Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1423: Changhong Guanri

The ox head and lion body of the Pixiu beast has a round maroon figure and looks harmless to humans and animals.

Although Nie Hanyue had seen many spirit beasts in Zhongdu, she had never seen a spirit beast like this one.

Seeing its aggressive appearance, Nie Hanyue couldn't help stepping back a few steps and shot an arrow at it directly.

Lin Tiancheng secretly yelled that it was not good. If the thing was slightly injured by Hanyue Arrow, Lin Tiancheng could use 360 ​​antivirus to spend a few electricity to heal it, but if it was killed by that Hanyue Arrow, it would be the worst. It's Lin Tiancheng.

When the Hanyue Arrow was about to hit the eyebrows of the Pixiu Beast, that guy's chubby body suddenly turned sideways, dodge the Hanyue Arrow lightly, and even jumped directly behind Nie Hanyue.

I have to say that the Pixiu beast looks silly, but these actions are very clever.

Lin Tiancheng didn't understand whether it was purely trying to **** the spirit of Nie Hanyue on the last Cold Moon Arrow behind him, or he wanted to draw the Cold Moon Arrow shot by Nie Hanyue to Nie Hanyue's body.

The danger was imminent, Nie Hanyue ignored the Pixiu beast lying behind him, and used all the answers to control the Hanyue arrow that was shot at her forehead.

But when Hanyue Arrow stabilized his figure, Pi Xiu Beast had completely sucked up the soul of the ice scale giant python on the second Hanyue Arrow.

As a result, Nie Hanyue directly lost two Hanyue Arrows, and her face looked extremely ugly.

However, Pai Yao didn't seem to realize the danger, his eyes stared at the last Hanyue Arrow in Nie Hanyue's hand.

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "This guy can really fight for food!"

Frustrated, Nie Hanyue simply held the last Hanyue arrow and stabbed at the brave beast hiding behind her.

She finally understood that it turned out that Hanyue Arrow turned into a waste arrow because of this seemingly innocent beast.

She must kill it to keep this last Cold Moon Arrow, or she will lose a lower-grade spirit weapon in vain.

Otherwise, she couldn't explain to the teachers at Zhongdu College.

This Hanyue Bow and the three Hanyue Arrows are the teachers of the Zhongdu Academy. They are allocated according to various factors of the students. Students only have the right to use them, but not the right to own them.

Don't look at the chubby or even swollen body of the Pixiu Beast, but its plump limbs suddenly revealed rows of sharp blades!

It leaped up and rushed toward the Hanyue Arrow that stabbed Hanyue.

At the moment when Hanyue Arrow was about to pierce the center of his eyebrows, the forelimbs of the Pi Xiu Beast hugged Nie Hanyue's wrist and turned around before appearing in front of Nie Hanyue.

Immediately after that, its pair of sharp hind limbs squashed Nie Hanyue's chest and grabbed the last Hanyue arrow in Nie Hanyue's hands with both hands.

Nie Hanyue lost his wife and broke down again.

Not only did she lose the last Hanyue Arrow in her hand, even the pale blue tube top was torn apart by the sharp claws of the Pixiu beast.

The scenery on his chest made Lin Tiancheng a little startled, and he had an idea of ​​a beast, "This, is this another super charging treasure?"

Nie Hanyue quickly turned up the hem of her waist to cover her own, but she revealed her waist that was gripped with a full grip!

"If you look again, I'll goug your eyes!" Nie Hanyue glared at Lin Tiancheng.

But by the time she reacted, Pi Xiu Beast had already sucked up a trace of the remnant soul of the last Cold Moon Arrow's ice scale giant python, and was very satisfied with a hiccup.

Its body has grown a little bit, and the aura revealed is much stronger than before. Lin Tiancheng guessed that it should be able to break through the initial stage of the foundation soon.

After eating and drinking, this thing started to fall asleep like no one, completely not paying attention to Nie Hanyue.

This made Lin Tiancheng dumbfounded and immediately took him back to his recycling bin.

"If your kid doesn't hand over the beast, I will definitely let you die here!" Nie Hanyue pointed at Lin Tiancheng with her bow.

Nie Hanyue's bow is like a sharp broad sword, even without the three Hanyue arrows, it can be regarded as a sharp weapon.

Without the threat of a spiritual weapon, Nie Hanyue was like a hedgehog with thorns pulled out. Although she was still screaming and grinning, Lin Tiancheng was not as jealous of her as before.

"Who will live and who will die?"

First, Lin Tiancheng turned on the flashlight, and the two extremely hot flames rushed towards the unprepared Nie Hanyue.

Nie Hanyue raised the longbow in her hand and drew a big circle in front of her. A nearly transparent barrier cut off Lin Tiancheng's flames and had no effect on her.

"Haha, is this all your strength? It seems that you have nothing to do except just play tricks!" Nie Hanyue laughed coldly.

"is it?"

Lin Tiancheng held the long sword in his hand, broke through the flames and appeared in front of Nie Hanyue.

However, the Hanyue bow in Nie Hanyue's hand smashed into Lin Tiancheng's long sword easily like a heavy sword!

The arrow on the Hanyue bow touched Lin Tiancheng's long sword without any damage, but was able to cut iron like mud.

Nie Hanyue's body suddenly shook, and a powerful force forced Lin Tiancheng back several meters away.

This is the gap between the middle stage of the extension vein and the early stage of the extension vein. Even without the Hanyue Arrow, Nie Hanyue's strength cannot be underestimated.

Before Lin Tiancheng could breathe, Nie Hanyue flew out of the Hanyue Bow again, trying to use the bowstring to cut off Lin Tiancheng's head.

Lin Tiancheng immediately urged the "Meteor Chapter" and "Dali Chapter" in the Jiuzhuan Wangsheng Jue, and the zhenqi in the body began to boil.

His figure speeded up a lot, and easily escaped the fierce attack of Hanyue Bow.

After leaving an afterimage, at that moment, Lin Tiancheng's figure appeared in front of Nie Hanyue.

He stretched out his five fingers, and under the blessing of "Dali Chapter", the power of the Great Compassionate Palm has increased geometrically, and a powerful force almost tore the void and smashed at Nie Hanyue.

This is not the time to pity and cherish jade, if Lin Tiancheng does not exert all his strength, I am afraid it is very likely to kill him.

Nie Hanyue's divine consciousness moved slightly, her right hand made a fist, the true energy in her body gathered on the heart of the fist, and he slammed it against Lin Tiancheng's compassionate palm.

However, Lin Tiancheng's strength has greatly exceeded her expectations, and the power of this slap probably does not fall behind the powerhouse in the middle of the extension.

"It's so strong! Your kid actually has a profound technique!"

Nie Hanyue was slapped back a few steps by Lin Tiancheng's slap, her palms trembled slightly, but her face was surprised.

Such things as exercises are very precious things whether in the sky market or in the middle.

What's more, the power that Lin Tiancheng displayed seemed to be the blessing of the mysterious order, and Nie Hanyue couldn't help showing a greedy look.

Lin Tiancheng barely gained some advantage by relying on the Profound Rank technique, but his palm was also aching, and he was no better than Nie Hanyue.

Nie Hanyue didn't want to keep entangled anymore, she stuck the Hanyue Bow to the palm of her hand, and immediately displayed the fourth formula of the Shushan Sword Art, Baihong Guanri.

A white rainbow pierced the sun, and the Hanyue Bow in Nie Hanyue's hand was shining with golden light!

Lin Tiancheng could feel that the strength of the Hanyue Bow was constantly increasing.

It seems somewhat similar to Lin Tiancheng's Qi Refining Jue, the fourth type of Shushan Jian Jue, Baihong Guanri, can actually affect the power of Changhong.


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