Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1496: Shrewd businessman

In fact, Head Mu always called Lin Tian a kid from the beginning!

Until Lin Tiancheng took out the 7-star Spirit Gathering Fruit, he began to look at Lin Tiancheng with admiration, and even felt that Lin Tiancheng was not an ordinary person!

Head Mu brought nearly a thousand disciples of the bloodthirsty mercenary group, and went in and out of the domain of the blur no fewer than a thousand times!

I have occasionally seen the Spirit Gathering Fruit a few times, but I have never seen a Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Fruit, not even a purple one!

There are many fierce birds and beasts in the Misty Realm. Even if it is the blue spirit gathering fruit, these animals will vie for food, not to mention the mature purple gathering spirit fruit!

But the one that Lin Tiancheng took out was not only a mature purple spirit gathering fruit, but also the kind with blood spots!

Compared to the blue rotten fruit in his bag, Head Mu was ashamed to find a hole in it!

He guessed that Lin Tiancheng must have broken into the depths of the Blurred Domain alone, because only there is it possible to find this extremely precious Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Fruit!

Of course, even with the strength of the mid-term Jin Dan, the leader of Yimu, he has not the courage to enter the depths of the blurred realm!

Lin Tiancheng nodded noncommittal!

Head Mu had to say that he had entered the depths of the Blurred Realm alone, and he did not dare to refute it!

After all, it is impossible for Lin Tiancheng and Head Mu to explain that he has a human-machine combination and can grow this kind of thing in the application of the farmer!

After seeing Lin Tiancheng nod his head, Head Mu looked at Lin Tiancheng almost with a look up!

That kind of look is like a pupil looking at the teacher, his eyes full of reverence.

"Where is Lin Tiancheng sacred? Did he deliberately conceal his strength?

Otherwise, how can you dare to break into the realm of confusion alone by relying on the strength of the peak of the expansion period? "

Head Mu was very puzzled. Even if he now had the strength of the mid-Gold Core period, he did not dare to rush into the middle region of the Miscarriage, let alone the depths of the Miscarriage.

The blood mother took a deep sip of the fragrance of the Seven-Star Gathering Fruit, and she seemed to be 10 years younger.

Looking at Lin Tiancheng with a smile on his face, he said, "Tiancheng, do you want to give this fruit to me?"

"Yes, I promised the blood mother-in-law!" Lin Tiancheng nodded!

Although this Spirit Gathering Fruit is also very important to Lin Tiancheng's later cultivation base, he has not yet broken through to the Golden Core Stage.

The Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Fruit served him, but it didn't make much difference.

Compared with the blood mother-in-law, the Seven-Star Gathering Fruit might even help her reach the peak of the Golden Core Stage!

If that were the case, those enemies who had offended the blood clan 30 years ago would have to live a life of escape!

The peak of the Jindan stage peak is only one step away from the Mahayana stage.

And the powerhouse with the realm of the Mahayana period is the gold rank power.

Of course, the blood mother is also aware of this.

She didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be willing to trade with her seven-star Spirit Gathering Fruit, and she even wanted to control Lin Tiancheng with the help of Blood Sha Pill.

With blood mother-in-law's character, she did not feel Lin Tiancheng's guilt, on the contrary, she wanted to earn Lin Tiancheng into her own sect even more urgently.

She really wanted to know what method Lin Tiancheng used to enter the depths of the Blurred Domain and return safely.

Head Mu gritted his teeth and said to Lin Tiancheng with some difficulty, "This little friend, I have offended you before, and I hope to forgive me! I want to make a deal with my little friend!"

"What deal?"

"I want to buy this seven-star spiritual gathering fruit at the price of 400 second-order spirit stones. I wonder if the little friend is willing to sell it to me!"

When Head Mu said this, he unconsciously glanced at the blood mother-in-law.

He is a little ashamed!

Just now, head Mu actually held a cyan rotten fruit here and bid 400 second-order spirit stones to the blood mother.

But right now, she actually wanted to buy Lin Tiancheng's Seven-Star Gathering Fruit with 400 second-order spirit stones, and her face was so thick that it couldn't be more.

However, Head Mu really wanted to get the Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Fruit!

After all, once this kind of thing is missed, it is no longer there.

Moreover, Head Mu's current strength has reached the middle of the Golden Core period, which is actually comparable to the blood mother-in-law.

He believes that as long as he takes this seven-star spirit gathering fruit, his strength is likely to directly break through to the realm of the Mahayana period.

Mother-in-law snorted coldly and laughed, "Head Mu is really a shrewd businessman. He wants to buy the Seven-Star Gathering Fruit for the price of a blue rotten fruit! You are not afraid to make people laugh when you say it!"

The blood mother-in-law is deliberately sarcastic to head Mu.

Ironically, he was bidding all over the sky, a cyan rotten fruit dared to bid, four hundred second-order spirit stones.

On the other hand, Lin Tiancheng's seven-star spiritual gathering fruit can be said to be priceless.

Even 500 second-order spirit stones are not equivalent to it.

Lin Tiancheng apologized and arched his hands towards Captain Mu, "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that Captain Mu would want this fruit too! However, this fruit is a deal between me and the blood mother, it no longer belongs to me. That's it!"

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand and pushed the Seven-Star Gathering Fruit to Mother Blood.

The blood mother didn't hesitate, and immediately put it into the space ring carefully.

Seeing Granny Xue's full smile on her face, Head Mu was depressed, wishing to throw away the rotten cyan fruit in his hand.

Head Mu knew that he had no chance with this seven-star Spirit Gathering Fruit, but he still didn't want to give up.

"Mu Shan still wants to make this friendship with his little friend. If the little friend can find another Seven-Star Gathering Fruit from the Misplaced Realm, I am willing to buy it at the price of 500 second-order spirit stones! I wonder if the little friend is interested. ?"

The 500 second-order spirit stones were unexpectedly revealed by the head of Mu as 10,000 second-order spirit stones.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I'm really sorry! This kind of thing can be met but not requested! I am afraid that Tiancheng will not be able to find a second one!"

To be honest, Lin Tiancheng was a little moved, that was a whole 500 second-order spirit stones.

But Lin Tiancheng is currently in short supply of electricity and urgently needs to be recharged. How can he still have the mind to replant the heaven and earth spiritual materials?

Head Mu's expression was extremely lost, he agreed with Lin Tiancheng's statement.

This kind of thing is indeed something to be encountered but not to ask for, and with Lin Tiancheng's strength, he can come out of the depths of the blurry domain once, not necessarily a second time.

After all, this is all about licking blood on the tip of a knife!

Lin Tiancheng frowned, frowned and said, "Head Mu does not have to be so unhappy. If there is a chance in the future, Tiancheng is still willing to cooperate with Head Mu!"

The bloodthirsty mercenary group is a big force in the entire Dongcheng District of Zhongdu. Lin Tiancheng robbed his business, just grabbed his job.

Head Mu is talking to himself with Yan Yueshen, who knows if he will stab himself in the back.

So Lin Tiancheng couldn't do things too far.

"Okay! If that's the case! Then I will wait for the little friends to come to me in the bloodthirsty mercenary group!"

After saying this, Head Mu arched his hand towards Lin Tiancheng, winked at the younger brother behind him, and prepared to leave.

Mother-in-law Blood suddenly reached out to stop them at this time, "Hold on! Has Head Mu forgotten one thing?"

Lin Tiancheng looked a little embarrassed, he knew what the blood mother wanted to say.

Head Mu and Lin Tiancheng had a gambling contract. Now, since Head Mu has lost, he should pay Lin Tiancheng 200 second-order spirit stones according to the gambling contract.


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