Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1482: Bloodthirsty Mercenary Group

Had it not been for Lin Tiancheng to say that Yunmeng was his wife, Gu Chengwu would not let him go.

Just because Lin Tiancheng is the brother of Gu Chengwu, he has made a big concession, but it is absolutely impossible for Lin Tiancheng to let go of the crane in the cloud.

The **** mother-in-law looked a little weird, "Tiancheng, you have great kindness to our blood clan. In this kindness, I should have promised you! But if our blood clan wants to have a foothold in the middle and not annex the Yun family, I'm afraid it's hard to have a bright future!"

"You didn't want to join our blood clan at first, I don't blame you! But now you can't turn your elbow out because you married Yunmeng Gu!"

Lin Tiancheng took a sip of wine and said calmly, "Then if I can help Mother-in-law raise her strength to the peak of the Golden Core Stage!"

The blood mother-in-law's face changed a little, but she quickly disappeared, "You guys are really extraordinary!"

The mother-in-law of Blood guessed that Lin Tiancheng must have seen the breath revealed by practicing the blood evil technique in the backyard, and felt that her strength had fallen into a bottleneck period.

Otherwise, if Mother Blood didn't actively release her mid-Gold Core aura, she wouldn't be able to perceive it with Lin Tiancheng's strength in the mid-phase expansion.

Lin Tiancheng guessed right, the current strength of the mother-in-law is indeed in the bottleneck period in the middle of the golden core. No matter how she practices the blood evil technique or how to improve her strength, her strength level can only stop in the middle of the golden core. before.

She suddenly remembered that the last time she had taken Lin Tiancheng's pill, she had not only recovered from her injuries for many years, but also restored her strength to the original level.

She looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously, "Do you have a Spirit Gathering Pill that can help me break through?"

Just as Lin Tiancheng was about to speak, a blood slave rushed in and arched his hand to the **** mother-in-law, "Grandma, someone is asking to see you outside the door!"

The blood mother nodded at Lin Tiancheng, got up quickly, and walked out of the gate.

Seeing Mother-in-law's posture, Lin Tiancheng guessed that the person from outside should be very important to Mother-in-law.

After a while, a muscular and unshaven scumbag man followed the blood mother into the hall.

This guy was not a good stubble at the first glance, and gave Lin Tiancheng a gloomy look.

However, Lin Tiancheng noticed that he was huge, but his pace was steady, his breath was weak and uncheckable, he seemed to be a strong man.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to know his true strength, but he dared not rashly release his spiritual knowledge to perceive the real strength of this scumbag man.

Otherwise, if you accidentally offend him, you will also cause yourself to be killed.

However, Lin Tiancheng can almost conclude that he must be a strong man in the Golden Elixir period.

After the scumbag man crossed Lin Tiancheng, he directly sat beside him.

Gu Chengwu quickly got up and filled the scumbag man with drinks, and said respectfully, "Head Mu!"

Head Mu waved his hand casually, instead of raising the wine glass on the table, instead he snatched the flask from Gu Chengwu's hand, and then gulped.

It seems that this guy is not in a good mood.

Mother-in-law gave a dry cough and said with a smile, "Head Mu, how is the matter going?"

When Mother Blood asked about this, Head Mu stood up and patted the table with a palm, which caused the dishes and chopsticks on the table to shake violently.

"When it comes to this, I am very angry. I haven't found the Spirit Gathering Fruit, and I have lost five disciples of my bloodthirsty mercenary group!"

Head Mu looked a little angry, his face flushed.

Lin Tiancheng learned from the conversation between the two that the **** mother-in-law should have wanted the big scumbag man in front of her to find a kind of heaven and earth spiritual material called Ju Ling Guo.

And this head Mu should be the head of the bloodthirsty mercenary group.

Lin Tiancheng once saw the seeds of Julinguo in the farmer's app store, so when he heard the words Julinguo, he would have a familiar feeling.

Just like its name, the Spirit Gathering Fruit is the heaven and earth spiritual material that can help the cultivator gather spiritual energy in the body.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that the blood mother-in-law wanted to hire someone from the bloodthirsty mercenary group to help her go to the Blurred Realm to find the Spirit Gathering Fruit, just to break through her strength to the golden core stage peak realm.

The look on the blood mother-in-law's face also became a little unpleasant, "Head Mu, what do you mean by this, my blood has already paid the deposit!"

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Commander Mu shook his head and said, "No, this time five disciples of my bloodthirsty mercenary group who were in the bloodthirsty mercenary group were killed or injured. You also know that Spirit Gathering is only available in the Central Region of the Miscellaneous Region. This task is too difficult. Yes. I have to add money!"

"Leader Mu! You pay attention to integrity when doing business! I have already paid you a hundred second-order spirit stones as a deposit. If you increase the price halfway, isn't it a bit too deceitful!" The blood mother stood up from her seat. Up.

Lin Tiancheng has been in Zhongdu for a while, so he still has some understanding of Lingshi.

This kind of thing is very precious, even if a first-grade spirit stone falls into the Republic, it is also a priceless treasure!

But Granny Xue just came in and said that she had delivered one hundred spirit stones to the bloodthirsty mercenary group, and it was still Tier 2.

The second-order is equivalent to the first-order spirit stone with twice the aura, and its preciousness has increased by another level.

It can be seen from this, what a precious kind of spiritual material of heaven and earth.

"You don't want to increase the price, then the hundred second-order spirit stones should be treated as condolences for the five dead bloodthirsty mercenary group disciples!"

Seeing that the discussion was unsuccessful, Head Mu got up and prepared to leave.

The blood mother-in-law's face became more and more ugly, and the crutch in her hand shot straight in front of the shooting leader almost at lightning speed.

Head Mu put his hands on his chest, his face proudly looked at Granny Blood, "What? Are you still trying to do something with me?"

"No!" Mother-in-law Blood raised her hand and attracted the cane standing in front of Captain Mu, and said in a gentle tone, "Leader Mu stayed, we can still discuss this matter!"

"If you are willing to add money, this matter is naturally easy to say! If you want to do it, I will accompany you to the end!" Head Mu is not afraid of the majesty of the blood mother.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that this bloodthirsty mercenary group should also be a silver rank force in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, otherwise, when facing the blood clan, he would not have such a strong confidence.

Seeing the tense atmosphere just now, Gu Chengwu was also very frightened.

In fact, it is still very difficult for the blood clan to compete with some of the silver rank forces in the capital with the current strength of the blood clan, after all, they have not yet stabilized the foundation here.

Mother-in-law blood calmed down and sat down slowly, "Head Mu, please sit down! Just now I've lost my wits, so I am here to pay Head Mu!"

Mutian waved his hand, "No, it's more realistic to talk about the price! It's not the first time for my bloodthirsty mercenary group to do such a thing, but I lost 5 disciples of the bloodthirsty mercenary group at once. It's the first time! So it is reasonable for you to offer some compensation!"

"Yes, since Leader Mu has said so, my **** mother-in-law is not a stingy person. Then you can say a price! How many spirit stones are needed, you bloodthirsty mercenary group talents are willing to find the spirit gathering fruit for me!"

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