Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1454: Go to Zhongdu

When Yun Mengyao left the prison, Yun Zhonghe carefully put the blood book in Yun Zhonghe's hand, and told her to give her the blood book to Lin Tiancheng. .

In fact, Yun Zhonghe did this with a certain amount of gambling, but it was the only way out for their Yun family.

The original blood mother-in-law can be said to be half of her body, but because of taking Lin Tiancheng's pill, she not only recovered her injuries, but also recovered her mid-level golden core strength.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng's significance to the blood clan is as great as remaking.

He believed that as long as Lin Tiancheng was willing to come forward, he could still save the Yun family from the blood.

Compared with the blood race, Yun Zhonghe is more willing to lead the Yun family to follow Lin Tiancheng.

The blood clan at this time was like a hungry tiger, and if the Yun Family compromised, it would definitely be swallowed up by it.

But Lin Tiancheng was different. He was weak, but he was a cultivator who developed his veins.

Even if the Yun family wants to turn over in the future, it is more likely.

Of course Lin Tiancheng knew that Yun Zhonghe had a good calculation, but he felt that the deal was a good deal.

Yunzhonghe wanted to use Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng could do his best.

When his own strength is strong enough, Lin Tiancheng can completely swallow the Yun Family, so that he will have a foothold in Zhong.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng hesitated, Yun Mengyao directly knelt in front of Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, I am here to act on behalf of my grandfather and myself like you have done, apologize!"

Of course Yun Mengyao was afraid that Lin Tiancheng would die because of some unpleasantness in the past and would not agree to his grandfather.

Then the Yun family would really be over.

Moreover, Yun Mengyao and her grandfather had witnessed what happened in Yunmengshan Sanguinianshan Village together. She believes that Lin Tiancheng has this ability to persuade the sanguine.

Yun Mengyao was worried that the conditions given by her grandfather were not enough, so she spoke again, "As long as you are willing to save my grandfather's life, I can meet any of your requirements, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree!"

She also knew that Lin Tiancheng had coveted herself for a long time!

Yun Menggu said with a serious face, "Lin Tiancheng, I don't know if what my father said is true, but I hope you can accompany us on a trip!"

After all thoughts, Lin Tiancheng finally decided to help them. Of course, the most important thing was to help himself.

Zhongdu is a place that all cultivators yearn for. If Lin Tiancheng can win the power of the Yun family, he can develop his own power in Zhongdu and survive thoroughly.

"Lead the way! I can only do my best. Whether the blood people will agree to my request depends on good luck!"

Lin Tiancheng had no time to say goodbye to Old Man Qin and the others, so he followed Master Menggu and Yun Mengyao to Zhongdu.

When Wu Zhihai and Wu Lei returned to the table, they found that Lin Tiancheng had already left, and felt a little disappointed.

Failing to establish a good relationship with Sect Master Lin, I am afraid that their Wanlong Villa will be difficult to mix in the sky market in the future.

After Lin Tiancheng left, everyone turned their attention to Old Man Qin and Deputy Sect Master Tan.

They tried their best to please these two people and kept toasting them.

Upon seeing this, Wu Zhihai hurriedly took her son to Old Man Qin's side.

"Old man Qin, the treasured sword is not old! Xiao Wu, here is a drink to Mr. Qin!" Wu Zhihai raised his glass and smiled at him.

The smile on Father Qin's face stiffened slightly, and he also raised the wine glass in his hand to show respect.

In fact, Wanlong Mountain Villa is not a big power sect in the whole Tianshi, but it is just such a power. In the past, he was completely ignored, and it was impossible to take the initiative to toast him. .

After that, Wu Zhihai continued to speak, and constantly slapped Mr. Qin's flattery!

Seeing Old Man Qin's face flushed and drunk, Wu Zhihai revealed his true purpose.

"Old man Qin doesn't know anything. My trash son and Lin Sect Master had a few holidays before, and I hope Father Qin will say something in front of Lin Sect Master. I, Wu Zhihai, are one hundred willing to make friends with Lin Lin!"

Old man Qin flushed, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Brother Wu. My bad old man doesn't have the slightest right to speak in front of Sect Master Lin. I'm afraid Old Brother Wu has to go to Sect Master Lin to explain that it is!"

Although Father Qin was drunk, he was very clear in his mind.

Wu Zhihai of Wanlong Villa wanted to use himself, but he had no way.

Lin Tiancheng, Yun Menggu and others sat on the flying beast, the purple-gold butterfly, which is unique to the Zhongdu Comprehension Realm.

The purple-gold butterfly flies at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, its huge figure shuttles among the clouds, and the scenery of the earth is panoramic.

It was the first time that Lin Tiancheng had seen this flying spirit beast, and he was quite curious.

However, this kind of flying spirit beast, Purple Gold Butterfly, is common in the entire cultivation power of Zhongdu.

After an hour, the group finally arrived in Dongcheng District in Zhongdu.

Zhongdu has a vast area and is divided into five major districts, Zhongcheng District, Dongcheng District, Beicheng District, Xicheng District, and Nancheng District.

The area of ​​each urban area is large enough to be comparable to the current Chinese territory.

Zhongcheng District is the most sacred and mysterious place in the entire cultivation world, where there are legendary forces in the entire cultivation world.

The size of the power is divided into four levels: bronze, silver, gold, and legendary.

From this we can see how terrifying and powerful forces can take root in Midtown.

To reach the golden rank power, one must have a strong man in the Mahayana stage within the sect, and to reach the legendary rank power, it requires a supreme veteran who crosses the calamity stage to sit down.

As for the other four major cities, there is a gold-level force.

The Dongcheng district that Lin Tiancheng is going to is under the jurisdiction of the Deacon Song who had appeared in the Tianshi Qunying Pavilion at the beginning. Song Qingyun's school is under the jurisdiction of Taiyi.

In addition to the existence of the gold rank forces, the others are the silver rank forces, including the Practitioner Sect, the Alchemist Association, and the Fire Cloud Sect that Lin Tiancheng has already encountered.

After flying into the airspace of Zhongdu, a whole new world appeared before his eyes.

There is an endless territory here, among the clouds are flying various heaven and earth spirit beasts, as well as some immortals flying with swords.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help sucking his nose, he found that the aura of this land seemed to have become more intense.

It is no wonder that Zhong will become the place that every cultivator yearns for. Such a strong spiritual aura of heaven and earth can bring great benefits to cultivators.

Under the leadership of Zijin Butterfly, the three slowly landed in a large house.

Here, Lin Tiancheng saw strange faces.

This mansion is actually the mansion where Yun Zhonghe's younger brother is located.

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