Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1449: keep your word

After arriving in Lin Tiancheng's wing, although she had great unwillingness in her heart, she was helpless.

After Lin Tiancheng gave her a pill, it consumed 15 electricity and used 360 antivirus to roughly recover her injuries.

Then it should be time for her Nie Hanyue to repay Lin Tiancheng's electricity, and she did something indescribable!

This is the first time Nie Hanyue has taken the initiative to do this kind of thing with Lin Tiancheng, and she still finds it hard to accept it, showing a grieving expression on her face.

Three hours passed, Lin Tiancheng took Nie Hanyue back to the Cliff of Broken Soul.

At this time, Nie Yuan's atmosphere was like gossip, his nose hanging upside down on the tree, and a pool of bright red blood.

There was still a weak cry in his mouth, "Beast, let go of my sister!"

Lin Tiancheng stood in front of him, but his breath was extremely weak, and he could no longer teach Lin Tiancheng.

"Lin Tiancheng, what's going on? Didn't you say that my brother's injury will be healed after three hours?"

Nie Hanyue quickly stepped forward to free her younger brother from the tree, her eyes staring at Lin Tiancheng with extreme anger.

Although she didn't treat this trash brother much, but no matter what, he was also her last relative in the world.

Seeing that her brother was so angry, Nie Hanyue wanted to fight Lin Tiancheng very much.

"Why? Don't you recognize me as Sect Master so soon?" Lin Tiancheng said coldly with his hands behind him.

Nie Hanyue hurriedly knelt down on the ground, "No, dare not! Please, Lord Sect Master, save my brother!"

"I, Lin Tiancheng, count, isn't it three hours? Your brother can't die!"

Lin Tiancheng put his hand on Nie Yuanfeng's body, consumed a full 25 electricity, used 360 to kill the virus, and roughly recovered his injury.

Because he and Nie Hanyue broke through the last step, Lin Tiancheng charged 50 electricity from her body!

Excluding the 15 electricity used to restore Nie Hanyue's injury, Lin Tiancheng still has 55 electricity left.

Nie Yuanfeng was full of anger. Seeing Lin Tiancheng's deceptive face, an anger rose in his heart.

He whispered in an extremely hoarse voice, "Lin Tiancheng, if I don't kill you, I will not be a man!"

He felt like a fool who was deceived by Lin Tiancheng.

For three full hours, the howling mountain wind not only aggravated his injury, but also completely turned him into a fool.

Not only that, I am afraid that my sister has been persecuted.

Father is dead, and sister is her only relative in this world!

He must not let anyone bully his sister, especially Lin Tiancheng.

He struggled and stood up suddenly from the ground, and slapped Lin Tiancheng towards Lin Tiancheng.

Looking at her angry younger brother, Nie Hanyue showed an expression of shock.

She hurriedly stepped forward to stop her brother's behavior, "Stop! Yuan Feng, your injury has healed, haven't you noticed it?"

Nie Yuanfeng, who was just as angry as a gossamer, now feels his whole body is full of power, as if he is rejuvenated.

It is simply a miracle in the medical world.

Is it really because of the pill that Lin Tiancheng gave him and this special treatment?

"I, Lin Tiancheng, did what I said. In three hours, your injury has healed!"

He slapped Nie Yuanfeng's raised right hand with a palm, and smiled coldly, "If you don't want to be a man, then give me Lin Tiancheng a dog!"

Nie Yuanfeng's face stiffened slightly, and he realized that he was indeed impulsive, "Master Sect Master laughed! I'm still a good person!"

At this moment, he didn't want to understand what was going on.

When he was hung upside down on a tree, he obviously felt that his meridians were blocked, his brain was congested severely, and his injuries became more serious.

What made him even more angry was that Lin Tiancheng told him that he could force out the congestion in his body in this way, but he obviously vomited blood.

Coupled with the roar of the mountain breeze for three hours, Nie Yuanfeng's Harazi also ran across the ground, completely frozen into a silly fork.

Looking back now, his injury has almost recovered, and he looks alive and well.

"Is it really because of the upside-down of those three hours?"

After seeing her brother's injury recovered, Nie Hanyue's expression became serious again.

She sternly rebuked her younger brother, "Fortunately, the lord doesn't care about you. If you are so reckless in the future, no one will collect your body if something happens!"

Nie Yuanfeng didn’t know, so he arched his hands towards Lin Tian reluctantly, “Master Xie is magnanimous!”

"Okay! Go and arrange the funeral of your father!"

Lin Tiancheng waved at them and motioned for them to leave, while he himself continued to meditate on the Cliff of Broken Soul.

Lin Tiancheng now has 55 electricity. He immediately opened the farmer application and planted a soul-raising wood seed on a piece of red land.

This is a heaven and earth spiritual material that can enhance spiritual consciousness.

In the battle with Huoyunzong Sunan, Lin Tiancheng was greatly suppressed by Su Nan's divine consciousness, because of the great lack of divine consciousness.

He must strengthen his own spiritual power in order to have more keen perception and control over the power of true energy.

This is the foundation of a cultivator, and it will be of great benefit to future cultivation.

It took Lin Tiancheng 30 electricity to buy the Soul Tree Seed, and Lin Tiancheng had 25 electricity left.

During this period of time, the brave beasts kept in the recycling bin seemed to be quiet, and Lin Tiancheng felt very strange.

He opened the recycling bin and found that this guy was still asleep.

However, its figure at this time was only the size of an adult panda, and the aura it revealed seemed to indicate that it had reached the peak of the foundation period.

Lin Tiancheng was quite surprised by this. The Pixiu Beast is indeed a spirit beast with ancient blood, and the speed of its promotion is very different from that of ordinary spirit beasts.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that this guy should have swallowed a lot of Chiyang Lingyuan in the Chiyuan Concentrate.

After he took a closer look, he suddenly discovered that only a small part of the heaven and earth spirit materials that were originally placed in the recycling bin like a small mountain bag are now left.

Although the abilities of the Pixiu Beast were powerful, it made Lin Tiancheng panicked.

With so many spiritual materials from heaven and earth, in less than half a month, he had eaten little left.

You know, this guy has absorbed a lot of the fire elemental energy in the Chiyang Crystal and Chiyang Lingyuan in the Chiyang Gold Mine.

If he loses his power at this speed, Lin Tiancheng will really be overwhelmed.

Early the next morning, the girl Tan Miaoyin came to Lin Tiancheng's wing to shout early.

"My lord, the old man of the Qin family has already gone up the mountain to visit you!"

Lin Tiancheng was a little puzzled, why would Father Qin come to Qi Yunfeng at this time?

It turned out that Lin Tiancheng ruled the two major sects, and it became a matter of the Yiqizong City, which had long been spread in the sky.

Deacon A Qing was also busy all night, sending out invitation letters to some cultivation schools in Tianshi, inviting them to come to Qi Yunfeng to celebrate Lin Shao's ascending the position of Yiqi Sect.

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