Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1595: Accumulate

Bai Xiaoxiao sent Lin Tiancheng out of the room. Zhang Qiuyue and Yun Mengyao were not three-year-olds anymore. Seeing Lin Tiancheng's appearance, they guessed what happened.

Zhang Qiuyue stepped forward and pushed Bai Xiaoxiao away, put Lin Tiancheng's hand on her shoulder, and gave her a white look, "I know you are uneasy and kind, and use my friend to help you break through your cultivation. !"

In fact, Zhang Qiuyue had already guessed Bai Xiaoxiao's thoughts.

The broken sword that was thrown from Zhang Qiuyue's hand was unremarkable, as long as he was a cultivator, he could basically escape, let alone a broken sword.

Bai Xiaoxiao deliberately took this sword, and then deceived Lin Tiancheng into her room on the grounds of treating her injuries.

Then force Lin Tiancheng to improve her cultivation.

"Hehe, what qualifications do you have to say about me, didn't Lin Tiancheng also help you improve your strength? What did you do for her, I let him experience happiness anyway." Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang with a playful look. Autumn moon.

Zhang Qiuyue was speechless for a while, but she didn't know how to answer.

Yun Mengyao also stepped forward to help Lin Tiancheng, with a worried expression on his face, "Tiancheng, are you okay! Or I'll take you to rest first!"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head.

The dean specifically urged Lin Tiancheng to participate in the physical attribute test, not to mention that he is still a new disciple, how can he not even give the dean's face?

"It's okay, let's go!"

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng's profile with some guilt.

Indeed, as Bai Xiaoxiao said, she had never done anything for Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng helped her and even her father again and again.

She also wanted Lin Tiancheng to help her improve her strength, but when she thought of using this method, she couldn't accept it.

This is why Lin Tiancheng's legs trembled early in the morning.

Zhao Wei sensed Lin Tiancheng's lack of energy, so he guessed what he did yesterday.

That's why Lin Tiancheng was advised to know how to control.

The dean did not punish Lin Tiancheng and others, but directly announced the official start of the physical attribute test.

There are three classes in the Five Elements Department and Fire Department: Elementary, Low and Advanced.

Then there are water class, wood class, earth class, gold class, ice class, thunder class, and light class.

There are a total of ten classes in the Five Elements Department, and each class is led by a tutor, standing in line under the competition platform.

The dean stood in the center of the martial arts platform, and the true energy in his body gathered in the palm of his right hand.

As a pillar of air in his palm presses on the competition platform, it splits into four pillars of light, and four rays of light shoot out from the four corners of the competition platform directly into the sky.

The dean took a step to the left, and beside him, there was a stone the size of a millstone suspended beside him.

This stone is called the "attribute stone". It is a very magical stone. As long as the cultivator puts his hand on it, he can perceive the cultivator's physical attributes and even his cultivation level.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, white, each color corresponds to a physical attribute.

Since the establishment of the Zhongdu Academy, only one comprehension disciple made the "attribute stone" emit red and blue colors, that is, Peng Yu, who successfully joined the legendary power a few years ago.

So far, he is the only comprehension disciple who has a dual-attribute physique, and can practice both the fire attribute exercises and the ice attribute exercises at the same time.

Since then, no one has been able to let the "attribute stone" inspire two colors.

Master Nanxuan also came to the martial arts training ground quietly, but he stood on the periphery of the participating disciples, watching the martial arts stage from a distance.

After the dean and Master Nanxuan looked at each other, they pressed their hands at all the five element system cultivation children, and signaled everyone to calm down.

"Quiet, the physical attribute test has officially started, now from the fire department to the light department disciples, they will go on stage to test!"

After announcing the news, the dean stood with his hands on his back.

His eyes always fell on Lin Tiancheng, looking at him expectantly.

If his guess is correct, then Lin Tiancheng will definitely be a peerless genius with no one before and after.

At some point, Zhang Qiuyue had quietly escaped Lin Tiancheng's sight and came to the back of the fire department team.

If it weren't for the dean to specifically emphasize that all the cultivation children of the Five Elements Department should participate in this physical attribute test, she would not want to participate in 10,000.

She didn't know whether the disciples of Zhongdu Academy could accept her appearance of half human and half beast. If not, she might not be able to continue her cultivation in Zhongdu Academy.

She intends to stand at the end of the team to see if she can pass the test by mistake and escape this physical attribute test.

The test began, and the disciples of the fire department took the stage one by one and put their hands on the "attribute stones".

"Fire attribute physique, peak state in the expansion phase."

"Fire attribute physique, the early stage of the Golden Core period."

The cultivating disciples of the fire class that have been tested in the past have made the "attribute stone" arouse a red light without exception.

When Bai Xiaoxiao stood on the martial arts stage, she bowed to the dean first, expressing her gratitude.

If there is no dean to take her out of the Jinyang Gang, I am afraid her destiny will be spurned and cold-eyed by the Jinyang Gang for a lifetime.

The dean nodded, and said nothing.

When Bai Xiaoxiao put his hand on the "attribute stone", dazzling red light shot out, and the entire "attribute stone" was like a flame.

The light of this flame is very dazzling, which means that Bai Xiaoxiao not only broke through to the early stage of Jin Dan, but also only one step away from the middle of Jin Dan.

"Fire attribute physique, the early stage of the Golden Core period."

The dean nodded in satisfaction at Bai Xiaoxiao, stroked his beard and said, "Accumulate your hair, it seems that your road to cultivation is about to officially begin..."

In the attribute physical test at the beginning of school, Bai Xiaoxiao placed his hand on the "attribute stone", which only inspired ordinary red light.

And this time, the red light was so dazzling.

This shows that Bai Xiaoxiao, who has been stagnating in her cultivation, has finally made a huge breakthrough, and of course the dean is also happy for her.

Some of the cultivating children of the fire class who were still at the peak of the vein expansion stage cast envy eyes on Bai Xiaoxiao, and hoped that one day they would be blessed by fate again like Bai Xiaoxiao.

Bai Xiaoxiao turned around and took a deep look at Lin Tiancheng, and stubbornly said, "Thank you".

Lin Tiancheng just nodded at Bai Xiaoxiao.

Lin Tiancheng was not surprised that the "Red Sun Lingyuan" could help Bai Xiaoxiao directly break through to the early stage of the Golden Core Period, and even only one step away from the middle stage of the Golden Core Period.

He only hoped that this Bai Xiaoxiao would be able to settle down a little in the future and stop being proactive to himself.

Zhang Qiuyue was indeed shocked. She didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be able to make Bai Xiaoxiao's strength so great in such a short period of time.

To say that I am not envious at all, it is false.

Then it was Su Lan's turn, this girl also made the "attribute stone" emit a dazzling red light, and this red light was even more dazzling than Bai Xiaoxiao inspired.

A gratified smile appeared on Fang Ziru's face, she said loudly, "Fire attribute physique, mid-level golden core, congratulations to Su Lan for being eligible to join the Intermediate Fire Department of Zhongdu College."

The strength of the cultivating children in the elementary fire system class is generally at or below the initial stage of the Golden Core Stage. Of course, those old fritters who voluntarily stay in the junior fire class must be excluded.

The intermediate fire class is the middle of the golden core period.

The advanced fire class is the peak state of the Golden Core period, just like the southern Sunan who had a breakthrough not long ago.

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