Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1588: Sky box

The number of times that can be charged has decreased, and of course Lin Tiancheng cherishes the power even more.

Adding the original 5 electricity, Lin Tiancheng has a total of 75 electricity, and he only spent 30 electricity using 360 antivirus software to help Yun Mengyao remove impurities from her body.

Yun Mengyao wants to reach the catastrophe period and help her father avenge her. In a year's time, even if Lin Tiancheng has 360 antivirus software and optimization masters, he can't do it.

Therefore, she can't rush about this matter.

In contrast, Master Zhang’s life is imminent, and Lin Tiancheng must help Zhang Qiuyue break through to the early stage of Mahayana within a year.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng has to keep a hand, that is, to buy the seeds of Wannian Danshen in the farmer's app store. If a Qiuyue does not break through the Mahayana state, Lin Tiancheng can also ensure that Master Zhang will not die.

After consuming 30 electricity, Yun Mengyao successfully broke through to the early stage of the Golden Core period, which was expected by Lin Tiancheng.

After all, her strength has reached that level, but Lin Tiancheng needs to push her a little behind.

It might be very difficult to charge from Yun Mengyao next time. Lin Tiancheng must break through the relationship with Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan as soon as possible.

I just used the translation wizard to communicate with Zijin Butterfly. So far, Lin Tiancheng has 41 telegrams left.

If it breaks through the relationship with Zhang Qiuyue, Lin Tiancheng can quickly help her remove impurities from her body, and even optimize her body with an optimization master.

It's just that Zhang Qiuyue's temperament is really stubborn, and it seems that there is still a certain degree of vigilance towards Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Yun Mengyao who was following behind her. She was very tired, yawning from time to time, and her eyelids became extremely heavy.

Lin Tiancheng said softly to her, "If you are really sleepy, take a rest! Leave the rest to me!"


Yun Mengyao wiped her dry eyes and yawned and said, "No, it's okay, I can still hold on!"

After a while, the two finally arrived at the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There are indeed two messy exercises cheats here.

However, what makes Lin Tiancheng feel strange is that the layout of the entire third floor is a bit like the pattern of Tai Chi and Bagua.

And those two messy exercises and cheats happened to be in the black and white spot of Tai Chi Bagua.

There is a stone pillar over one meter high in the center of the two piles of exercise secrets. On the top of the pillar is a square box, emitting a faint glow, which looks quite mysterious.

The layout of the entire third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion seems to be deliberate, but the entire Tibetan Scripture Pavilion only has Master Nanxuan here. Maybe all of this was intentional.

Lin Tiancheng tentatively stepped into the Tai Chi Pisces pattern and found that there was indeed a mysterious formation in this pattern.

However, it is strange to say that this formation did not prevent Lin Tiancheng from breaking in, but instead made Lin Tiancheng feel bathed in the essence of the moon, very comfortable.

Yun Mengyao was worried that Lin Tiancheng might be in trouble, so he grabbed Lin Tiancheng's skirt, shook his head, and motioned him not to come near.

But Lin Tiancheng still had a lot of curiosity about the boxy box, and he wanted to find out.

The distance to the mysterious box was getting closer and closer, Lin Tiancheng clearly saw that the formation in the Tai Chi Pisces map was actually absorbing the essence of the moon and converging all these essence energy into the mysterious box.

At the same time, he heard the gurgling sound of running water, as if the essence of the moon poured into the box and turned into running water.

This aroused Lin Tiancheng's curiosity even more, wanting to see what this mysterious box is?

After careful inspection, Lin Tiancheng was sure that there was no danger, and then carefully picked up the square box on the stone pillar.

There is a line of grooved lettering on the top of the stone pillar, which says "Tianji Box"!

"Is there a secret secret in this box?"

This box looks a bit like a Rubik's Cube, with 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha marked on the upper and lower sides.

On the other four sides are the twenty-four constellations in the southeast, northwest and north, such as the east corner, the kang, the di, the room, the heart, the tail, and the ji.

Nanfangjing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen Qisu are in the shape of a quail bird, which is a "Suzaku".

The western Kui, Lou, Wei, Subaru, Bi, Zang, and Ginseng Qisu are in the form of a tiger and are called "white tigers."

The northern fighting, bull, female, Xu, Wei, Shi, and Bi Qisu are shaped like turtles and snakes, and they are called "Xuanwu".

Lin Tiancheng is cautious and subtle, not dare to easily move the pattern on the sky box, worrying about triggering a potential mechanism.

He simply turned on the flashlight, and gave a good perspective on this well-made Tianji box.

Looking at it, Lin Tiancheng was a little fascinated, and his consciousness seemed to sink into the secret box. He simply sat on the floor, staring at the secret box in his hand.

Yun Mengyao saw that Lin Tiancheng did not appear to be abnormal, so she cleaned the third floor of the Buddhist scripture pavilion with confidence.

This Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is the core building of the entire Zhongdu Academy. There are various exercises and secrets in it. It is said that there is a local level of exercise secrets in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Ground-level exercises are the supreme treasure, and it is said that they have only appeared in the central area of ​​Zhongdu, which is quite rare.

However, the Tianji Box in Lin Tiancheng's hand is particularly unique among so many exercises secrets.

It is placed in the middle of the third floor of the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion, and there is a mysterious formation for it to absorb the essence of the moon.

Even the Tai Chi Pisces pattern on the ground was deliberately made by Master Nan Xuan.

After staring for a while, Lin Tiancheng's forehead was already sweating, and the secret and the internal structure were too mysterious.

Moreover, Lin Tiancheng had never seen the material used to build this secret box, so when he stared at it for a while, it consumed 5 electricity.

Having roughly figured out the structure of this heavenly machine box, Lin Tiancheng started to rearrange the pattern of 36 heavenly gangs, 72 earth evils, and 24 stars like a Rubik's Cube.

Lin Tiancheng was completely shocked by the structure of this heavenly machine box. There was a small space inside it, dreamlike, true and false, so Lin Tiancheng almost thought that small space was a real world.

After using a flashlight to look through the sky box carefully, Lin Tiancheng rearranged the six-sided pattern of the sky box.

A miraculous thing happened, the heavenly machine box burst out extremely powerful energy, as if in that instant, all the essence of the moon that had been absorbed by it poured out.

In an instant, the brilliance of the moon projected from the third floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion clearly made the entire Buddhist scriptures pavilion shrouded in radiance.

After a buzzing sound, the Tianji Box projected a dazzling light toward the dome of the third floor of the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

This light reflected the small world that Lin Tiancheng saw in the heavenly secret box.

The broom in Yun Mengyao's hand fell to the ground, her pupils shrank suddenly, staring at the dome of the third floor of the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion.

"This, what is this?" There was a worried look on her face.

Lin Tiancheng was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Suddenly, a vigorous and powerful palm pressed against Lin Tiancheng's back, causing him to stop backing.

I don't know when, Master Nanxuan came silently behind Lin Tiancheng again, his face that was as still as still water finally revealed a look of surprise.

He said slowly, "You opened the box this day?"


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