Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1411: Lu Bu Zhan Sanying

Now, Wu Lei doesn't dare to doubt Lin Tiancheng's ability anymore.

That's right, he is the great man in Wang Si who conquered Master Menggu.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng who asked Master Menggu to go to the Qin Mansion to apologize to Old Man Qin.

Coupled with the room card just sent by Master Menggu, this shows that Lin Tiancheng and Master Menggu should have an extremely close relationship.

Even if Wu Lei was broken by Lin Tiancheng's finger, he didn't dare to trouble Lin Tiancheng anymore.

Although Wanlong Mountain Villa is also a big power in the sky market, compared to the Liuli Sect, it is not a star or a half!

The only thing that can make Wu Lei happy right now is that Miss Wan'er did not fall into the eyes of beasts like Lin Tiancheng.

Wu Lei is still hopeful overall, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be able to capture Wan'er's heart.

Suddenly, Miss Wan'er stopped, turned around and came to Wu Lei, and squeezed Pei Yuan Dan back into his hand, "I understand your kindness, and I hope you won't pester me again!"

Wan'er was pure in nature and knew what it meant to accept Pei Yuan Dan, so she didn't take it.

Miss Wan'er's words completely shattered the light of hope in Wu Lei's heart!

He no longer cared about the image of a young master, and completely collapsed on the ground, and the valuable Pei Yuan Dan in his hand was directly crushed into powder by him.

The other young masters were also very worried when they saw the appearance of Wu Lei's legs.

Wu Lei's feelings for Wan'er are very sincere!

Falling flowers are intentional and flowing water is ruthless, which may be fate for Wu Lei.

After the door of the box was closed, Wang Si sternly shouted at Wu Lei, "Don't get up yet, are you trying to make the brothers look down on you?"

Wu Lei rubbed the scarlet eye sockets, got up from the ground and sat back in his seat, and started drinking silently.

Wang Si raised the wine glass in front of the table and said to Wu Lei, "Wu Lei, you met your eldest brother for the first time today. I wonder if there should be any misunderstandings in this. Why not let me be a peacemaker and you drink this glass of wine together! "

Wu Lei was taken aback for a moment, and his gaze fell on Lin Tiancheng.

At first he really looked down on Lin Tiancheng, so he had to teach him a lesson.

But the strength that Lin Tiancheng showed was still above him, that is, the very few enchanting geniuses.

Not only that, Lin Tiancheng was able to conquer Master Menggu with his strength in the early days of Tuomai. Wu Lei has realized that if Lin Tiancheng is second in the entire "flower appreciation world", no one would dare to be first.

By now, he was convinced by Lin Tiancheng.

So he raised the wine glass on his chest and said to Lin Tiancheng, "Brother, how offended Wu Lei before, and I hope to forgive me!"

Lin Tiancheng also raised the wine glass on his chest and smiled indifferently, "If you don't fight, you won't know each other!"

As the saying goes, you should make more friends and fewer enemies when you go out.

Lin Tiancheng and Wu Lei didn't have any grudges. Right now, Wu Lei is willing to reconcile, and Lin Tiancheng will naturally not refuse.

"Haha! Come, we all raise their wine glasses, then we will be called brothers from now on. From now on, Tiancheng will be our eldest brother!" Wang Si took the lead and drank the glass of wine.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly declined, "Everyone is serious, how can I be your eldest brother Lin Tiancheng! I am very honored to be included in everyone's circle! Big brother, forget it!"

It stands to reason that Wang Si is the eldest brother of this group of people. He was killed halfway through, and a few people really convinced him.

Even if you call out your eldest brother from their mouths, it would be humbly.

Wang Si shook his head and said, "Big brother's words are bad. Although big brother has not entered our'flower appreciation world', but the ability to pick flowers has left us a few blocks away! How about such a person, is not worthy of our big brother, and Who deserves it!"

When Wang Si saw Lin Tiancheng pressing Master Menggu under him, he admired Lin Tiancheng's five-body method.

Later, Lin Tiancheng saved his life again, and he had already made a decision in his heart, and he must recognize Lin Tiancheng as the elder brother.

Several other young masters also quickly agreed, "Big brother's skill is higher than those of us, and the Dafa for picking up girls is even more proficient. It is up to you to be our big brother, and we are convinced!"

Wu Lei also smashed the wine glass in his hand on the ground, and said in a shaking voice, "Yes, I will follow my eldest brother in the future and sleep with the ruthless girl!"

Wu Lei finally decided to let go of his wishful thinking towards Wan'er.

He wants to learn Dafa with Lin Tiancheng and soak up unscrupulous girls in the world.

All my life is only a sad man, and there is no love in the world.

After three wine rounds, Lin Tiancheng left the Fenghua Restaurant under the watchful eyes of the young masters.

According to the silver-white room card left by Master Menggu, Lin Tiancheng came to the third floor of Xingchen Hotel.

This hotel looks magnificent and it seems to have spent a lot of money from Master Menggu, but Lin Tiancheng feels a bit regretful that this is not a love hotel.

If Lin Tiancheng really helped Master Menggu adjust his weight and two rebellious qi, I wonder if Zhongdu Yun's holy artifact "Ice Spirit Orb" can save his life?

Out of the elevator, Lin Tiancheng saw two familiar shadows at the end of the corridor, waiting outside the room.

"This..." Lin Tiancheng muttered completely in his heart.

What kind of singing is this again? Did Miss Wan'er see that she didn't agree to her request and wanted Master Menggu to intercede?

That's not good. Once you don't control the rhythm, it's easy to annoy Meng Gu.

Just as Lin Tiancheng was about to sneak away, Miss Wan'er spotted him and greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Lin Tiancheng, since they are here, why not sit down and have a cup of tea before leaving!" Miss Wan'er said with a small mouth.

Miss Wan'er wanted to persuade Lin Tiancheng again, hoping that he could really help her friend break this barrier.

Many cultivators will behave like Jiang Rong during the cultivation stage.

If you don't get a great opportunity, it's very difficult to make breakthroughs in your skill.

The path of cultivation is not easy at first, and coupled with the numerous hurdles, I don't know how many people have shattered the dream of cultivation.

At the moment, Lin Tiancheng can help others to break through difficulties through his exercises. This is a rare opportunity for Wan'er and Jiang Rong.

They don't want to miss it.

Lin Tiancheng was extremely reluctant, but still entered the room under the force of Miss Wan'er.

Open the door, it is very spacious, it is a big bed room with sea view.

But what makes Lin Tiancheng feel strange is that Master Menggu is not here.

"Why are you only here, your Sect Master?" Lin Tiancheng felt a little lost.

Although he is a bit scared, how many times can he hear about the scene of Lu Bu fighting the three heroes in his life?

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