Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1582: Trapped dragon formation

Lin Tiancheng smiled without saying a word, Zhao Wei has been injured like this, but still has a stiff mouth like a dead duck.

"Since you have given up, can I take Mengyao away now!" Lin Tiancheng reached out and held Yun Mengyao's wrist.

At this moment, Yun Mengyao's eyes were full of admiration for Lin Tiancheng, and she no longer dared to doubt Lin Tiancheng's strength.

She even felt that Lin Tiancheng's cold ice technique might have been cultivated above grandpa, and it was more than enough to guide herself in the practice of cold ice technique.

Zhao Wei shook his head, "No way!"

"Do you want to regret it again?" Lin Tiancheng glared.

He is not a clay figure to be kneaded. Hearing Zhao Wei's words, he immediately urged the Frost Technique.

Seeing this posture, Zhao Wei quickly backed up a few steps. Because of his body injury, his limbs were a little uncoordinated, and he fell heavily to the ground.

I was bitten by a snake once, and I was afraid of ropes for ten years.

After seeing the extreme cold mood urged by Lin Tiancheng's cold ice technique, he had a lingering fear of Lin Tiancheng.

The few female cultivators who originally supported Zhao Wei did not expect that Zhao Wei would have such a big reaction, and they also looked at him with astonishment.

Just now, he said that if he tried his best to lose, it was Lin Tiancheng, but now he fell to the ground in fright by Lin Tiancheng, which was really unsightly.

"Slow, wait, listen to me and explain it to you!" Zhao Wei, who fell to the ground, stretched out his hand to stop Lin Tiancheng, for fear that he would be extremely cold to himself again.

Lin Tiancheng restrained his anger and took the escaping horror into his body again.

Several female cultivators quickly stepped forward and helped Zhao Wei from the ground.

Zhao Wei couldn’t pretend anymore, and explained to Lin Tiancheng with a bitter expression, “Yun Mengyao is a girl. Although you have a marriage contract, you are not a real husband and wife. Allowed to live together!"

If Zhao Wei confirms that Yun Zhonghe is really his uncle, then Yun Mengyao is his niece.

Although Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao have a marriage contract, he, as an uncle, must protect the innocence of his niece before they actually get married.

Of course, he also considered that since Lin Tiancheng is Yun Mengyao's fiancé, he will definitely come to the ice class to find Yun Mengyao often.

In this case, he would have a chance to approach Lin Tiancheng, and then find a way to get him to avenge Fang Zimo on his behalf.

This time Lin Tiancheng didn't refute, Zhao Wei was quite right, and he was a little excited at first.

If Yun Mengyao is really allowed to practice with her, it is impossible for her to live in the same wing with her!

After all, they haven't really gotten married yet, and it will inevitably invite some gossip.

The cultivating children on the crowd were very surprised. It was the first time that Zhao Wei had a conversation with his disciple in such a low voice.

According to the past situation, Zhao Wei didn't say a few words, just violent temper.

It seems that this comprehension child who possesses a dual-attribute physique completely surrendered Zhao Wei's tutor.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng lost in thought, Zhao Wei continued to explain, "Meng Yao, I suspect that your grandfather is my long-lost uncle, can you take me to see your grandfather now!"

Not only Yun Mengyao, but even Lin Tiancheng was shocked when he heard what Zhao Wei said.

If Yun Zhonghe is Zhao Wei's uncle, then Yun Mengyao is Zhao Wei's niece.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao were a little disbelief, Zhao Wei stretched out his hand and took the Ice Spirit Orb in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

"Actually, this ice spirit orb is a family heirloom from my family."

As Zhao Wei said, he urged the ice attribute magic trick in his body.

The earth began to tremble violently again, and twelve icicles towering into the clouds appeared in front of everyone again.

"This Ice Spirit Orb actually has a trapped dragon formation. It can only be activated by the orthodox ice attribute method of our Fengchen family. Moreover, as you can see, if you want to crack this formation, you must also rely on it. The blood of our descendants of the family!"

Zhao Wei saw that Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao were still a little unbelievable, so he turned to Yun Mengyao and said, "Mengyao, if you don't believe it, you can smear your blood on the 12 icicles!"

Lin Tiancheng pulled Yun Mengyao, he was worried about what Zhao Wei was playing.

The Dragon Formation is extremely powerful, but it's not fun.

In case Yun Mengyao went in and couldn't get out, it would be a big trouble.

Yun Mengyao broke Lin Tiancheng's wrist. She wanted to find out if what Zhao Wei said was true.

Yun Mengyao grew up with her grandfather. She had never met her biological parents, nor had she heard of anything about the Yun family ancestor.

It was as if the Yun family suddenly appeared in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu from his grandfather's generation, and then it continued.

She pierced the palm of her left hand with a blade of her right hand, and tentatively smeared her efforts on the twelve icicles.

Sure enough, as Zhao Wei said, the twelve icicles towering into the clouds collapsed in an instant.

She stood there blankly, staring at what was happening before her eyes in disbelief.

Zhao Wei once again urged their unique ice attribute tactics, once again deployed the trapped dragon formation.

Zhao Wei winked at Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, try it with your blood!"

Lin Tiancheng did exactly what Zhao Wei said. He was trapped in the trapped dragon formation, and the bound energy on the twelve icicles seemed to become stronger.

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Wei removed the trapped dragon formation, "Meng Yao, now you should always be able to tell me about your grandpa, right?"

Yun Mengyao already believed what Zhao Wei had said, and glanced left and right at the other cultivation children.

Zhao Wei immediately understood, and said to the cultivating children of these ice class classes, "You all go back to the classroom! Nothing that happened today must be told to outsiders!"

Of course, I can’t say that. Today, Zhao Wei was beaten by a disciple of the junior fire department and had no power to fight back. If this matter was spread, how could his face survive?

In addition, Lin Tiancheng has a dual attribute physique, and this matter cannot be known by others.

The ice cultivator who turned around and returned to the classroom began to talk quietly.

"Yunzhonghe turned out to be the uncle of Teacher Zhao Wei. Isn't Teacher Zhao Wei from a family of gold-class powers in Beicheng District?"

"That said, Yun Mengyao is not Zhao Wei's niece, the child of the family of the wind and dust!"

After everyone left, Yun Mengyao glanced at Lin Tiancheng.

After getting Lin Tiancheng's affirmative look, she explained, "Actually, my grandfather passed away a month ago! Now, the head of the Yun family is Tiancheng!"

Yun Mengyao finally understood why his grandfather would entrust the Yun family to Lin Tiancheng before his death, instead of giving it to his younger brother Yun Zhongzi.

Lin Tiancheng does have the strength to shoulder the Patriarch of the Yun Family, and, as Yun Mengyao's fiance, he is also able to protect her.

Zhao Wei's eyes were straight. If the crane in the cloud was dead, wouldn't it be the old man of the dusty family, that is, his grandfather couldn't see his third son again before then.

But even if Yunzhonghe died, Zhao Wei had an obligation to find out if Yunzhonghe was his uncle.

Seeing that Yun Mengyao’s eyes were a little scarlet, Zhao Wei put his hand on her shoulder, “Meng Yao, don’t be sad, and tell me if there are other old people in your Yun family, they must know this. Thing!"


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