Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1501: Big hidden in the city, small hidden in the wild

The elder sister mentioned by Xu Can is also a pharmacist like Lin Tiancheng, but he is about the same age as Xu Can, and is responsible for managing this "challenge problem game."

Lin Tiancheng nodded, and simply spread the bamboo slips on the tabletop.

At this moment, many of the disciples who came to join in the fun put their heads together and began to discuss.

"How can there be such a method of refining if the two medicinal materials are refined separately?"

"I've never heard of it. This method will definitely not work! Let it go! Let it go! There is nothing to watch!"

"A total of 50 spiritual stones, this guy is not a fool, right?"

As long as it is a normal person, he will choose to start simply, and there are nearly 50 spiritual stones in the pot priced at 5 spiritual stones. Compared with 50 yuan, the problem is simple and the cost is low.

Yun Mengyao didn't think so, she had seen Lin Tiancheng's superb alchemy.

And seeing Lin Tiancheng writing down the answer so confidently, she firmly believed that the method Lin Tiancheng said was correct, although this method of alchemy was counterintuitive.

The senior sister invited by Xu Can is called Ning Xin, and she is walking towards Lin Tiancheng.

Ning Xin's appearance immediately attracted the eyes of many Association disciples!

"You are the one who accepts the challenge?" Ning Xin drifted past Lin Tiancheng gently, leaving an intoxicating fragrance, and then picked up the bamboo slips Lin Tiancheng placed on the table.

Lin Tiancheng was also attracted by Ning Xin's enchanting figure. After taking a deep breath, he nodded and said, "Yes!"

A hint of hatred appeared on Yun Mengyao's face, but it quickly covered the past.

After seeing Lin Tiancheng's answer, Ning Xin's graceful body twitched like an electric shock.

She seemed to become nervous, looking at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief, "You really wrote this answer?"

Ning Xin is a real pharmacist. Although she has never used Lin Tiancheng's method to refine flame grass and ice heart grass, she vaguely feels that Lin Tiancheng's method is feasible.

Lin Tiancheng nodded calmly.

Ning Xin looked at Lin Tiancheng with fiery eyes, and then said to her after a long time, "You wait here, I'll be back soon!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't know what Ning Xin meant, so he could only wait here temporarily!

Xu Can arched his hand at Lin Tiancheng, "Senior sister should be going to get the new bamboo slips!"

Xu Can felt that Lin Tiancheng's answer was wrong, so this bamboo slip was invalidated.

What Ning Xin needs to do is to take a new bamboo slip and replace this obsolete bamboo slip.

It was the same in the past, and Xu Can didn't think it was weird, and began to wave his hand to signal that the disciples who had joined the fun disperse.

"It doesn't seem to be the case, what a fool, I don't do it for 5 yuan, but I do it for 50 yuan!"

"Yeah! There are at least 50 spiritual stones in the 5 jars! If you can answer this question, then you can really send it!"

Soon, Ning Xin returned to Xuehai Pavilion again, and was followed by an old man who was over 60 years old.

This old man crouched, leaning on a cane in his hand, and his entire height is probably less than 1.5 meters. It is Elder Chen who is responsible for the management of Xuehai Pavilion!

Many disciples bowed their hands after seeing their growth, and Lin Tiancheng also followed their way and said, "Hello Elder Chen!"

"Tell me quickly, who came up with the method to make each one a pill? Tell me who it is?"

Elder Chen's expression was a bit anxious, and the kind with excitement.

Senior Sister Ning Xin handed the bamboo slip that Lin Tiancheng had written to Elder Chen and said, "It's him!"

Elder Chen looked at Lin Tiancheng incredulously, his expression extremely excited, "Young man, how did you come up with this method?"

Both Xu Can and Senior Sister Ning Xin were a little shocked. They didn't expect that Elder Chen would kindly call Lin Tian a young man.

"Could it be that Lin Tiancheng's method of combining each with one pill is correct? This is incredible!"

However, those disciples of the Alchemist Association who have not yet grasped the meaning of Elder Chen's words began to discuss again!

Their voices are very small!

"What kind of **** will become a pill, how can there be this kind of alchemy method? This kid is a fake pharmacist!"

"Yeah! I have never heard of the saying that each one becomes a pill when I grow up! How can the medicinal materials of the pill be refined separately, nonsense!"

The minds of these people have been solidified, and they only think that the pill is a mixture of several or dozens of medicinal materials!

When they hear the saying that each has its own strength, they will naturally think that this is a very different approach!

Lin Tiancheng arched his hands and replied respectfully, "This is what my master taught me, I just brought the method of refining twin pill here!

Could this disciple's method be wrong? "

Elder Chen patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Hehe, I really didn't expect you to even know the twin pill! It seems that your master is not a simple character!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of almost all the disciples of the Alchemist Association present were filled with shock.

At this moment, if they can't comprehend Elder Chen's meaning, then they really have a problem with their brains.

This is incredible. Elder Chen actually approved Lin Tiancheng's practice of "Each one becomes a pill".

Moreover, they discussed with Lin Tiancheng what twin pill!

They have never heard of this stuff before, as if a group of elementary school students are watching these two teachers conduct academic discussions.

Xuehai Pavilion has been around for a long time, and no one dares to challenge it.

I really didn't expect a young kid who had just arrived to solve this problem about Flame Grass and Bingxin Grass directly, and the way to solve the problem was very special.

Everyone cast envious eyes when the 50 spirit stones were obtained.

These 50 spirit stones may be five months for the elders, and for disciples like them, it may be several years.

Senior Sister Ning Xin's eyes were shining, and she couldn't help but looked up and down Lin Tiancheng.

"What's the name of this little friend? Where does the teacher go?" Elder Chen asked kindly.

Lin Tiancheng arched his hand again, "Junior Lin Tiancheng, Master’s name is unacceptable, because the old man lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests and does not care about the world..."

Elder Chen waved his hand, "Needless to say, the big hidden in the city, the small hidden in the wild! I can guarantee that your master must be a medicine sect or an alchemist above the medicine sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was dumbfounded.

Lin Tiancheng's master is the Medicine Sect, or the alchemy master above Yaozong, doesn't that mean that Lin Tiancheng's master and the president of the president have the same alchemy.

Lin Tiancheng nodded noncommittal.

Since Elder Chen said yes, that is.

If you continue to explain, I don't know how many questions Elder Chen will ask.

Elder Chen's body trembled unconsciously, and he straightened up suddenly, as if his waist that had been bent for decades was straight.

"I remember, are you from the sky city? You are that genius ghost alchemist!"

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