Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1590: Squirting

"You mean, the tomb of the strong man in the Tribulation Period is in the depths of the Blurred Realm?" The dean looked at the back of Grand Master Nan Xuan in surprise.

"Well, the breath of this heavenly secret box always gives me a familiar feeling, like a fellow Taoist I had long ago, but she is not a human cultivator, but an ancient divine beast Fire Phoenix!"

"Ancient sacred beast? Could it be that this kind of ancient sacred beast has reached the catastrophe period?"

Master Nan Xuan nodded, "It's very possible!"

Speaking of ancient sacred beasts, the dean seemed to remember one thing, "It is true that it is true that just yesterday, President Nie of the Alchemist Association headquarters sent a woman and a man!

The kid just now was the man sent by President Nie. As for the woman, I vaguely felt that she was a beast with a fire attribute. As for the spirit beast, I still couldn't perceive it specifically! "

"Fire-attribute animal body, the same is true of my fellow Daoist back then!" Master Nan Xuan vaguely felt that there was a connection.

Everything has a cause and effect, and it does not appear suddenly!

Just like Lin Tiancheng opened the Tianji Box easily, it was not accidental.

"Tomorrow, when the physical attribute test is held, I will take a look. Maybe that girl will be related to my fellow Daoist!" Speaking of the Daoist friend of Master Nan Xuan, there was a touch of sadness in his eyes. .

Master Nanxuan turned around and prepared to leave here. Before leaving, he reminded Zhuge Xun, "Finding that grave will be a great help for you to break through the tribulation period, but you have to bring that kid named Lin Tiancheng. , And this secret box is also the key to opening the tomb!"


It is no accident that Lin Tiancheng was able to open the secret box, which shows that he has some fate with this secret box.

Regarding Master Nanxuan's reminder, the dean was particularly concerned.

He walked to the stone pillar and carefully retracted the sky box into the space ring.

Early the next morning, the cultivation children of the Five Elements Department had gathered on the martial arts training ground.

The dean looked around at all the cultivation children of the Five Elements System, and found no trace of Lin Tiancheng, so he asked Fang Ziru, "Teacher Ziru, what about the kid in your class called Lin Tiancheng? Why didn't he come to participate?"

The dean held this attribute constitution test mainly to verify Lin Tiancheng's physique, and wanted to prove his conjecture.

If Lin Tiancheng doesn't come, then his plan will be ruined.

Fang Ziru was also very anxious. She did not see Lin Tiancheng when she was training for the junior fire department students in the morning.

"There is also the instructor Zhao Wei of the ice department, why didn't he come?" the dean continued to inquire.

"Come, here!" Zhao Wei walked towards the dean quickly.

He has already reported all the matter to the old man of the aristocratic family, that is, his grandfather.

Then, he rushed back from the family of the wind and dust overnight.

His purpose is very clear, is to **** Lin Tiancheng this good seedling with the instructor of the fire department class.

Zhao Wei turned out to be a strong man in the Mahayana stage. After being severely injured by Fang Zimo of the Vulcan Sect, his strength was greatly weakened, and he fell to the middle of the Golden Core stage.

He must get Lin Tiancheng to help Lin Tiancheng break through to the early stage of the Mahayana strength as soon as possible, and then avenge himself on Fang Zimo.

Although with Lin Tiancheng's current strength of the ice attribute technique, Zhao Wei could not help him much.

However, the aristocratic family has more advanced ice attribute tactics, and Lin Tiancheng's strength in this area can still get a big breakthrough.

In order to defeat Fang Zimo, Zhao Wei did not hesitate to breathe out a bad breath.

In Zhao Wei's view, since Lin Tiancheng's ice attribute technique is so powerful, his fire attribute technique must be lacking.

Zhao Wei decided to spend a lot of money on Lin Tiancheng to hire a strong man who knows the fire attribute technique, and let him guide Lin Tiancheng.

However, the premise of all this must make Lin Tiancheng recognize himself as a master.

Zhao Wei's disciples defeated Fang Zimo of the Vulcan Sect a few years later. If this is the case, Zhao Wei's ill will and his face will be restored.

Seeing Zhao Wei walking towards him, several instructors couldn't help shrinking.

Zhao Wei is addicted to alcohol and has a bad temper. He is a child of a family of dusty families and often scolds other mentors.

The dean asked Zhao Wei, "Zhao Wei, are you going to drink again?"

Zhao Wei was taken aback for a moment, and he sighed in front of the dean, and said with a smile, "Master dean, you have wronged me. If you don't believe me, just smell it!"

Before being hit by Fang Zimo, Zhao Wei was also a strong man in the Mahayana realm. Although he has not yet reached the middle of the Mahayana period, there is a gold rank power behind him, a family of aristocrats.

Although the dean was quite critical of Zhao Wei, he could only tolerate him as much as possible for the face of the family.

The dean slapped the wind in front of his nose, and said angrily, "Enough, I heard other instructors say, you were not at the college last night?"

"Who? Who said I'm not in the academy, so you can stand up for me?" Zhao Wei asked other instructors, with a fierce expression on his face.

Except Fang Ziru, the other instructors couldn't help but step back.

Fang Ziru is not afraid of Zhao Wei. She is the third young lady of the legendary Vulcan Sect and Fang Zimo's younger sister.

The leader of the Vulcan Sect has two daughters, one son, and the second son.

The eldest daughter is Yun Mengyao's mother, Fang Ziyi, and the younger daughter is Fang Ziru.

"It's you?" Zhao Wei stared at Fang Ziru fiercely.

The thought of Fang Ziru's brother taking away the woman he liked, Zhao Wei's eyes became even more vicious.

Fang Ziru gave Zhao Wei a blank look, and retorted without fear, "Don't spit people!"

Because of his brother's affairs, Fang Ziru often felt Zhao Wei's hostility in Zhongdu Academy.

She was helpless for Zhao Wei's rudeness.

A few anger appeared on the dean's face, "Enough! Zhao Wei, please pay attention to your words and deeds. The cultivation children of the Five Elements System are here!"

Zhao Wei glanced at the onlookers of cultivation children, and slightly curbed his radical behavior.

The dean walked slowly to the disciples of the elementary Mars class and asked them loudly, "Do you know where Lin Tiancheng has gone?"

The dean had actually met Lin Tiancheng in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion last night, but before Lin Tiancheng left, the dean also specially reminded him to take the physical attribute test.

Logically speaking, Lin Tiancheng should not be late.

"What? Lin Tiancheng is missing?" Zhao Wei looked around for a while and found no trace of Lin Tiancheng.

He immediately asked the disciple of the ice department, what about Mengyao? Did Mengyao come back? "

The disciples of the ice class shook their heads.

"It shouldn't be! They know that Zhongdu Academy will hold a physical attribute test today, so they won't stay in Yunfu again!"

Zhao Wei didn't know what happened in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion last night, and thought that the two had stayed in Yunfu.

Zhao Wei's purpose in rushing back this time was to compete for the disciple Lin Tiancheng.

If Lin Tiancheng is not here, he doesn't think there is any point in participating.

"Quickly, Liu Jie, you take some people to Zhongdu Yunfu to have a look, if they are there, bring them back quickly!" Zhao Wei waved to Liu Jie, motioning him to go quickly.


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