Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1429: Nothing to report

The Wumeng hammer in Ji Linxuan's hand is a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Could it be that the golden broadsword in Lin Tiancheng's hand has reached the level of the middle-grade spiritual weapon?

This is a bit weird!

Otherwise it would not be possible to split Wumeng's hammer in half.

In the early days of Tuomai, the spirit of the beast tiger jumped out of the Wumeng hammer, and its huge tiger head enveloped Ji Linxuan's body.

But in spite of this, Ji Linxuan was hit all over by the tens of thousands of thunder lights, and his breath became extremely weak.

Lin Tiancheng holds the Tai'a sword in his hand, Ji Linxuan is ready to make a result!

Anyway, he has already offended him. If he doesn't cut the grass and roots, if he gets to Zhongdu in the future, this kid will definitely make trouble for himself.

"Boy, stop!" Ji Linfei saw Lin Tiancheng's intentions, and immediately rose into the air.

"If you dare to kill him, our Practitioner Sect will never take you lightly!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Tiancheng's mouth, "Hehe! What is the practice of Qi Zong!"

After displaying the "Meteor Chapter" technique, Lin Tiancheng's figure increased a lot again, and the big broad sword in his hand swept across the past directly.

A few meters wide and dazzling thunder light mixed with explosive sounds, slashed towards the spirit of the monster tiger and Ji Linxuan's half-dead body.


With a sound that shook the sky, the spirit of the beast in the early days of Tuomai was directly shaken into nothingness by this powerful force.

Ji Linxuan hugged his head with his hands, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he looked very tragic, but he was still alive after all.

"My monster tiger, you..." Ji Linxuan stared at Lin Tiancheng with canthus, wishing to eat his bones and eat his flesh.

In fact, the real power of the magic weapon of the spirit weapon lies in the spirit of the spirit beast.

With the higher level of the spirit beast soul, and then through the hands of the refiner, applying more perfect formation patterns in the magic weapon, can the perfect spirit weapon be created.

What was imprisoned in Ji Linxuan's Witch Meng Hammer was the spirit of a beast tiger in the early days of expanding veins, which was very rare.

Now, Lin Tiancheng not only destroyed Ji Linxuan's middle-grade spirit weapon, but also destroyed the spirit of the monster in the spirit weapon.

"Big Brother!" Ji Linfei stared at Lin Tiancheng with canthus eyes, the Death Scythe in his hand was spinning rapidly.

Since the Tai'a sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand can even be split in half with the Wumeng Hammer, he naturally is not afraid of the weird Death Scythe in Ji Linfei's hand.

However, the Death Scythe released a lot of human souls in the process of rapid rotation. It should be the undead that the Death Scythe absorbed before!

They rushed towards Lin Tiancheng with grinning teeth, and the entire sky became gloomy.

"Be careful!" Su Lan saw that Lin Tiancheng was in danger and immediately rose into the air.

Two fiery snakes rose from the palm of his hand, and under the movement of his hands, he began to attack the undead floating around.

However, Su Lan's flame power seemed to have no harm to these undead.

As the Death Scythe in Ji Linfei's hand rotates at a high speed, more and more undead are released!

In the blink of an eye, they entangled Su Lan and began to bite her flesh and blood.

Su Lan quickly dodged, but one of the undead still tore the clothes on her back, leaving four bright red blood stains.

Su Lan's body is very thin, and her thin waist can't be grasped, and Shengxue's skin is not lightly injured by that ghost.

Lin Tiancheng Fei put his wide clothes on Su Lan's body, wrapped her left hand around her thin waist, and led her away from the encirclement of this group of undead.

"Let me come!" Lin Tiancheng gave Su Lan a firm look.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan hadn't put themselves in their eyes at all, and they were still there with me and me, Ji Linfei gritted his teeth with anger.

He turned the zhenqi in his body on the death sickle and slashed towards Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan.

The death sickle spins rapidly, and the dead souls absorbed by it are still pouring out.

"Second brother, kill him!"

"kill him!"

The disciples of the Practitioner Sect waved the spirit weapons in their hands and began to cheer Ji Linfei.

Lin Tiancheng clenched the Tai'a sword in his hand again, and slashed towards the sickle of the **** of death that was rapidly spinning toward him.

However, beyond Lin Tiancheng's expectation, even though Tai'ajian struck the Death Scythe, the Death Scythe was really a bit weird and turned into a thick black smoke.

Lin Tiancheng's vision suddenly became dark, and a dozen undead clung to Lin Tiancheng's Tai A sword, seeming to want to **** it.

It turned out that this was the trick of Ji Linfei's little envoy!

The real purpose of the trick he just used was to take away his Tai A sword!

Lin Tiancheng shouted violently, and the true energy in his body gathered on Tai'a sword!

Above the nine heavens, when the light descended from the sky, it was like the sky was torn open and the water of the Milky Way poured down.


"Ah, ah..."

The thunder light bombarded these ghosts, causing them to scream and scream, which instantly turned into a thick smoke and disappeared.

Things like thunder is a masculine thing, just to restrain the underworld resentment like ghosts and undead.

"Hehe, kid, die!" Ji Linfei's kid suddenly jumped out of a thick black smoke with the power of a **** in his hand.

Lin Tiancheng shook the Tai'a sword in his hand suddenly, a powerful thunder force shook away, and his vision soon became clear.

"Looking for death!" Lin Tiancheng happened to see Ji Linfei's figure clearly, and almost used all his energy to fly out the Tai'a Jian in his hand.


Not only did Ji Linfei’s death sickle turned into a thick smoke and dispersed, even Ji Linfei was centered between his eyebrows by Lin Tiancheng’s Tai A sword, and even his head was directly split in half.

The Death Scythe in Ji Linfei's hand is even more weird than the Wumeng Hammer. Lin Tiancheng can't see what spirit beast's soul is imprisoned in the Death Scythe?

When Lin Tiancheng took back Tai'ajian, he realized that Ji Linxuan, who was half-dead and unharmed, had fled with the disciple of the practitioner.

"Follow me!" A man in silver armor shouted from Huo Yunzong.

"Don't chase!" Su Lan hurriedly stopped.

As the saying goes, if it weren't for Lin Tiancheng to take action today, I am afraid that all of their Huo Yunzong group would be buried here.

I am afraid that Su Lan was also defiled by these inferior creatures.

Lin Tiancheng saved this group of Huoyun Sect disciples, and also preserved Su Lan's chastity. He was regarded as the great benefactor of the entire Huoyun Sect.

"I don't know the name of the surname of the son? I am Fire Yunzong Su Lan!" Su Lan said generously to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng smiled slightly to express his respect, "Lin Tiancheng! From the Alchemist Association!"

Su Lan owed her body to Lin Tiancheng again, "Thank you for your life-saving grace, the little girl has nothing to report. If you don't dislike it, I would like to invite the son to Huoyunzong to sit down and express my gratitude!"

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand, pointed to a fire-lit hole behind Su Lan, and said, "I will definitely go to Huoyunzong to sit when I have a chance. Actually, let's not hide the girl, I also like this Qi Yunfeng Chi Yang Jing. mine!"

Chiyang Gold Mine is very precious and rare. Legend has it that the blood of ancient beasts, Fire Kirin, was splashed on this ore.

It contains extremely powerful fire attribute elemental energy, which is a great supplement for cultivating fire attribute techniques.

Although Lin Tiancheng only needs a little red sun crystal to replenish the enchantment energy for the time being, this extremely rare treasure is very popular whether it is exchanged for other heavenly materials and earth treasures or sold.


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