Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1562: Give me a year

Zhang Qiuyue tightly held the president's hand and pleaded, "Bo Nie, you must save my father, you must save him!"

The president sighed long and patted Zhang Qiuyue on the shoulder, looking helpless.

The only bloodline of the ancient **** beasts he knew was no longer working, and he was completely gone.

The seven elders also advised Zhang Qiuyue, "Qiuyue, let's change the sorrows! You can't look at Master Zhang under Jiuquan!"

"Yes! Sorry!"

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng stood up and said, "Let me try it!"

Lin Tiancheng currently only has 25 electricity, and almost all the meridians of Master Zhang are broken. 25 electricity is probably not enough, but he doesn't want to watch Master Zhang die like this.

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng with some suspicion, with a little suspicion in her eyes. After all, there was nothing even the president could do. What could he do, an ordinary disciple of the Alchemist Association headquarters?

Unexpectedly, the president's eyes were a little bright, and he quickly gave way to Lin Tiancheng, "Then you try it! Don't force it."

Elder Guo also took the initiative to step back. He believed in Lin Tiancheng's superb ancient alchemy.

There is no doubt that Lin Tiancheng's attainments in alchemy may already be higher than that of the president.

Zhang Qiuyue tried her mouth and didn't say much, but gave way to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng used 360 antivirus software to carefully check Master Zhang's injuries.

Master Zhang is indeed the whole body's meridians broken, and the continuation pill made from the blood of ancient gods and beasts does not play any role.

360 reminds Lin Tiancheng that it takes 30 electricity to help Master Zhang continue the meridian connection.

But Lin Tiancheng only has 25 electricity, and he has to consider the amount of electricity he can survive.

Even if Lin Tiancheng had enough power to help Master Zhang receive the meridians, it would only be able to save Master Zhang's life. After all, Master Zhang's essence was consumed too much, and he could only live like a vegetable.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng frowning, the president's expression was a little disappointed.

"It seems there is really no way?"

Elder Guo patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder and comforted him, "Tiancheng, don't embarrass yourself!"

After some thoughts, Lin Tiancheng finally thought of a way.

Master Zhang's meridians are broken, and Lin Tiancheng will be able to keep him alive as long as he can help him pick up a few main meridians.

Even if you live like a vegetable, it is better than dead.

As for the loss of essence, can’t Wannian Danshen supplement essence?

Lin Tiancheng had already browsed the effects of various heaven and earth spiritual materials in the farmer’s app store before, and when he knew that Master Zhang’s essence was too much, he soon thought of Wannian Danshen, a heaven and earth spiritual material. .

However, Wannian Danshen, the seed of heaven and earth spiritual material, is priced at 20 electricity in the farmer's app store!

After Lin Tiancheng helped Master Zhang catch a few main meridians, only 15 electricity remained!

In order not to be suspected by other people, he symbolically fed Master Zhang an ordinary pill, and injected the true energy into Master Zhang's body for a while.

After half an hour, Lin Tiancheng's mouth showed a smile because he felt the pulse of Master Zhang.

This shows that Master Zhang has come alive. As for him to wake up and live like a normal person, then he needs to pick up some secondary meridians and a ten thousand year salvia.

Among them, the amount of electricity that needs to be consumed is no less than 30, which makes Lin Tiancheng a little worried.

If Zhang Qiuyue is willing to cooperate with her, he can even bring Master Zhang back to life.

It's just that after experiencing something like the last time, he no longer dared to fool around with this grumpy girl.

Lin Tiancheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around, and smiled confidently at the president, "Master Zhang's fortune is saved!"

This sentence suddenly exploded in the alchemy room.

"Tiancheng, you are not kidding?" Always looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock.

He knows Master Zhang's injury better than anyone present. Although Lin Tiancheng has superb ancient alchemy skills, it is almost impossible to save Master Zhang's life.

Elder Guo, of course, chose to believe in Lin Tiancheng, but he had seen Lin Tiancheng's abilities several times and knew that Lin Tiancheng would not talk nonsense.

The president couldn't wait to check Master Zhang's injury, he couldn't help but laughed a little excitedly, "Yuanjin has a pulse, this is true."

Each elder also checked Master Zhang’s injuries in turn, and found that he still had many broken meridians in his body, but he had normal breathing and pulse.

It means that under Lin Tiancheng's treatment, he really lived!

This is simply a miracle!

Zhang Qiuyue also felt her father's pulse, but she didn't understand why her father couldn't wake up yet!

She nodded to Lin Tiancheng to express her gratitude, and then asked the president, "Bo Nie, why hasn't my father woken up yet?"

The president restrained his excitement, and then said calmly, “Yes, Tiancheng did save your father’s life, but his essence was consumed too much, and there are still many meridians in the body that are broken. We must find fresh The bloodline of the ancient sacred beasts must be in the Mahayana realm!"

Lin Tiancheng gave them hope that as to whether Master Zhang can wake up, it depends on whether they can find a fresh bloodline of the ancient **** beasts in the Mahayana realm.

Zhang Qiuyue nodded, thoughtfully, "How long can my father be in this state?"

The president grew a beard and thought for a while and said, "At least one year! That is to say, we have one year to find the blood of ancient beasts!"

This time they must seize the opportunity no matter what.

Elder Guo frowned, "Unless we can ask Dean Zhuge of Zhongdu College for help, with his strength, maybe we can defeat the beasts of the Mahayana realm."

At this time, Elder Guo did not know that the president had reached the beginning of the Mahayana period.

Elder Chen shook his head and said, "Even if Dean Zhuge is willing to come forward, we might not be able to find a beast in the Mahayana realm!"

"No, I want to tell you a secret. Actually, I am a fire phoenix with the blood of ancient gods and beasts!"

Zhang Qiuyue did not want to believe this fact, but when she saw the fiery red feathers emerging from her body, she had to believe that she was indeed a fire phoenix.

It's just that she doesn't understand, why she was abandoned in the outer ring area of ​​the blurred area since she was a child?

Moreover, this time she had already seen her biological mother with her own eyes, but her mother only saved her life but did not want to recognize her.

"Give me one year, and I will improve my strength from the early stage of the Golden Core period to the early stage of the Mahayana period. My father raised me. Even if I save my life, I will wake him up!"

Looking at Zhang Qiuyue's firm eyes, Lin Tiancheng did not speak.

Seeing this girl's eyes, she wanted to save Master Zhang with her own power.

Since she had this heart, Lin Tiancheng couldn't say much.

So, what Lin Tiancheng can do is to help Zhang Qiuyue increase her strength from the early stage of the Jindan period to the early stage of the Mahayana period within a year.

If Lin Tiancheng had sufficient power, it would not take a year at all.

Of course, he also had to prepare with both hands. If Zhang Qiuyue failed to break through to the Mahayana realm within a year, then Lin Tiancheng would still take the shot himself.


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