Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1447: Three-year agreement

"Of course, join my Yiqi Sect, you can also learn all my exercises like them!"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng and Nie Hanyue did not have any deep hatred.

Lin Tiancheng still had a trace of guilt for hurting Nie Hanyue so badly!

In addition, it is better to do more than to do less.

Sooner or later, Lin Tiancheng is going to Zhongdu, and this girl is a student of Zhongdu College. If she doesn't reconcile with her, she might even seek revenge on herself everywhere like a wonderful talk.

When Nie Hanyue heard Lin Tiancheng said that she and her brother's injuries could be healed, she did have such a heartbeat.

But when he thought that Lin Tiancheng had killed his father, he immediately vetoed him, "Don't think about it! Killing your father's hatred is not shared!"

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I won't keep you as a guest! By the way, the realm of the Shushan Sword Sect is also the realm of my Qi Sect. From now on, you two brothers and sisters can do it for themselves! "

Nie Hanyue's face was dark, her head lowered, and she said nothing.

The Nie family has lived in Shushan for generations, and there is an ancestral hall of their Nie family in the Shushan Sword Sect.

From the generation of the great-grandfather of the Nie family, all the spiritual plaques have been placed in this ancestral hall. This is the root of their Nie family!

In addition, their mother is buried in the Feng Shui treasure land of the Sword Sect Houshan Dragon Yinshui.

Nie Weiping once told his children that if he died, he would be buried with their mother.

Lin Tiancheng's meaning is very clear. If sister and brother Nie Hanyue are unwilling to submit to him, they will be expelled from the Shushan Forbidden Land.

In this way, the ancestral hall of their Nie family will be completely destroyed, and her father's wish will not be fulfilled.

Nie Hanyue was completely lost in thought.

An elder of the Shushan Sword Sect suddenly stood up and persuaded Nie Hanyue, "Miss! I watched your two siblings grow up. Now that the lord of the Sect Master is dead, Mount Shu is still your root..."

The old man said a lot, what he understood was that Nie Hanyue agreed to Lin Tiancheng's condition.

He watched Nie Hanyue's two sisters and brothers grow up, and had feelings for them, and he didn't want them to live wandering around.

After various considerations, Nie Hanyue struggled to stand up and said to Lin Tiancheng, "Is it true that I promised to become a disciple of the Yiqi Sect, are you really willing to heal the injuries for me and my brother?"

"I, Lin Tiancheng, do what I say!"

Some disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect showed strange eyes at Nie Hanyue.

They whispered in a low voice, "I just opposed our joining the Yiqi Sect, but now they..."

"Follow him! Anyway, I will follow Sect Master Lin determinedly in the future!"

"Yeah! He is so young, his strength has reached the middle stage of the extension vein, and he also possesses various high-level techniques! I'm sure that Yiqizong must be promoted to a silver rank force!"

Lin Tiancheng vaguely heard their conversation, so he said loudly, "As a disciple of my Yiqi Sect, you can rest assured! Within three years, I will definitely become the first silver-level force in the sky city in one go!"

Within a year, Lin Tiancheng had been promoted from a martial artist to a cultivation practitioner in the middle of the expansion period.

To make Yiqizong a silver rank power, Lin Tiancheng's strength must break through to the Golden Core Stage.

In fact, Lin Tiancheng said that after three years, he was still somewhat self-effacing.

After Sect Master Lin had finished explaining these things, Deacon A Qing took the disciples who had just joined the Yiqi Sect into the sect to familiarize themselves with the environment, and changed their costumes.

At this moment, Zhao Guzi fell to the ground still dying.

Tan Miaoyin was also extremely sad when she saw the pain of her master. She said to Lin Tiancheng, "Help me, master! He is going to die! As long as you can save him, no matter what you ask me to do in the future, I All promised!

Tan Miaoyin almost begged Lin Tiancheng in a kneeling posture, because she really didn't want her master to be involved.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at the Talking Voice with a weird face, and said solemnly, "You said it yourself. I didn't force you. You must remember what you said today!"

Lin Tiancheng doesn't want to be difficult for others!

If these words weren't just for talking, Lin Tiancheng would never threaten her with this.

It's just a matter of time that Lin Tiancheng's personal charm wins the talk.

Tan Miaoyin certainly knows Lin Tiancheng's thoughts. In her opinion, Lin Tiancheng is a disciple!

However, she doesn't care about these anymore, as long as she can save Master, she can do anything!

"Well! I talked about Miaoyin and did what I said!" Tan Miaoyin nodded heavily!

Lin Tiancheng leaned down and used 360 Antivirus to check Zhao Guzi's injuries.

It takes Lin Tiancheng 25 electricity to help him completely heal his injury!

Lin Tiancheng is not that stupid. Tan Miaoyin only said to save Zhao Guzi, but did not say to help him fully recover from his injuries.

Moreover, if Lin Tiancheng really helped this old thief Zhao recover from his injuries, then Lin Tiancheng would really be the farmer who saved the snake.

With the disposition of the old thief Zhao, when his injury heals, he will surely hit his mind on the Ninth Stage Profound Rank Going Sheng Jue Cultivation Technique!

Then he thought about how to deal with himself, how to regain his position as the master of one spirit!

Lin Tiancheng took Zhao Guzi a pill that was nothing, and then consumed 10 electricity, using 360 antivirus to save his life!

It just saved his life!

Lin Tiancheng's punch punched Zhao Guzi's abdomen. Although he was not injured, it was able to make him bedridden.

Tan Miaoyin saw his master's frowning brows slowly stretched out, finally showing a look of joy on his face.

She tried her best to bring the master back to her wing, but she failed repeatedly.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Tan Miaoyin's thin body and couldn't help feeling a little sympathy, "Or let me come!"

Tan Miaoyin shook his head.

Lin Tiancheng knew that this girl might not be able to let go of the knots about herself in this life.

Speaking of the grievances between him and Tan Miaoyin, they have to start with her grandfather Tan Anfu.

Had it not been for her grandfather, Tan Miaoyin would not have captured Lin Tiancheng's friend Qiu Dazhen.

At night, Lin Tiancheng meditated alone on the Cliff of Broken Soul.

Nie Hanyue took her younger brother Nie Yuanfeng quietly to Lin Tiancheng's back.

"That, Lord Sovereign, I..."

Lin Tiancheng turned around and glanced at Nie Hanyue and Nie Yuanfeng, waved his hand, "No need to say more, I understand your intentions! Let your brother come over first!"

Nie Yuanfeng was injured a few days ago because of the combined blow of Lin Tiancheng and Tan Miaoyin.

Coupled with the lack of timely treatment, he was already skinny, his complexion turned yellow, and he kept coughing.

Nie Yuanfeng heard about everything that happened on Qi Yunfeng from her sister, including Lin Tiancheng's killing of his father.

At the beginning, his mood was extremely irritable, grabbing the long sword by the bed, he wanted to avenge Lin Tiancheng.

But when he was emotional, his throat felt a little sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The intense pain caused him to sweat all over his body, and he finally lay on the bed with the help of Nie Hanyue.

Under Nie Hanyue's various persuasion and his own pain, in the end, he decided to compromise with Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, he was willing to accompany Nie Hanyue to Qi Yunfeng, seeking treatment from Lin Tiancheng.

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