Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1437: Huo Yan Jue

After consuming 20 electricity, Lin Tiancheng's injury has largely recovered. With various magic weapons and the remaining 8 electricity, it is also possible to fight Sunan.

Had it not been so coincidental for him to appear, Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan had already broken through the last step, and there must be more than 50 electricity!

Sunan never paid attention to Lin Tiancheng from the beginning to the end. Although Lin Tiancheng defeated the two brothers Ji Linxuan and Ji Lingfei, they were only in the middle stage.

The strength of Sunan has reached the peak of the expansion period.

Since his mother became ill, he has served in front of the bed for a long time, neglecting to practice.

Otherwise, he might have broken through the golden core strength a year ago, even if he is placed in the entire Zhongdu, he can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation.

"Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you!"

Sunan threw out the Zaotian Banner again.

Eighteen Zaotian Stages emerged above Lin Tiancheng, as if a gossip formation, besieging Lin Tiancheng.

I saw that Sunan jumped and disappeared into the rapidly spinning Zaotian Banner.

Under the concealment of the Zaotian Banner, Sunan appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng and sometimes behind Lin Tiancheng.

He seemed to have mastered the power of time and space, and he could change his figure back and forth in these soap sky banners, leaving Lin Tiancheng unable to figure it out.

Lin Tiancheng spread his spiritual consciousness, but he could perceive the endless flame aura, which could not help him find the traces of Sunan.

Suddenly, there was a chill from behind, and before Lin Tiancheng turned his head, a fist big as a sandbag slammed over.

This fist gradually changed from ink dots to the size of a grinding plate, and the entire fist was also wrapped in flames, and the place it passed was even more fierce.

Once hit by it, it will be indistinct, but it will kill you.

This kid Sunan is determined to kill Lin Tiancheng, and this is the fate of offending his sister.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly backed up a few steps, and a carp came to beat him, and barely escaped the fatal blow.

He frowned, still consuming 1 battery and turned on the flashlight!

In this way, Zaotianqi's blindfold method is almost like a pediatrician in front of Lin Tiancheng!

His eyes completely see through these Zaotian Banners, and he can clearly see Sunan's figure changing back and forth among these Zaotians, wanting to take the opportunity to attack Lin Tiancheng.

But Lin Tiancheng only had 7 electricity left. If he continues to consume too much electricity, his life may be in danger.


Sunan suddenly appeared behind Lin Tiancheng, Zaotianqi's sharp spear head pierced Lin Tiancheng's neck.

In fact, Lin Tiancheng had seen his figure through a flashlight a long time ago, only to use his tricks and deliberately let him find the flaw.

On one side of Lin Tiancheng's body, he avoided the sharp spear of Sunan, holding the Zaotian flag in one hand, and the other palm condensed almost all the true energy in the body, and the Dali Pian tactics also worked at this time. stand up.

"Great mercy and compassion!"


A loud and deafening noise directly left a bright red slap on Sunan's Xiaobai face.

The kid from Sunan is deadly, and of course Lin Tiancheng will not be polite with him!

The Great Compassionate Palm almost used Lin Tiancheng's whole body's solution, and his arm was a little bit painful, not to mention Sunan's kid.

Sunan was completely shocked. He felt his face fierce and painful, and his cheekbones were undoubtedly sunken. The feeling was like a burst of head, generally painful.

He didn't dare to imagine that this was the power that a kid in the middle stage of the development of veins could display, and he didn't understand why Lin Tian became able to find his trace?

Before he could think about it, his weird figure shrank into the Zaotian Banner again.

The people of Huo Yunzong looked at the messy Zaotian flag flying in the air, wondering what happened just now.

However, they could hear the applause clearly.

The man in silver armor couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that the kid slapped our young master abruptly!"

Several Huo Yunzong disciples beside him agreed with a guilty conscience: "It should be, that kid should be beaten not lightly!"

Lin Tiancheng saved their lives, and they actually didn't want to see this scene.

However, Lin Tiancheng's purpose is not pure. It is a fake to rescue Miss Su from the two brothers of Ji Linxuan, and it is true to covet Miss Su's beauty.

This can only be regarded as his own fault!

"When the young master kills this kid, doesn't it mean that the entire Chiyang Gold Mine belongs to our Huoyun Sect?"

The face of the man in silver armor was full of smiles.

However, the girl Su Lan couldn't be happy.

Lin Tiancheng and her in the mine can be regarded as people who have experienced life and death. Su Lan still does not want to believe that Lin Tiancheng is a womanizer.

However, this kid obviously suffered a very serious injury, but after her brother arrived, he suddenly jumped from his body, which is beyond reason.

The number of Zaotian Banners in the sky increased to thirty-six, like huge fireballs, spinning rapidly with Lin Tian as the center.

Sunan made several shots in succession, but Lin Tiancheng slapped him back. His head was swollen like a pig's head.

He couldn't understand why Lin Tiancheng was able to spot him every time he shot from an extremely tricky angle.

It was as if he could feel his position at any time.

The fact is that Sunan's strength is obviously stronger than Lin Tiancheng's. With his strength, he can completely conceal his aura in front of Lin Tiancheng, so he can't perceive his position.

learn from mistakes.

Sunan stabilized his figure, turned thirty-six Zaotian flags into one and held it in the palm of his hand.

The Huo Yunzong disciple watching the battle on the ground saw Sunan's face swollen like a pig's head, and his heart was full of shock.

Only then did they know that it was their Young Master who was really slapped, not Lin Tiancheng.

But the fact is that Lin Tiancheng only has the strength of the mid-stage Tuomai, how could he get the figure of the young master with his slap.

Sunan felt that he was greatly humiliated, and the will of fire in his blood burned, forming a fire man more than three meters high on his body.

"Boy, since you are so ignorant of what is good and bad, then I will let you taste the power of my Flame Art!"

Huoyan Jue is a set of fire-attribute profound-level techniques, created by a Mahayana predecessor of Huoyunzong.

Because of the power of this set of exercises, it seems to have become the Zhenzong Dafa of Huoyun Sect.

Lin Tiancheng realized that Sunan was completely irritated, and immediately activated the "Body Protector" method, which condensed into a dark yellow defensive cover on his body.

Sunan deceived his body, his slap was like a red iron block, applied to Lin Tiancheng's abdomen, instantly burning Lin Tiancheng's clothes through, and leaving a burn mark on Lin Tiancheng's skin.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, and the pain made Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth and took a cold breath.

But at this moment, Lin Tiancheng seized the opportunity and immediately consumed 4 electricity, using Thunder Download to download the unique profound-level technique Huo Yan Jue of Huo Yun Sect.

As a result, Lin Tiancheng only had 3 batteries left, but he felt that his physical strength was a little weak, and his combat effectiveness was still there!

When he was in the mine, Lin Tiancheng was seriously injured, and there were only 3 batteries left in his mobile phone before he collapsed to the ground with all his limbs and his eyes lost.

Now, although it is not that serious, but the battery is in a hurry and it is uncomfortable.

Taking the risk of downloading the Huoyan Jue in the Fire Cloud, Lin Tiancheng had his own plan.

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