people under the White Lions Club. It can be said that most of the disciples under the White Lions Club are at the peak of the foundation stage, and a small part of them have already broken through to become the strong ones.

It was written in the invitation that when Wang Si set up a dinner in the Tianzhao box of Fenghua Restaurant to invite Brother Lin.

Seeing that the dinner time was approaching, Lin Tiancheng arrived at the most luxurious Fenghua restaurant in the entire sky market after half an hour.

The hotel service staff saw the invitation card in Lin Tiancheng's hand with trepidation and horror, and quickly took Lin Tiancheng to the Tianzi box, "Mr. Lin, please go inside, and Wang will be there soon!"

Entering the box, Lin Tiancheng saw several luxuriously dressed young men with extraordinary vibes talking and laughing.

It seems that Wang Si's kid is not just Lin Tiancheng alone.

After Lin Tiancheng entered the box, he calmly sat down near the gate!

He just sat quietly and said nothing.

But the atmosphere in the entire box immediately changed. Those rich elder brothers immediately stopped laughing. Everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng with weird eyes, as if they were watching a monster.

They looked at each other a few times, as if they were asking each other, "Do you know this kid?"

These rich elder brothers are actually young masters of some small forces in the Tianshi cultivation world, and usually call Wang Si the eldest brother.

The people in this circle are very familiar with each other, and everyone said that they have never seen Lin Tiancheng!

Moreover, as soon as Lin Tiancheng came in, he just sat there without saying a word, making these people feel very uncomfortable.

I saw a burly tall man pushed away the exposed girl in his arms, and said coldly to Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, are you in the wrong place!?"

Lin Tiancheng looked plain, and his clothes were incompatible with their personalities. He didn't look like someone in their circle at all.

However, Lin Tiancheng just sat there quietly and did not answer.

The tall guy winked at the exposed girl next to him, and the exposed girl quickly understood what he meant.

Lin Tiancheng walked slowly, twisting her waist for a long time, but she staggered directly onto Lin Tiancheng's body.

It was clear that he was not pleasing to the eye and wanted to stir up trouble.

Sure enough, a tall man stood up from his seat and pointed at Lin Tiancheng angrily, "Even Lao Tzu's woman is moved, don't you want to live anymore?"

Lin Tiancheng still did not speak. After all, these people are Wang Si's friends, so it depends on his face.

However, the more Lin Tiancheng remained silent, the taller the taller one felt that Lin Tiancheng was an egg-wrapped egg and began to get worse.

People like Big Tall are used to bullying and bullying. He doesn't necessarily want Lin Tiancheng to kneel down and beg for mercy, just want him to be soft and satisfy his vanity.

"You kid, please apologize to Lao Tzu's Ma Zi!"

This big tall man is actually Wu Lei, the young master of Tianshi Wanlong Mountain Villa, and also the guest Wang Si invited. He is considered the best in this circle to play with Wang Si.

Wanlong Villa is also a giant in the realm of Tianshi cultivation, and Wu Lei himself is even more arrogant.

In the entire Tianshi, among the younger generation, the only person who convinced him was Wang Si of the White Lion Club.

Lin Tiancheng moved, he slowly stood up.

Just when everyone thought that he was going to bow his head to apologize to a horse, Lin Tiancheng slapped his backhand on the face of the horse.


With a loud slap, five blood-red fingerprints appeared on the exposed girl's face.

As the saying goes, good men don’t fight women, but that depends on what kind of woman they are.

Seeing the revealing girl with tears in her eyes, she looked at Lin Tiancheng with surprise, Lin Tiancheng did not sympathize at all.

"Your kid dares to beat Lao Tzu's woman, don't you want to live anymore? Why don't you kneel down for Lao Tzu!"


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