Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1504: Full cooperation

When they arrived at the alchemy room that looked rather impressive at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, the few medicine boys stopped and waited outside.

Entering the alchemy room, Lin Tiancheng saw five elders with white beards sitting cross-legged in front of a pill furnace.

At this time, big beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads, but their hands still couldn't help injecting true energy into the furnace.

A faint blue flame in the stove kept licking the stove top.

The president led Lin Tiancheng to the elders, and said to the elders who were being burnt by the blood evil pill, "Everyone, stop, he is the Lin Tiancheng I am looking for!"

And Lin Tiancheng had also noticed that in this alchemy room, besides the five elders, there were two people beside the corner.

The young woman lying on the stone couch is Wuyazi, the owner of the Valley of Unrequited Love.

Her whole body was tightly entangled with ropes, and she couldn't move at all.

She was unconscious because of the blood evil pill, and even in the state of running violently, killed the entire female disciple of the Unfeeling Valley.

The purple-clothed woman kneeling on the edge of the bed was the only female disciple left in the entire Unfeeling Valley.

To be honest, Lin Tiancheng's appearance made these elders a little disappointed.

They doubted whether Lin Tiancheng really had a pill that could dissolve the blood evil pill.

Lin Tiancheng looked young, with the title of Pharmacist hanging on his chest, and he didn't look like an expert.

"Tiancheng, what kind of medicinal material did you use to dissolve the medicinal properties of the blood evil pill? Hurry up and tell everyone!" the president asked urgently.

Lin Tiancheng handed over to the elders and the president, "A kind of spiritual material called the tree of life!"

The president's face is a little weird.

The four elders also coughed awkwardly, their eyes moved away from Lin Tiancheng's body, and some even directly sat back by the furnace.

Only Elder Guo still stood beside Lin Tiancheng.

"Everyone must believe what Lin Tiancheng said. I saw him save Sect Master Huoyun's wife to life that day! So he must know how to get rid of the blood evil pill!"

Because Guo De saw it with his own eyes, he naturally believed in Lin Tiancheng.

But several other elders thought that Lin Tiancheng was talking nonsense here.

What is the tree of life?

That is just a legendary fetish that can bring the dead back to life. Who has seen these alchemists before?

At the beginning, Master Zhang and Elder Guo told Su Yan that if they wanted to save his wife, they would not find the tree of life.

This is just a kind of excuse that they don't want to stop Su Yan thinking about his wife. Who in this world has really seen the tree of life?

The so-called tree of life is actually something similar to the resurrection grass in the myth. It only exists in everyone's fantasy, and no one has seen it in reality.

One of the elders said, "Elder Guo, you must have missed your eyes. Su Yan's wife is already a living dead. This is a well-known thing!"

"Yeah! How could there be such a thing as a tree of life in this world? It's just a human thought!" Another elder immediately agreed.

The president looked at Lin Tiancheng with a very serious expression, "Tiancheng, this is not a trivial matter, it even concerns the peace of the entire cultivation world! I don't want you to be joking with us!"

The president of the club welcomed Lin Tiancheng with expectation.

But Lin Tiancheng told him that by finding the Tree of Life, he would be able to crack the blood evil pill.

If there were such things, they would have looked for them.

Seeing that everyone didn't seem to believe what he said, Lin Tiancheng said, "I didn't lie to everyone, there is something like the tree of life in the depths of the blurred realm, and its juice is the only holy thing that can suppress the power of blood. !"

However, Lin Tiancheng's explanation still does not seem to arouse everyone's interest.

What a terrifying place is in the depths of the Blurred Realm, even some powerful people in the Mahayana realm dare not enter it rashly.

Even if what Lin Tiancheng said is true, the tree of life growing in the depths of the blurred realm, who would dare to collect this kind of medicinal material?

"Alright! Elder Guo, you'd better take this little friend to rest first! I will find a way to solve the blood evil pill!" The president crossed his legs and continued to refine the pill.

The hope is as great as the disappointment.

However, no matter how much, Lin Tiancheng can be regarded as helping the president to analyze the drug composition of the blood evil pill, let them know that in order to get rid of the blood evil pill, the effect of the power of the blood must be eliminated.

"Master President, what Guo De said is true. If you don't believe it, let him check it with Wuyazi!" Guo De was still a little unwilling.

Lin Tiancheng handed over to the president and asked for instructions, "Yes, can you let me check the condition of the senior, maybe I can make her sober!"

There was no delay in the blood evil pill, it was related to the peace of the entire cultivation world.

Lin Tiancheng has learned from the ancient alchemy secrets that the tree of life is a real thing, and it is the only holy thing that can suppress the power of blood.

If it is impossible to enter the domain of the blurred, Lin Tiancheng can be planted in the farmer application, this is not a problem.

But the crux of the problem is that the president and the elders must be made aware of the existence and function of the tree of life.

After all, they have to rely on their help to refine the juice of the tree of life into a pill.

The President of the General Conference waved his hand, stopped saying anything, and continued to refine the pill.

Lin Tiancheng walked slowly to the side of the purple-clothed woman and smiled at her, "Please allow me to check the condition for your master!"

This woman wore a tight purple dress, which made the snow white on her chest even more eye-catching!

The faint eyebrows, fair complexion, and the sad but not sad expression looked a little eye-catching.

Lin Tiancheng felt a little, and was surprised to find that the strength of this purple-clothed woman had reached the peak of the expansion phase.

Lin Tiancheng gently pinched Wuyazi's pulse, and a few solemn expressions appeared on his face.

He solemnly said to the purple-clothed woman, "Your master's condition is not mild. If it continues to be delayed, it is very likely that he will become a zombie!"

The purple-clothed woman held her master's palm tightly, "Master, you must hold on! The president of the president will be able to save you soon!"

"No, it's too late! I have a way to save your master now, but I need your cooperation!"

This female disciple of Unfeeling Valley also heard in the main hall of the Alchemist Association Headquarters that Elder Guo De said that Lin Tiancheng had rescued the wife of Huoyun Sect Master Su Yan.

He also said that Lin Tiancheng already had a way to relieve the blood evil pill.

She stood up and looked at Lin Tiancheng foolishly, "Do you really have a way to save my master and prevent her from being persecuted by the blood evil pill?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded solemnly, "Yes! I can guarantee my life! But I need your strong cooperation!"

Lin Tiancheng has no alternative.

If he wants to convince the president and the elders of what he said in the shortest possible time, he must do this.

"As long as you can save my master, I am willing to do anything you want me to do!" The purple-clothed woman glanced at her master and then at Lin Tiancheng.

With this promise from the purple-clothed woman, Lin Tiancheng has full confidence.


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