Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1461: ethical bottom line

"No, you must help me! Please!"

Yun Mengyao's attitude is very sincere.

Lin Tiancheng refused again and said: "Don't worry, Lin Tiancheng has always said that I can do it. Since I promised to help you Yun Family, you don't have to do this!"

This should be put before, Yun Mengyao really believes that Lin Tiancheng has this strength.

However, after the little grandfather Yun Zhongzi and aunt Yun Menggu had such a trouble, it is likely to anger the blood people.

When Lin Tiancheng wants to help the Yun family, it will be even more difficult. Of course, Yun Mengyao can't put her eggs in a basket. Of course, she still wants to improve her strength.

"Then why are you willing to help my aunt but not me?"

This sentence stunned Lin Tiancheng and made him feel speechless.

"I see, you must have fallen in love with my aunt! Don't forget that I am your wife!" Yun Mengyao's words were mixed with a little anger.

Yun Menggu is Yun Mengyao's aunt. If Lin Tiancheng did this, it would be against ethics.

"I don't like your aunt, it's just a deal between me and her! Don't mess around here, I won't promise you!"

Yun Mengyao took the initiative to reach out and held Lin Tiancheng's palm: "As long as you are willing to help me improve my strength, I really don't mind if you like my aunt!"

Lin Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, but he still walked away.

How could he do such a thing, Yun Mengyao is Yun Mengyao's aunt.

Lin Tiancheng has a moral bottom line when he is a man. It would be against ethics if both are required. Of course he cannot do this.

Yun Xiangyang sat on the purple and gold butterfly and came to the most prosperous area in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, in front of the mansion of the Lianqizong.

The Refining Artifact Sect is regarded as one of the best silver rank forces in the entire Dongcheng District of Central Capital.

It is located on the left and right sides of the most prosperous area of ​​Dongcheng District with the general part of the Alchemist Association, and echoes with the pavilions between each other.

As soon as Yun Xiangyang reached the gate of the Refining Sect, he heard the sound of "ding ding dang dang" building weapons from inside.

Cultivators in and out of the training device sect are also endless, and there are many strong people in the golden core period.

Most of them also came here to buy the spiritual tools and sacred tools of the practice weapon school.

There are four levels of magical tools in the realm of cultivation: spiritual tools, sacred tools, divine tools, and fairy tools. Each level is divided into high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade.

As for the artifact, it has never appeared in the refining sect, nor can it be purchased with money.

As for the fairy, it is the legendary holy thing.

One thing that needs to be mentioned here is that after entering the Central Capital, you are truly entering the world of cultivators.

The currency circulating here is Lingshi, and Lin Tiancheng's original world 10,000 yuan can only be exchanged for a first-grade Lingshi here.

Spirit stones are divided into ranks one to nine, and after rank nine are spirit crystals.

This shows how precious the spirit stone is. After embarking on the road of cultivation, the cultivator needs a lot of spiritual energy to be transformed into the true energy in the body to speed up the pace of cultivation.

It can also be used to exchange for spiritual weapons of the Practitioner Sect, sacred tools, pill of the Alchemist Association, and even some spiritual materials of heaven and earth.

It has the same function as the currency in circulation of the Republic, but it can also directly absorb the spiritual power inside.

Ji Linxuan and his younger brother Ji Lingfei went out to purchase materials for the refining equipment, and they happened to find Yun Xiangyang who looked hurried.

Ji Linxuan put a few pieces of meteorite in his hand into his younger brother's hand, and respectfully arched his hand towards Yun Xiangyang: "Uncle Yun, are you?"

Ji Linxuan knew why Yun Xiangyang came.

He is 27 years old, only three years old from Yun Menggu.

He doesn't mind these, after all, the junior college holds gold bricks.

What he cares more about is Yun Menggu's appearance, the title of fairy in her thousand-year-old beauty painting is not nonsense!

Many aristocratic masters of the cultivation sect have taken the initiative to come to the Yun family to propose marriage, but Yun Menggu is arrogant, seeking the truth with all his heart, and rejecting those who pursue them thousands of miles away.

Of course Ji Linxuan wanted to get Yun Menggu very much. Right now was an excellent opportunity, he would never miss it.

When Ji Linxuan saw Yun Xiangyang's arrival, he knew that it should be related to Yun Menggu. Seeing Yun Xiangyang's expression nervous, he guessed what was wrong.

"Let's go! This matter is a bit tricky, and you have to tell your master and his elders!" Yun Xiangyang patted Ji Linxuan on the shoulder, and walked straight towards the mansion of the practitioner.

In addition to the supernatural master, there are three elders in the refining sect. The grand elder is Ji Linxuan and Ji Linfei's master.

The second elder is the law enforcement elder of the Qiqizong.

The three elders are responsible for managing the affairs of the disciples.

Brothers Ji Linxuan brought Yun Xiangyang to the hall of the Refining Sect!

Ouyang Jie was nearly fifty years old, and he was sitting on the hall in a Tang suit. On both sides of the hall stood dozens of disciples of the Practitioner Sect with spiritual weapons.

"Senior Ouyang, you must call the shots for me!" Yun Xiangyang showed a bitter expression and arched his hands at Ouyang Jie above the hall.

"Yun Xiangyang, the thing I asked you to do can be done for me!" Ouyang Jie walked slowly to Yun Xiangyang's side with his hands behind his back.

Yun Xiangyang said, "I'm really sorry! Please listen to my explanation first, Elder Ouyang!"

The other disciples of the Lian Qi Sect cast their eyes on Yun Xiangyang, with a little contempt in their eyes.

Now that the Yun family was controlled by the blood clan, the entire device training school had already known it.

Therefore, Yun Xiangyang now looks like a mourning dog in front of the children in the refining device.

If he hadn't agreed to marry Yunmenggu to the practice sect, I am afraid he would not be qualified to stand in the hall of this practice sect.

Yun Xiangyang felt Ouyang Jie's fierce aura, and his body trembled unconsciously: "Elder Ouyang didn't know, my sister agreed to this marriage! I never wanted to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, and there was one named Lin Tiancheng. The kid wanted to obstruct this marriage and hurt me!"

Yun Xiangyang rubbed his red and swollen cheeks on both sides, revealing his grievances.

"Oh! There is such a thing? What is the background of that kid, didn't you tell him that this is the person appointed by our Refining Sect?" Ouyang Jie asked with a gloomy expression on his finger.

Ji Linxuan clenched his brows and stepped forward and replied: "Master, my disciple told you at the beginning that in the sky city, a kid named Lin Tiancheng stood up to help Huoyunzong deal with our weapon refining sect, and my Wumeng The hammer was destroyed by him!"

"Yes," Ji Linfei also took a step forward and said, "The kid said that he was from the Alchemist Association, and this kid wanted to fight against our Refining Sect everywhere!"


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