Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1532: See Blood Seal Throat Needle

The dozen or so disciples responsible for guarding Elder Han and Ning Xin were lying motionless outside the confinement room.

"This, what's going on?" Elder Guo hurriedly stepped forward to investigate the situation.

The disciples who fell to the ground had already lost their breath, but their bodies were still emitting heat, which meant that they hadn't long since died.

Elder Guo immediately used the power of True Qi to investigate the cause of the death of these disciples, but what is incredible is that he did not find any injuries on these disciples.

They were not injured on the surface, and there were no toxic substances in their bodies, and their deaths were very strange.

The president standing behind Elder Guo seemed to have discovered something, and immediately shouted to Elder Guo, "Hold on! You uncover his neckline."

Elder Guo turned a disciple who had fallen on the ground upside down, and only then found a small drop of blood in his throat.

This small blood drop can be described as a piece of fine sand, it is difficult to find without good eyesight!

Elder Guo seemed to realize something, and immediately turned the disciple over again, only to find that there was also a small blood drop on the back of his neck.

Then, he reviewed every disciple and reported to the president in shock, "President, the cause of these people's deaths is the same, they are all sealed by a needle!

The strength of the assailant should be very high! "

Even if Elder Guo was a strong man in the early stage of the Golden Core period, he thought that he would not be able to seal a dozen disciples in one shot in an instant, or at the same time.

In other words, the strength of the assailant is very likely to have reached the mid-Gold Core period or even the peak state.

The president leaned down and personally inspected the injury of one of the disciples, and wiped the blood beads on one of the disciples' necks, which was warm.

The president stood up and glanced at the special chains that were still dangling in the history of confinement.

"It hasn't been long since we died! It seems we are a step late."

The president's face gradually became gloomy, and he seemed to think of a very terrible thing.

"It's that guy, he, he's not dead!"

Elder Guo asked puzzledly, "He? Who is he?"

"The second in command of the blood clan, known as the cold face in the cultivation world, the most frightening thing is this kind of blood-sealed throat needle!"

Cold face, Ning Qiutian's right-hand man, is said to have reached the golden core stage peak state long ago.

He used a good needle technique, so good that blood can be seen in the throat like its name.

Back then, after the blood race fought with the five sect forces, the cold face disappeared inexplicably.

Everyone thought that Lengmian was killed in this battle, but they didn't really see Lengmian's body.

Until this moment, the president realized that the cold face was not dead.

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Lin Tiancheng had just told the president Ning Xin that she was an undercover agent of the blood race, but someone rescued Ning Xin and Elder Han.

The president guessed that it was very likely that a traitor had emerged from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

It seems that 30 years ago, the blood clan had already placed an undercover in the alchemist association headquarters, just for its comeback today.

Elder Guo handed over to the president and said in a low voice, "President, it might be that the undercover agents of these blood races have found the prisoner's den!"

The president turned around to see if something went wrong with Qiu Motu, but soon he stopped again.

Since there are traitors in the Alchemist Association headquarters, the president's every move may be stared at.

If he rushes to the prisoner's den, he will undoubtedly lead the way for the blood race.

"Elder Guo, hasn't Master Zhang found yet?" the president asked earnestly.

Several days ago, when the president learned that Lin Tiancheng was still in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, he couldn't wait to send Master Zhang to find Lin Tiancheng.

However, seven full days have passed, and Master Zhang has not heard from him.

The president specially dispatched Elder Guo to look for Master Zhang to see what happened in this. Why hasn't he returned to his life until now?

Right now, the power of the blood race is becoming more and more rampant, and it seems that they are really ready to fight to the end with the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

At the moment when it comes to employing people, Master Zhang is the president's right-hand man.

Elder Guo said with a heavy face, "The current news is not very clear. However, according to the news from the leader of the bloodthirsty mercenary group Mu, Master Zhang should have entered the Central area of ​​the Blurred Realm!"

"The Domain of Blurred? Did that girl break into the Domain of Blurred again?"

When Elder Guo said this, the president had already determined that the news was true.

Master Zhang has a daughter called Zhang Shishi. Qiuyue is not Master Zhang's biological daughter, but a baby girl he picked up from the Misplaced Realm 20 years ago.

In order to better raise and grow up this baby girl, Master Zhang did not even marry a wife and have children.

This is exactly what the president values ​​Master Zhang.

But, the strange thing is that poetry seems to have suffered from a strange disease, and once or twice a year, there is a deliberate intrusion into the domain of confusion!

No one knew what she was going to do, including Master Zhang.

No, this time it must have been this girl who was confused, and stumbled into the realm of confusion.

Alchemy is that the people in the headquarters of the association have already taken it off.

The Blurred Domain is not a fun place, not to mention that according to Elder Mu, Master Zhang has broken into the central area of ​​the Blurred Domain, which is a very dangerous place.

"Well, you quickly take someone to get Master Zhang back, you want to see people alive, and the dead you want to see the corpse!" The president sighed and told Elder Guo.


"Also, hurry up and dispatch manpower to patrol to increase the defense force, especially near Lin Tiancheng's wing!" The president carefully warned.

Lin Tiancheng is a crucial bargaining chip for the president to fight against the blood mother-in-law, and he can't get into trouble anyway.

Nowadays, the blood undercover hidden in the alchemist association headquarters began to gradually surface.

Presumably, the first person they wanted to kill was Lin Tiancheng.

"Yes!" After Elder Guo took the order, he began to follow the instructions of the president.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was meditating in his wing to improve his strength.

Outside the door came the sound of one after another positive steps.

Lin Tiancheng knew that the sudden increase in guard soldiers should have been meant by the president, so he didn't take it seriously, so he continued to practice.

In the evening, Lin Tiancheng had already urged the Nine Turns to Sheng Jue Fa Jue to make the body's Zhen Qi body meridian and 830 acupuncture points circulate eight small weeks.

After every small week, Lin Tiancheng was sweating profusely and felt weak and weak all over his body.

However, this feeling is very comfortable, and it seems that the pores on the body surface are fully opened, which can introduce the aura between heaven and earth.

Lin Tiancheng knew that after a period of experience, he would surely be able to break through into the ground-level tactics soon.

Ground-level tactics!

That's quite a terrifying existence, even in some golden rank forces, the ground-level magic arts are very rare.

If this can break through into the heavenly rank magic formula, then this magic formula will become even more terrifying, even the legendary forces will compete for it.

The time was ripe, Lin Tiancheng took out the palm-sized soul tree from the recycling bin.

Because he wanted to make room for planting the tree of life, Lin Tiancheng put the soul-raising wood that reached the millennium maturity early in the recycling bin.


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