Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1419: Talk about it next time

Lin Tiancheng is basically certain that Tan Miaoyin likes Wei Yuan, but the film has not been pierced.

In fact, this injury is nothing to Lin Tiancheng. He still has 30 electricity, and he can heal this injury at any time.

But he didn't get any treatment, just want to see Tan Miaoyin's attitude towards Wei Yuan.

Since knowing that the farmer application can be upgraded, there are many peculiar functions after the upgrade, Lin Tiancheng can't wait to get more power!

Obviously he doesn't have any good feelings for Tan Miaoyin. If he can use Wei Yuan's identity to let Tan Miaoyin actively cooperate with him, I am afraid that the effect of charging will be no less than that of Lin Tiancheng's previous time.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed, once the identity is revealed, it will cause more trouble.

Lin Tiancheng slowly closed his eyes, lying on the soft blankets of Tan Miao Yin enjoying the service of Tan Miao Yin!

While Tan Miaoyin held Lin Tiancheng's palm tightly with his left hand, he carefully wiped Lin Tiancheng's wound.

"Second brother, you can't have anything! You must survive!"

While talking, a drop of tears overflowing from Tan Miaoyin's eyes dripped onto Lin Tiancheng's chest.

Lin Tiancheng's palms tightened, and she squeezed Tan's soft voice, and said in a very faint voice, "Don't worry, silly girl! This injury won't kill me!"

Seeing that his second senior brother was actually talking, Tan Miaoyin quickly wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and carefully covered Lin Tiancheng with a quilt.

"Second brother, let's have a good rest! Miaoyin will make some healing soup for you!"

Tan Miaoyin was about to get up, but Lin Tiancheng held her palm tightly, shook his head and said, "Miaoyin, no need, you sit down and I want to talk to you!"

Hearing the second brother calling himself "a wonderful voice" instead of the younger sister, his heart trembled.

In addition, the second brother said that he was going to talk to himself, and his heart beating more violently, and his cheeks became slightly ruddy.

Tan Miaoyin turned around and asked calmly, "Second Brother! Is there anything wrong with you?"

Lin Tiancheng is a veteran in love. Seeing Tan Miaoyin's slightly rosy cheeks, he quickly understood that Tan Miaoyin's heart was rippling.

That's right, he was sure again that Tan Miaoyin really liked her second brother.

In this way, Lin Tiancheng was ready to close the net.

However, this net has to be collected slowly, and if it goes too fast, it is easy to be discovered by this fish. If it is too small, it will be troublesome to expose the identity.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Tan Miaoyin affectionately, with a repetitive expression, Tan Miaoyin was also shy by this hot gaze.

"Second brother, if there is nothing wrong with you, then I will cook the soup for you first!" Tan Miaoyin turned to avoid it.

After thinking carefully, Lin Tiancheng simply increased the strength in his hand and directly pulled Tan Miaoyin into his arms.

"Miaoyin, I, I want to tell you something, in fact, I..." Lin Tiancheng was about to come to a Chi Guoguo confession.

But Tan Miaoyin stretched out her slender index finger, covering Lin Tiancheng's lips, "Second brother, there is nothing to say, I understand what you mean!"

Tan Miuyin pressed tightly to Lin Tianchuan's chest, but slightly avoided his injured shoulder blade.

There is a play!

Lin Tiancheng prepared to take advantage of the victory and pursued it, and said straightforwardly, "I like you, and I like you for a long time!"

Tan Miaoyin's heart beating more violently than before, and her eyes were slightly ruddy, and she moved her body up a little bit, "Actually, Miaoyin also likes the second brother!"

The second brother is mature and stable, and he values ​​love and righteousness. He has now reached a very high level in the refining technique, and his strength is above himself.

In addition, regardless of his own safety, he blocked Nie Yuanfeng's sword for himself, otherwise he might have entered the Western Heavenly Paradise.

No matter how you look at it, Tan Miaoyin has no reason to reject her second brother's confession, and he himself really likes Wei Yuan.

Lin Tiancheng stopped speaking, and his generous right hand stroked the hair upstairs in Tan Miaoyin, his lips pressed tightly together.

31, 32...

The power is beginning to rise.

Just as Lin Tiancheng thought, Tan Miaoyin really cooperated with him this time, and the speed of the battery rise was very different from before.

Because it was daylight, Tan Miaoyin was a little bit shy, and freed from Lin Tiancheng's shackles, "Second brother, don't worry, wait for me to close the doors and windows first!"

Seeing that graceful figure walked slowly towards the door, Lin Tiancheng immediately cured Nie Yuanfeng's injuries with 360 antivirus, but the **** wounds had to be left.

Nie Yuanfeng's sword literally pierced Lin Tianquan's shoulder blade. If the injury is not healed, it is likely to affect his subsequent charging operations.

Charging is a big deal and it's impossible to sloppy.

When Tan Miaoyin closed the doors and windows and returned, she was already blushing and did not dare to look directly at her second brother.

Lin Tiancheng simply took the initiative, leaned out of the edge of the bed and pulled her in front of him.

Can't let Tan Miaoyin find any clues.

Tan Miaoyin half-pushed, catering to Lin Tiancheng's movements, curled up in her arms cleverly.

There was a rapid knock on the door outside the room.

The petite and pleasant chatting sound immediately resembled a cat with blown up hair, pushing Lin Tiancheng away.

"Second brother, Miaoyin, Miaoyin will give you next time!" Tan Miaoyin didn't dare to look directly at Wei Yuan, turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

I saw a little brother who was out of breath running over, "Senior Sister, no, no..."

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

The little brother took a deep breath, his face was really pale, "The disciples who guarded the enchantment under the mountain were all killed by the people of the Shushan Sword Sect. Yes, it was Nie Hanyue of the Shushan Sword Sect!"

Of course, Lin Tiancheng heard the conversation between them, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly upwards unconsciously.

His goal has been achieved, and it is still going on according to his expectations.

He just wanted the Shushan Sword Sect and Yiqi Sect to fight each other to death and death!

This is still his first step, and when he finishes this step, he should deal with the Huoyun Sect and the Refining Sect.


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