Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1409: Fairies come

Wang Si's face grew heavy, and he took two steps in one step and walked in front of Lin Tiancheng!

Smiles appeared on the faces of the other young masters, and their eyes were full of sympathy for Lin Tiancheng.

"This kid is going to be done, brother is going to do it himself!"

A warm current rose from the bottom of Wu Lei's heart, "Brother, kill this kid!"

However, a strange scene appeared.

Wang Si's raised foot hit Wu Lei's chest, and the strength of this foot directly caused Wu Lei to vomit blood.

Wu Lei's face turned dark, as ugly as eating shit, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

Afterwards, Wang Si clasped his fists in his hands, kneeling in front of Lin Tiancheng and arching his hands, "Big Brother, I'm late!"

Lin Tiancheng was considered to have saved his life, and this kneeling was nothing.

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "Brother I'm sorry, this dog is drunk crazy here, I will teach him a lesson for you!"

Wang Si nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, yes, what the older brother taught me!"

Big brother?

Yes, Wang Si actually called Lin Tian the eldest brother.

They looked at the big brother Wang Si who was stubbornly inferior to Lin Tiancheng in front of them with sorrow.

These young masters called Wang Si the eldest brother, but Wang Si actually knelt in front of Lin Tiancheng and called him the eldest brother.

Does that mean that Lin Tiancheng is the eldest brother of this group of young masters.

Having said that, Wang Si is willing to recognize Lin Tian as his eldest brother, but it is not just Lin Tiancheng's strong pick-up skills!

Lin Tiancheng was able to surrender Master Menggu, and even let Master Menggu personally go to the Qin Mansion to apologize to Old Man Qin. This has already been spread in the sky.

Wu Lei looked at Wang Si with a stunned look, and roared at him, "Big Brother, are you crazy? I am the victim, you helped an outsider to deal with me!"

Who knew Wang Si actually slapped Wu Lei's face with a backhand slap.

Anyway, Wu Lei is also the young master of Wanlong Mountain Villa, Wang Si actually beat Wu Lei for someone he might not know a few times!

The other young masters are also dumbfounded, and they have always helped their relatives in their circle.

Even though Wu Lei might be wrong in this matter, but this kid offended Wu Lei, that is the enemy of their brothers.

Could this boy's relationship be better than that between them and Wang Si?

Several young masters were puzzled by this, and they turned their attention to Wu Lei.

Wu Lei took a bite of blood, patted the dust on his body, and laughed coldly, "Wang Si, don't think I'm afraid of you when I call you big brother. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, don't blame me Wu Lei Turning his face to deny people."

According to his past temperament, naturally he would not give Wang Si face, so he just walked away.

A mere meal, could it be that Wu Lei, the eldest master of Wanlong Mountain Villa, couldn't afford it, and he had to ask Wang Si to please him.

However, he didn't want to leave right now. He was bullied by Lin Tiancheng, so naturally he wanted Wang Si to give himself an explanation!

The other young masters also stood looking at each other, and suddenly felt that Wang Si was a little strange.

Wang Si just stared at Wu Lei coldly, "There are no outsiders here, everyone sits down! Let me introduce this brother to everyone!"

After Wang Si's introduction, except for Wu Lei, the expressions of the other young masters improved slightly.

Wang Si had already informed them of Lin Tiancheng's love affairs in Liuli Sect. Today, he set up this sumptuous dinner to let everyone meet Lin Tiancheng.

But they didn't think that Wang Si would introduce them to "the bull who trespassed on the Liulizong" actually in front of them.

"He is the bull who conquered the Liuli Sect Master, Lin Tiancheng?"

Many people showed skeptical eyes and didn't believe that the guy in front of him who was plain, dressed in plain clothes, and only in the early days of Tuomai could conquer Sect Master Liuli.

What a character is the Sect Master Liuli, a thousand-year-old beauty, a fairy in the painting, a chaste woman!

If you want to conquer her, you must at least reach the strength of the Golden Core Stage, and you must be a super macho, and Lin Tiancheng needs to have no strength, muscles and muscles, and what will capture the heart of the Liuli Sect Master.

"Wang Si, you can really be kidding! You can still conquer the Master Liulizong Menggu. If that's the case, I will drink the bottom of the pot!"

Wu Lei was the first to stand up to refute. He already hated Lin Tiancheng, and naturally did not believe Wang Si's nonsense.

Master Menggu is a strong man who is about to step into the golden core stage. Lin Tiancheng is just a kid in the early stage of expanding his veins. How can he win Master Menggu's heart?

At this moment, a voice came from outside the Tianzi box.

"You can't go in this lady, sorry, you really can't go in."

Before Wang Si got up to speak, there was a loud bang, and the door of the box was opened by a powerful force.

A burst of scent embedded in the heart and spleen instantly permeated the entire box.

Master Menggu is exquisite and vulgar, with a sense of lightness, delicate skin, a laid-back look, beautiful eyes, and a sense of pride.

Her appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at her dumbfounded.

This time, Master Menggu did not wear a veil!

The people in the box can clearly see Master Menggu’s suffocating face, which is fully worthy of the title of fairy in her thousand-year-old beauty painting.

She has never shown her face and rarely appears in front of the world, but today I don't know which wind blew her to the Tianzi box of this Fenghua restaurant.

Su He was so frightened that he quickly got up and owed his body to Master Menggu, "Sovereign Lord!"

However, Master Meng Gu ignored her at all and walked towards the big round table in the box.

Wu Lei was sitting next to Lin Tiancheng. From this point of view, Master Menggu seemed to be running towards him!

His heart immediately jumped to his throat, his face flushed with excitement, and even thought of welcoming the "Queen" before him!

The atmosphere in the entire box is extremely tense, and only the heartbeat of "plops" is left!

Master Menggu turned his gaze on Wu Lei, and saw her lips and teeth slightly open.

Wu Lei was almost out of breath with excitement, his chest rising and falling violently.

At this point, he could finally be sure that Master Menggu really came to him.

"You get out of me!"

Never thought that the first sentence of Master Menggu came up was to let Wu Lei go!

Wu Lei's hot heart instantly fell into the ice cave, and his mood seemed more uncomfortable than eating shit.

I only heard Master Menggu threw a silver room card in front of Lin Tiancheng and said coldly, "I have already booked the room, you know what to do!"

Master Menggu’s words sounded very cold, very ruthless!

Like a blockbuster, it blasted in the ears of those young masters!

Wu Lei slumped on the seat next to Lin Tiancheng with a dead face.

After explaining all this, Master Menggu left the box straight away, leaving only the fragrance of the house and the lingering figure.

At this moment, the image of Master Menggu's virgin and virgin woman completely fell apart in the minds of these young masters.

And the initiator of all this is Lin Tiancheng.

Now, they have no reason to doubt Lin Tiancheng's identity anymore. He is the great man Wang Si said to introduce himself to the dinner party.

Master Menggu unexpectedly threw a room card in front of Lin Tiancheng, how many more active women in this world!

It's just that their second brother did not give birth to Lin Tiancheng's fate. It was a blessing for them to be able to see Master Menggu's beautiful face through the clothes.


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