Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1476: Miki Okami

Ouyang Jie's expression became more gloomy. He didn't expect that the ordinary palm of Yun Zhonghe at the last moment would turn out to be a secret skill of the Yun family, Cold Ice Palm!

Elderly people in Dongcheng District of Zhongdu know that Yunzhonghe's father created a very powerful and extremely vicious secret technique!

That kind of secret technique is called Ice Palm!

Those who understand the cold ice technique can condense the ice attribute true energy in the dantian!

When using Frost Palm, these ice attribute zhenqi sharply compressed into one point, after condensing, this zhenqi is like cold poison!

Once touched, it will quickly invade the internal organs, causing damage to the opponent's body functions, melting into a puddle of snow like ice and snow!

However, there is a fatal weakness in this, injuring the enemy by three points and self-injuring seven points!

Because the ice attribute zhenqi in the body needs to be compressed sharply to a point, the body of the cultivator who uses the ice palm will be the first to suffer from the cold poison, causing irreparable damage!

Yunzhonghe's father, Yunshan, died of Frost Palm!

However, before he died, he relied on the palm of ice to melt the two mid-level golden core powers into blood!

At that time, his own strength had just entered the middle of the Golden Core period!

It can be seen how terrifying this ice palm is!

Yun Zhonghe was unwilling to use this secret trick easily, after all, it was also extremely harmful to him!

Rabbits will bite when they are anxious!

Yunzhonghe has been unable to save the whole situation, so even if he is the same as Ouyang Jie, he will not hesitate!


The Tai A sword in Yun Menggu's hand mercilessly slashed on Ouyang Jie's right shoulder, and even removed his entire right arm!

Blood splashed on Yun Menggu's face, but she didn't even blink her eyes!

Killing the father’s hatred is not shared!

Ouyang Jie let out a stern scream again, "Bitch, go to hell!"

Ouyang Jie suddenly raised his foot and kicked Yun Menggu's chest heavily, causing her to spray out a mouthful of blood.

This scene is too tragic!

Even if the major heads who came to the wedding saw this scene, their lips trembled.

Ouyang Jie has been completely angered. It was not Ouyang Jie who held a happy event today, but a funeral for the Yun family.

Yun Xiangyang was less courageous, and when he saw the blood-covered Yun Menggu, his whole body convulsed with fright, and immediately fainted.

As for Yun Zhongzi, he kept calling Yun Menggu's name!

An arc crossed, and Yun Menggu's light body was like a butterfly with folded wings, floating down.

"has it ended?"

Yun Menggu slowly closed her eyes, as if waiting for the death sentence.

Suddenly, she felt a warmth in her body, and the speed of her body's decline gradually changed.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and Lin Tiancheng's figure would come into view.

Lin Tiancheng held Yun Menggu's hand and said softly to her, "Let me come!"

Yun Menggu's expression was slightly startled, and the ghost unexpectedly let go of the right hand that was holding Tai A Jian.

"The pain that the old thief Ouyang put on you, I want him to double it back!" Lin Tiancheng's eyes were extremely gloomy, like the abyss of the Great Demon descending into the world, making Yun Menggu's mind tremble.

Soon she woke up. With Lin Tiancheng's current strength, she couldn't deal with Ouyang Jie at all, even if Ouyang Jie was seriously injured.

"I don't want you to be nosy, you go, I have never liked you!"

Yun Menggu's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, almost hysterically roaring at Lin Tiancheng.

She didn't understand why Lin Tiancheng's injury improved so quickly!

However, since his injury is healed, there is a chance to escape!

Yun Menggu didn't want Lin Tiancheng to die for herself again, and make sacrifices that were worthless for herself.

"Do you like me or not, it's my business! It's my business to like you, I said, Lin Tiancheng, no one can bully my woman!"

Lin Tiancheng's extremely domineering remarks actually shocked Yun Menggu, making her look a little bit wrong.

This is really an overbearing guy, even her aunt Yunmeng's proud heart has been imprisoned!

After Lin Tiancheng slowly placed Yun Menggu on the ground, holding Tai'a sword in his hand, turned and stared at the scarred Ouyang Jie.

At this time, Yunzhonghe had fallen to the ground, his skin turned black, and his mouth was still spitting white foam, as if he could be killed at any time.

After taking Qutong Pill, the cold poison in Ouyang Jie's body and the severe pain of removing his shoulder were temporarily controlled.

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When he saw Lin Tiancheng standing in front of him intact, and his strength seemed to have broken through to the pinnacle of the expansion phase, his eyes flashed with surprise.

But, so what?

Ouyang Jie's eyesight, the pinnacle powerhouse in the expansion phase, was just a three-year-old child, even if he was seriously injured, he could hold Lin Tiancheng up with one hand.

What's more, he also possesses a high-grade spirit weapon, a spirit bone sword.

Ouyang Jie’s idea is not wrong, even if he is seriously injured, he is still a strong man in the middle of the golden core!

For Lin Tiancheng, that powerful aura and oppressive feeling, although not as horrible as before, still exists.

I saw Lin Tiancheng plucked a green leaf from the farmer's application of the black soil nourishing soul tree, and then threw it into his mouth!

The leaves of the soul-raising tree appeared in front of everyone, exuding a quiet green light, and a powerful soul aura spread out, completely concealing Ouyang Jie's spiritual aura.

A sect leader asked in surprise, "What is the leaf in that kid's hand? Why is it so weird?"

Lin Tiancheng's leaves are shiny and look absolutely extraordinary.

It not only emits a faint green light, but also emits a powerful soul breath.

The well-informed person exclaimed, "This is the leaf of the soul-raising tree! This kid has the tree-raising soul!"

The audience was in an uproar when he said this.

There are three well-known sacred trees in the cultivation world, the soul-raising tree, the thunder tree, and the gold magnet forest.

The soul-raising wood, one of the three sacred trees, can be worn on the body to nourish the soul primordial spirit, slowly let the spiritual consciousness grow, and it can also live in the soul to ensure that the mind remains.

Lei Zhimu, one of the three sacred trees, is called the Golden Thunder Bamboo, which can release the pale golden thunder from evil spirits.

The gold-magnet wood, also known as the Luobao tree, has its leaves burnt yellow, which can produce gold-magnet heavy light by itself, adding gravity to the body and restraining metal magic weapons.

These three sacred trees, the soul-raising tree is the first, and it is the treasure that all the cultivation powers in the cultivation world dream of!

However, it takes nearly 1,000 years to generate the soul-raising tree. I heard that Lin Tiancheng has black soil, so far it is only a few years old!

However, when Lin Tiancheng just meditated and promoted, he discovered that the leaves of the soul-cultivating tree also had the effect of enhancing spiritual consciousness. Although it was not as powerful as the soul-cultivating tree, it was enough to keep Lin Tiancheng's spiritual consciousness from being suppressed!

Everyone of the sect leaders showed greedy eyes, as for the Huoyun Sect Master Su Yan, it seemed even more hot!

Ouyang Jie stretched out his left hand, pulled up the spirit bone sword standing on the ground, pointed at Lin Tiancheng and said in a cold voice, "Boy, give me the soul-raising tree and kill that stinky lady, I can spare you not to die!"

The soul-raising tree is a powerful magic weapon that can directly enhance divine consciousness, and divine consciousness is the foundation of a cultivator, even more difficult to cultivate than true energy!

Of course Ouyang Jie doesn't want to miss it!

"Really? If you kneel in front of me, I can consider giving you the soul-raising wood!" Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but snorted!

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