Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1540: Catch with both hands

Ning Xin's reluctant curve.

She always told herself that everything she did was for her father's grand cause.

At the beginning, in the backyard of the alchemist association headquarters, Ning Xin took the initiative to lure Lin Tiancheng, in fact, it was for the whole blood clan and her father.

"Lin Tiancheng, elder sister advises you to be honest, otherwise, if elder sister gets angry, your roots will be lost!"

Lin Tiancheng said without fear, "Since Miss Ning is unwilling to cooperate, then everyone is here to wait for death!"

Ning Xin bit her silver teeth, her cheeks were slightly hot, "Okay! But you'd better not touch my bottom line!"

In fact, Ning Xin had already been touched by Lin Tiancheng in the upper part, as long as she did not violate her bottom line, Ning Xin's resistance was still not that big.

Ok! Take it for the father, for the whole blood family! After I leave, I must cut this kid out!

Lin Tiancheng put his hand up, he currently only has 4 batteries, and he really needs them too much.

The tree of life is in the hands of the old guy Ning Qiutian, and it is absolutely impossible to get it back.

Then Lin Tiancheng could only find a way to get more electricity and plant another tree of life.

Then, he had to leave a way for himself.

The power level began to rise sharply, and Lin Tiancheng did not hesitate to open the include software to connect with Ning Xin, the stinky girl.

Because Ning Xin's strength is only at the peak of the expansion period, Lin Tiancheng can use include for a long time to interconnect with it.

During this period of interconnection, if Ning Qiutian dared to kill, Ning Xin, this stinky girl, should not think about it.

Include is very power-consuming, Lin Tiancheng must maintain above 20 power to ensure that no abnormalities occur.

Ten fingers danced messily, and Lin Tiancheng's tongue began to become restless.

Ning Xin quickly reached out to stop him.

"No! Don't go too far!"

Lin Tiancheng was not disturbed by her, and devoted himself to the state of charging, "Not enough, this is far from enough. Only when I am in the most active state can my healing techniques achieve the greatest effect!"

Ning Xin gritted her silver teeth and turned her cheek helplessly, leaving Lin Tiancheng at the mercy of Lin Tiancheng without violating the bottom line.

Ning Qiutian sat cross-legged, and with the help of Lin Tiancheng, his dry riverbed finally had a little real energy flowing.

Because Lin Tiancheng and Ning Xin are still in the range of Ning Qiutian's sense of consciousness, he can clearly perceive what these two people are doing without even opening his eyes!

He was imprisoned here for thirty years, and he wanted to go out, and now he can only wrong his daughter.

Your own injury has recovered. He must kill Lin Tiancheng to preserve his daughter's reputation.

The President and Elder Ren quickly rushed to the top of the extinct crater with a group of disciples.

The Prisoner's Cave is still a peaceful lake, and the golden array patterns that had stirred before have disappeared.

The kid Xu Can seemed to have discovered something, and immediately screamed, "President, there seems to be someone below!"

Another disciple with better ability stared for a while and quickly said, "It's Elder Guo, Elder Han seems to have been killed!"

After being sucked up, the corpse of Elder Han floated on the lake as dry as thin wood.

The most disturbed person is the president. Only he knows that under the extinct volcano is the prisoner's cave, and inside is the heinous Ning Qiutian.

Elder Guo's body appeared above the lake, which means that it is very likely that Ning Xin's smelly girl has found his father Ning Qiutian.

So where did Lin Tiancheng go?

Xu Can asked the president for instructions, "President, this disciple will take a few people down and salvage the body of Elder Han!"

"Can't go!" The president immediately shouted to Xu Can.

He knew that this lake was just an illusion, a cover for the prisoner's cave, if Xu Can also went down, I am afraid that there will be no return.

"No, you hurry up and invite all the other seven elders, just say that I said, no one can disobey! Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the law." The president hurriedly issued an order.

The situation was already very urgent, and he suspected that Ning Xin must have entered the prisoner's den.

Once she helped Ning Qiutian escape the prisoner's den by any means, the consequences would be disastrous.

Below the prisoner's cave, Lin Tiancheng had reached 30 electricity after the upper half of Ning Xin's body was smashed.

To help Ning Qiutian recover from his injury, at least another 30 electricity will be consumed.

To ensure the normal operation of the include, Lin Tiancheng has to ensure that there are 20 electricity continuously.

He had to purchase the power of the tree of life seed to make plans.

His slippery hands went downstream.

Ning Xin noticed something strange, her slender hand grabbed her downward!

Lin Tiancheng's whole person is not well, and he completely dispelled the unreasonable thinking about Ning Xin.

Ning Xin grabbed Lin Tiancheng's life and questioned, "It turns out that your kid really has this thing, and the sister who killed him has been locked up for three days! See if I won't abandon it today!"

Ning Xin never believed that Lin Tiancheng would be a waste person, because she had seen the tent that Lin Tiancheng had set up.

Moreover, when she went to Lin Tiancheng's room later, she also confirmed that her opinion was correct.

But when it was finally verified, Lin Tiancheng's murder weapon was gone.

This time, Lin Tiancheng's fate was held tightly in the palm of his hand.

Ning Qiutian, who was concentrating on meditating, had already sensed the movement happening here in Lin Tiancheng through his spiritual sense!

His old face blushed slightly, and he quickly took back his consciousness!

She didn't expect her daughter to be so proactive. She was extremely reluctant at first, but now she is holding the guy's life tightly!

It seems that his daughter has really grown up. After the blood family re-establishes its foundation in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu, Ning Qiutian feels that it is time to find her daughter's husband's family!

Lin Tiancheng's heart was a little bit horrified, he understood what it meant to be ecstatic!

After being over-excited, I even forgot about it!

In desperation, Lin Tiancheng had no choice but to use ten fingers to catch Ning Xin's Ting Qiao!

The sharp pain in her chest made Ning Xin yell!

Her cheeks blushed immediately, and she quickly covered her mouth with her left hand!

She didn't dare to make trouble, but her father had already said that under the golden array dome, it was all within the range of his sense of consciousness!

If her father knew about this, Ning Xin wouldn't know how to face her father!

"Quickly let me go!" Ning Xin glared at Lin Tiancheng and shouted to Lin Tiancheng!

Because Ning Xin didn't pinch her two ellipses, Lin Tiancheng only felt full and painful, and she had not felt the severe pain of a mosquito bite when the girl was giving birth.

Ning Xin was already out of breath in pain.

Because women’s skin contains more abundant nerve endings than men’s, they feel more painful than men!

With Lin Tiancheng's hands grabbing together, Ning Xin completely disarmed and surrendered, "You let me go, you won!"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng was also uncomfortable. He quickly stood up, shaking the severe pain under his body, and it took a long time to relieve his energy.

"Okay, I think you kid is excited enough, he must have achieved the therapeutic effect, go and treat my father!"


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