Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1499: Xuehaige

This is a reminder to Lin Tiancheng, it seems that you will have to wear medicinal robes when you enter and exit the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!

In order to avoid mistakes when meeting the president of the general meeting, Lin Tiancheng simply consumed 5 electricity, and downloaded the ancient alchemy secret book that Yunmenggu gave him by using Thunder, and downloaded all the alchemy inside!

After downloading it, Lin Tiancheng found that the ancient alchemy cheats had many flaws. However, Lin Tiancheng currently has insufficient power and cannot use the optimization master to optimize it. It can only be done for the time being!

However, after checking the ancient alchemy techniques downloaded into his mind through his mind, Lin Tiancheng was surprised to find that this cheat book actually recorded the power of the blood of the blood race.

According to the records, the power of blood is one of the eight mysterious powers of ancient times.

It will only appear in the blood people or in the bodies of ancient divine beasts.

And the bloodline suppression that Lin Tiancheng had seen from Pi Xiu Beast before was the best expression of bloodline power.

In addition, blood people with bloodline power can also control other people's power and even thoughts through bloodline.

This power is quite scary?

Here is also recorded the method of eliminating the bloodline power: a kind of heaven and earth spiritual material called the tree of life growing in the depths of the blurred domain can offset the bloodline power control.

He was not very familiar with the Misty Territory, but even Head Mu, who had reached the middle of the Golden Core Period, did not dare to rush into the central area of ​​the Misty Territory, let alone the central area there.

Lin Tiancheng’s consciousness entered the farmer’s app store, and after browsing all of it, he finally found the tree of life seed at the rear of the store, priced at 30 electricity.

Lin Tiancheng has only 4 electricity, and now 30 electricity is a large number for him.

If he was in the sky market, he could call Qin Xue to charge, and Nie Hanyue would not refuse to talk about it.

If you return to Yuncheng, there will be more power banks.

"The first task in front of us is to recharge, develop next home, if there is no electricity, survival is a problem."

In addition, what he wants to know is, what are the eight mysterious powers?

But what he wants to know more is, what are the eight mysterious powers?

However, when he continued to check, he was surprised to find that the ancient alchemy cheats had records of eight mysterious powers that had been artificially torn up.

For the first time, Lin Tiancheng thought of the map he was guarding.

Zao Wou-ki had also told himself at the beginning that there was a mysterious power hidden in the map he was guarding.

If the eight mysterious powers in this secret book were torn away by Yun Menggu, then she would never give this ancient alchemy secret book to herself.

In other words, someone had found this ancient alchemy secret book before Yunmenggu found it.

Moreover, compared to the eight mysterious powers, this ancient alchemy secret book was completely ignored by that person.

What are these eight mysterious powers? Lin Tiancheng's current strength still cannot touch this level.

He can only bury this secret in his heart, and seek knowledge when he has the opportunity in the future!

"Master, I'm Xu Can, who is in charge of the spring recruitment order this time. I have been offended just now. I hope Master will forgive me!"

Xu Can was so frightened that he repeatedly asked Lin Tiancheng for forgiveness!

The ruler in his hand fell to the ground because of the shaking of his arm!

And the young cultivators who were lining up behind him all cast a surprised look at Lin Tiancheng when they saw this scene!

"This is incredible! He seems to be younger than Senior Brother Xu, and he is already a pharmacist at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!"

All the people who reported Lin Tiancheng for jumping in the line or ridiculing Lin Tiancheng before quietly retracted into the team, for fear of being discovered by Lin Tiancheng!

If the pharmacist knows who is slandering him, he can let these young children who come to participate in the Spring Recruitment go straight away, and will never be admitted as a disciple of the Alchemist Association!

All of a sudden, even the drug apprentices who were in charge of the registration and assessment list walked up to Lin Tiancheng and bowed their hands respectfully towards him!

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand, "Follow the normal examination system. You don't need to be so polite! I was just invited by the president of the president to come and see him!"

Lin Tiancheng does not have such a big air, and does not want to delay the spring recruitment of the Alchemist Association headquarters because of himself!

Xu Can quickly handed over the well-preserved invitation letter to Lin Tiancheng and replied respectfully again, "Please come with me, teacher! I will take you to meet the president of the president!"

Lin Tiancheng nodded and dragged Yun Mengyao into the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Xu Can let out a long sigh of relief, and it seemed that the young teacher didn't care about him.

"It may be the first time the teacher came to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association! Please allow Xu Can to introduce the environment here to the teacher!"

Xu Can walked in front while introducing everything about the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Along the way, many medicine slaves or medicine apprentices from the Alchemist Association would stop and say hello to Xu Can.

However, when they saw the word Pharmacist embroidered on Lin Tiancheng's chest, they cast their surprised eyes.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "It seems that you are still quite popular at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!"

Xu Can nodded at Lin Tiancheng, and then scolded the disciples of the Alchemy Master Association who had no vision, "I don't say hello to the teacher, right?"

Although those disciples also saw the words Pharmacist on Lin Tiancheng's chest, they had not seen Lin Tiancheng at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

In addition, Lin Tiancheng's age does not seem to match the title of pharmacist on his chest, so they are all doubting whether Lin Tiancheng's identity is fake.

Being so scolded by Senior Brother Xu Can, everyone realized that Lin Tiancheng was a pharmacist at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

So one by one nodded to Lin Tiancheng, "Hello, teacher!"

They showed incredible faces one after another!

You know, Brother Xu Can is close to 30 years old, but he is only a senior medicine apprentice.

And the newcomer in front of them seems to be only in their early 20s and is already a pharmacist. They will naturally be surprised.

"Master President is now in the alchemy room with a few elders! Let's keep going!"

After Xu Can retreated the disciples who had no vision, he led Lin Tiancheng to continue to the alchemy room at the alchemist association headquarters. During this time, they had to pass through the Xuehai Pavilion.

Xuehaige is the center of the academic research of the alchemy alchemist association headquarters!

The Xuehai Pavilion is very spacious. It is an octagonal building with terraced steps on each side.

The steps were filled with many bottles and cans. A small piece of paper was affixed on the surface of the can, and the number of pieces of the spirit stone was marked on the paper. As for the can, there was a roll of bamboo slips.

Lin Tiancheng roughly counted them, and there were 108 cans.

The amount of spirit stones marked above ranges from 5 to a maximum of 500 spirit stones!

Lin Tiancheng asked Xu Can with interest, "What are these things that looks like an interesting game?"

Xu Can hurriedly stopped and said to Lin Tiancheng with a smile, "Master Lin is really smart and he can tell that this is a game at a glance. No wonder I can become a pharmacist at such an age!"

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