Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1529: Power of Sleeping Blood

The president also glanced at Lin Tiancheng, and immediately smiled, "What are we disappointed in? Three days later, our Alchemist Association will refining a large number of Tiancheng Pills. By then, the blood evil pill of your blood race will not have any effect at all, you Don't want to roll up the storm again!"

The blood mother-in-law did not talk to the president, but turned around and beckoned to Lin Tiancheng who was not far away, "Tiancheng, come here!"

At this moment, all the elders, disciples, and even the president of the Alchemy Master Association headquarters set their sights on Lin Tiancheng.

Looking at the posture of the blood mother-in-law, she clearly knew Lin Tiancheng.

This couldn't help but shocked the president. Could it be that Lin Tiancheng is a member of the blood race?

Elder Guo also had doubts about this, but he was more willing to believe that Lin Tiancheng had nothing to do with the blood race.

Otherwise, Lin Tiancheng would not help Bai Yirong and Wuyazi to eliminate the effects of the blood evil pills in their bodies.

He patted Lin Tiancheng's shoulder heavily, his eyes full of worry, "Tiancheng, you can't go there, this devil is cruel, and I suspect she will beat you cruelly!"

Elder Guo had already seen the situation very clearly.

If Lin Tiancheng is unable to refine the real Tiancheng Pill, then the blood clan will rely on the power of the blood shaman pill to control thousands or tens of thousands of cultivation powerhouses against their former enemies, as well as the remnants of the blood clan.

This is a massive battle, and I am afraid that the heavy casualties will not be less than that of thirty years ago.

Lin Tiancheng patted the back of Elder Guo's hand and comforted him, "Don't worry! Elder Guo, the **** mother-in-law and I have a good friendship, let alone the president is still there, she should not dare to do anything to me!"

This was just a word to comfort Elder Guo. Lin Tiancheng knew that the time was ripe, and the blood mother probably wanted to start her own pawn.

However, Lin Tiancheng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. He has already taken the Tiancheng Pill, and the effect of the Blood Sha Pill in his body has long been eliminated.

As for the bloodline power that Gu Chengwu's blood left on his body many months ago, Lin Tiancheng had already used 360 antivirus to eliminate it.

"Then you must be very careful!" Elder Guo warned.

Under the attention of the eight elders and many disciples, Lin Tiancheng strode towards the blood mother-in-law.

"Tiancheng, long time no see, don't come unharmed!" The blood mother looked at Lin Tiancheng with joy.

Lin Tiancheng quickly owed the blood mother-in-law and the president, and said, "The junior is polite. I don't know why the blood mother-in-law called Tiancheng to come over?"

The two Golden Core Stage peak powerhouses stood in front of him, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze, making Lin Tiancheng feel that his breath was a little unsmooth.

This breathtaking sense of coercion all reveals the terrifying strength of the peak powerhouse of the Jin Dan stage.

Mother-in-law blood stepped forward to help Lin Tiancheng up, and the smile on her face gradually faded, "Tiancheng, I heard that you are helping the Alchemist Association Headquarters to refine the Tiancheng Pill to dissolve the blood pill?"

Lin Tiancheng frowned slightly, and immediately replied, "Don't hide the blood mother-in-law, yes!"

The president standing on the side was observing the blood mother-in-law and Lin Tiancheng, and wanted to know if Lin Tiancheng was really undercover.

If that were the case, the headquarters of the Alchemist Association would face unprecedented danger.

Mother Blood turned her back to Lin Tiancheng, her solemn gaze fell on the surface of the lake, "Tiancheng, you don't know that this blood evil pill belongs to our blood clan! Are you trying to help them against our blood clan?"

The blood mother-in-law's words were obviously questioning.

"No, Tiancheng will always be a friend of the blood people, and never thought of being an enemy of the blood people!"

The president's complexion became a little weird, and he was taken aback.

Lin Tiancheng continued, "I just refine the Tiancheng Pill, but I don't want more cultivators to die in vain because of the blood evil pill. Every life is hard-won. This is also the purpose that our alchemist needs to keep in mind!"

The president's frowning brows finally stretched, "Well said, this is exactly what I want to say to the blood mother, you want revenge, you want to cause killing, I have no objection, and I have no ability to object. However, Your blood clan must not poison sentient beings with something vicious like Blood Sha Pill!"

In fact, thirty years ago, the president was not willing to get involved in disputes with the blood race.

It's just that he, who has sentient beings in his heart, doesn't want the vicious things like Blood Sha Pill to continue to harm sentient beings.

Forced, he had no choice but to stand up and fight against the kinship with the other four sects.

"Hehe, poisoning sentient beings? So why is our blood family guilty?

They are not worried that our blood race will grow and become the overlord of one party, deterring the existence of the same family. I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. If you don't let go of our blood patriarch, the first force that our blood people will step down is your alchemist association headquarters! My blood mother-in-law did what she said! "

Lin Tiancheng can understand the feelings of the blood mother at this time, but the kindness and resentment of this comprehension world can tell who is right or wrong.

"No, I won't let it go, I don't want you to be wrong again!" The president shook his head!

Mother-in-law didn't pay attention to the president, she turned and looked at Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, I can only tell you the truth now!"

The **** mother-in-law's expression became very solemn, and her words contained hints of guilt towards Lin Tiancheng.

"Actually, there is no antidote for the blood evil pill. You can't refine it, and I can't give it to you! At the beginning, you didn't want to join our blood clan, I had to use the power of blood to control you!"

Although the blood mother-in-law is vicious, Lin Tiancheng has a great kindness to the whole blood clan. At this time, she will feel guilty, which is normal.

Lin Tiancheng did not speak, but looked straight at the blood mother-in-law.

The president standing on the side was a little uneasy.

From the words of the blood mother-in-law, he learned that Lin Tiancheng had also taken the blood evil pill.

However, Lin Tiancheng said that only after two days would he be able to get the sap of the Tree of Life, wouldn't it mean that Lin Tiancheng was in danger?

The blood mother slowly raised her hand and stretched it towards Lin Tiancheng's shoulder.

The president realized that it was not good, and the majestic zhenqi power in his body quickly gathered to the palm of his right hand and slammed towards the back of the blood mother.

This sudden move caused the hearts of the elders and disciples of the headquarters of the Alchemist Association to raise their throats.

"No! Mother-in-law blood is about to do something with Tiancheng!" Elder Guo realized that it was not good, and immediately wanted to do it with the other seven elders.

"Tiancheng, go! I'll stop her!" The president bombarded Mother-in-law's back, while urging Lin Tiancheng.

If you don't want to stir up this dispute, you can only keep Lin Tiancheng from being controlled by the blood mother.

Lin Tiancheng also took the blood evil pill, which the president never expected.

The **** mother-in-law stretched her five fingers and buckled it towards Lin Tiancheng's shoulder.

A thin line of blood drilled out of each fingertip, filled with blood.

This thing looked terrifying, like a small iron thread snake, quickly entwining Lin Tiancheng's body.

"Wake up! The power of the sleeping blood!"


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